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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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He's dead. Rattleshirt is back but we're not going to see him until apparently late in the season. He's not at Castle Black. So no glamour trick like in the book.


Yea I think so too...Plus the way the talks between Jon/Mance and then Mance/Stannis played out like this was it...I guess we wont get all that subplot with Mance's rescue, etc...

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Yea I think so too...Plus the way the talks between Jon/Mance and then Mance/Stannis played out like this was it...I guess we wont get all that subplot with Mance's rescue, etc...


Considering all the evidence we have suggests that Fake Arya is not going to be a plot point, that's the icing on the cake for the death being for good.

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It's setting up to more/bigger stuff which is fine with me...



I love the unconventional structure of each season (ie premieres and finales are filler, second and penultimate episodes are where the shit goes down). Adds to the generally unpredictable nature of the series.


True but even by GoT standards this was a pretty static premiere.

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He's dead. Rattleshirt is back but we're not going to see him until apparently late in the season. He's not at Castle Black. So no glamour trick like in the book.


Doesn't mean they didn't use someone else. Most likely not, but it's always possible. Though, if they don't do fake Arya, he's not really needed is he?

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Moderation: PLEASE, out of respect to the show and how Piracy should not be supported on this forum, please do not discuss spoilers AT ALL for episodes that have not aired yet in U.S. or in any other country.

Note: This includes spoiler tagging episodes 2-4 that have not aired live anywhere yet. Don't post anything about them period.

Edited by #ED
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Also want to see reactions of non-readers to the Maggy the Frog flashback.

I saw few - "I don't give a fuck". This show is sometimes really hard to keep up with all of those stories and characters, and such an unimportant flashback are boring for just 'watchers' and not 'fans'.

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I saw few - "I don't give a fuck". This show is sometimes really hard to keep up with all of those stories and characters, and such an unimportant flashback are boring for just 'watchers' and not 'fans'.


They are kind of challenged if they can't remember who Cersei is. And I don't see how it is unimportant as it is the GoT version of the Smeagol opening sequence in RotK. :P

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watched 2.5 eps for now & ooh so many emotions


its so rare for me but for once I was glued to the scree during all the scenes.


ugh but Mance! my king! :sadno:  :rant:  :bash:

bawl.gif & my bb Tyrion's manpain! 


btw its good to be majorly unspoiled.

haha dont remember the ep but I lol'ed at the mention of ever smirking Margaery

Even the creators know that Dormer has 1 face expression! :rofl: 


hmm & I havent read Dany's chapters much & Im kinda confused are we supposed to root for her to rule or what? either in the books or in the show :thinking:

Edited by Lady of Lorien
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It was good start.  Got chills when Mance started to burn.


Can some one refresh my memory regard Mance in the books?


Melisandre disguises Rattleshirt as Mance and Mance as Rattleshirt via magic, so it's Rattleshirt who gets burned. Melisandre then sends Mance to Winterfell with several others to rescue "Arya." At the end of the novel it's alleged that Ramsey has captured him.

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Melisandre disguises Rattleshirt as Mance and Mance as Rattleshirt via magic, so it's Rattleshirt who gets burned. Melisandre then sends Mance to Winterfell with several others to rescue "Arya." At the end of the novel it's alleged that Ramsey has captured him.

Tell me more about the

fake Arya storyline...

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Melisandre disguises Rattleshirt as Mance and Mance as Rattleshirt via magic, so it's Rattleshirt who gets burned. Melisandre then sends Mance to Winterfell with several others to rescue "Arya." At the end of the novel it's alleged that Ramsey has captured him.



I remembered the fake Arya to marry Ramsay but I forgot about the Mance aspect to it.  Seems like the show didn't leave any room for this story line.

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Tell me more about the

fake Arya storyline...


It hasn't been set up at all in the show so it's very unlikely it will happen. Basically in the third book:


We learn that Tywin has conjured up a fake Arya Stark to go north and marry Ramsay Snow to further legitimize the Bolton control over the North. The fake Arya is a friend of Sansa's who went to King's Landing with her. That friend was only a non-speaking extra in the Series Premiere and hasn't been seen in the show since. So basically, early in Book 5 Fake Arya is taken to the Boltons, who arrange a marriage ceremony in Winterfell between her and Ramsay Snow with the majority of the important Northern lords in attendance. You can imagine that Ramsay does not treat Fake Arya well at all.


That's all I will say, since I don't want to inadvertently spoil stuff that happens that may be similar enough to book material.

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