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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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being in denial doesnt mean you don't suspect or know something to be true but decide whether consciously or unconsciously that it isnt because you cannot face the truth / deal with the reality implied by said truth ... so yeah i tots got why up to the bitter end he kept negating it as if by doing so he made it untrue!

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hey schumacherFTW


just heard the news about schumi , i actually read a tweet saying he woke up and asked the nurse if robb had gotten married , and thought it was in bad taste seeing as how he's still in a coma but then i find out , he's been moved to another facility and is not in an induced coma anymore as to what that means exactly who knows not much is filtering , what aren't they telling us? 


anyhoo not the thread for this , but the tweet was in connection to GoT so there's that ...really hope he gets better 

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being in denial doesnt mean you don't suspect or know something to be true but decide whether consciously or unconsciously that it isnt because you cannot face the truth / deal with the reality implied by said truth ... so yeah i tots got why up to the bitter end he kept negating it as if by doing so he made it untrue!

yeah he didnt want it to be true but suspected

Charles was so aces in that scene I cant  :D



So sad to see 2 genious actors leave the show this season :( & both are my Lannisters  :(

I'll really miss Jack & Charles

Imo they were awards worthy



Do you have any specs about Varys' fate next season???

That was the change I was really extatic about


& Did D&D answer why the Tysha sl was cut ??? (yes I STILL cant let it go :lol: )

Do you guys she will actually matter in the later seasons at all? or she won't have any significance?

Edited by Tauriel
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i think there are articles about the EPs answering why on EW.com but i haven't read i'm not really interested , i'd rather wait and see , just go with the show's flow 


as for specs about varys no clue but i guess for now he's going

to meet up with illyrio?

, what i do know is i'm in dire need of a reread of ASOIAF stat , it was like 4 yrs ago started reading 3 months or so before s1 , so s2 details were still fresh in my mind, by s3 50% was fuzzy and now its more like 80% 


the books are mammoth like in scale and characters !

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This is not the thread to talk about that. We have the Book + TV thread for a reason.


For the most part. But casting news is fair game for this thread so long as a tight leash is kept on preventing any spoilers from leaking. Obviously this goes much more for some characters than others.

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This is not the thread to talk about that. We have the Book + TV thread for a reason.

Is everything a spoiler now I just said two random names 

one of them is BS anyway

this thread is a lot more poular than the other one so it makes sense to post it here. It is casting/ being cut speculation 

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I would avoid mentioning prior to casting news any future characters other than those with an immediate and obvious connection to the story, like the other Martells and Greyjoys. Once casting news begins all cast characters can be discussed here, with tightly regulated spoiler tags.



Talking about Martells and Greyjoys in the general sense is fine IMO since the families are already introduced, but obviously only general background descriptions can be mentioned here.

Edited by Numbers the One True King
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What Numbers said.Plus you weren't talking about casting and also included a character whose identity is a major spoiler for Unsullied.Why are you being so difficult about just erring on the side of caution regarding possible spoilers for the non-readers? It's just plain human courtesy and why we made the other thread to begin with.The other thread gets plenty of traffic from the book readers. The only people who know to whom you're referring look at that thread. There's obviously more in this thread because of all the non readers, but they can't answer your question anyway.

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