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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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The ratings are going down people are getting fed up, adaptation is one thing out right changing a charecters person is not. Stannis never agreed to burn children or indeed anyone once he goes north. This destroys his character for the sake of shock value id rather they just had ramsay kill him tbh. Next year the ratings will go down more as book readers abandon in droves 

The ratings jumped back up to over seven million last episode, and with an exciting NBA playoffs and the rise of HBO GO and On Demand, people have more ways and incentive not to watch live then ever- not to mention the piracy thing. I guarantee you that after the last two episodes, next week's finale will set a record for combined live and first repeat viewers. It would break eight million first run easy if it wasn't for Game 5 of an awesome NBA Finals. But it will break records. And I guarantee you that book readers, no matter how much they moan and moan, will keep watching next season, especially as it finally moves into fully uncharted territory. The percentage of people who watch the show and don't care about the books is growing faster than people who are die hard fans of the book are leaving.

Edited by cmasterclay
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Ture but he would never send his only son into Kings landing or return myrcella 


He's returning Myrcella in the novels, unless you believe in the theory that Myrcella is dead and it's the decoy Doran is sending home to buy time.


And Trystane is likely taking Nymeria's role in the books, they just haven't had the big Doran reveal scene yet (his scene with Elliara and the Sand Snakes was the perfect time).

Edited by Numbers of Westeros
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He's returning Myrcella in the novels, unless you believe in the theory that Myrcella is dead and it's the decoy Doran is sending home to buy time.


And Trystane is likely taking Nymeria's role in the books, they just haven't had the big Doran reveal scene yet (his scene with Elliara and the Sand Snakes was the perfect time).

Balon is not coming back from darkstar's castle either him or obara will kill him, she is not going cersei has no power, she might even marry faegon 

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Balon is not coming back from darkstar's castle either him or obara will kill him, she is not going cersei has no power, she might even marry faegon



And I think you mixed up Myrcella with Arianne in that last part.

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Well that was intense...


I was almost expecting Davos to save Shereen. Alas, It was not to be.


And BTW, to the book readers... Stop bitching already!!!!


You always say you will stop watch the show and yet you always comeback...


The books are the books, the show is the show... How many fucking times GRRM has to repeat that for you to understand that???


Done ranting.

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Well that was intense...


I was almost expecting Davos to save Shereen. Alas, It was not to be.


And BTW, to the book readers... Stop bitching already!!!!


You always say you will stop watch the show and yet you always comeback...


The books are the books, the show is the show... How many fucking times GRRM has to repeat that for you to understand that???


Done ranting.

The books are what made the show good their divergence from them is ruining the show to the poit where quite a few people are remarking on the fall in quality

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And yet you will still watch the show no matter how much you proclaim to hate D&D for ruining your precious books (witch BTW I am reading right now)


That is why there is no point in complaining.


It may be "ruined" for you Sun Son, but for million upon million of people who watch the show is still great entertaintment (including me).

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And yet you will still watch the show no matter how much you proclaim to hate D&D for ruining your precious books (witch BTW I am reading right now)


That is why there is no point in complaining.


It may be "ruined" for you Sun Son, but for million upon million of people who watch the show is still great entertaintment (including me).

When I said I'm done I meant it I'll finish this abortion of a season out but no more its come to the point where watching only gets me angry. The ratings are starting to decline thank god I supported this show for the first four seasons mostly defendeing it from other book readers but now its just too much every choice they have made is a mistake look at dorne,winterfell, Stannis everything is being done for shock value not narrative coherence. Hell its barely even a story anymoretoo much was cut and what was put in its place makes no sense for anybody. Examine littlefinger does his plan make any sense at all of course not, thye introduce greysclae in jorah( an alright change) a make not of it being highly infectious then have him touch everyone in sight, having Sansa get raped just to inspire shock,  even making meryn trant a pedophile for no purpose. Most of the season is when I'm in college so I'll have plenty of  stuff to occupy my time anyway. This show has completely collapsed as an adaptation but what more can you expect from the writer of troy and X men origins 

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Really not sure how I feel about this episode. 


Shireens death may just have overtaken Oberyns on the list of GoT scenes I never EVER want to watch again, just for the sheer upsetting horror of it. And it just doesn't make any sense at all... having a likeable character do horrible things is nothing new in GoT world, but this is something that would make Ramsay Bolton pause. I didn't buy that Stannis is THAT much of a fanatic to both his and Melisandres cause that he would stoop to this depth. 

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People are complaining about the Stannis plot line but consideringn how much is being streamlined there's no saying that it won't happen in TWOW.

Things are being streamlined so they are going to look different, my bet is Shireen suffers a similar fate in the next book.

I'm really getting sick of book purists for everything. You have to make alterations to 1000 page a book bloated series of 7 books in order to make an 8 season TV show with 10 episodes a season that has to stay digestible to the public and not bore them by watching Brienne inn hop.

They're different tellings of the same story. Are the changes going to be worth it in the end? We won't know until we see the final product of each series.

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Really not sure how I feel about this episode. 


Shireens death may just have overtaken Oberyns on the list of GoT scenes I never EVER want to watch again, just for the sheer upsetting horror of it. And it just doesn't make any sense at all... having a likeable character do horrible things is nothing new in GoT world, but this is something that would make Ramsay Bolton pause. I didn't buy that Stannis is THAT much of a fanatic to both his and Melisandres cause that he would stoop to this depth. 

He isn't he is an atheist who refuses to burn anyone in the north on account that it would anger the local populace. He is someone who orders his men to support his daughter to death in light of his own. He leaves Melisandre back at the wall

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When I said I'm done I meant it I'll finish this abortion of a season out but no more its come to the point where watching only gets me angry. The ratings are starting to decline thank god I supported this show for the first four seasons mostly defendeing it from other book readers but now its just too much every choice they have made is a mistake look at dorne,winterfell, Stannis everything is being done for shock value not narrative coherence. Hell its barely even a story anymoretoo much was cut and what was put in its place makes no sense for anybody. Examine littlefinger does his plan make any sense at all of course not, thye introduce greysclae in jorah( an alright change) a make not of it being highly infectious then have him touch everyone in sight, having Sansa get raped just to inspire shock,  even making meryn trant a pedophile for no purpose. Most of the season is when I'm in college so I'll have plenty of  stuff to occupy my time anyway. This show has completely collapsed as an adaptation but what more can you expect from the writer of troy and X men origins 


You know that HBO does not depend solely on the ratings right? They have repeats, HBO Now, DVR recordings, and when you add up all that you get a really big audience. The ratings have not decline, just the amount of people who watch it live (It will come back up for the Season Finale anyway).


As for Stannis, please take a look at this video that HBO just put out on YT, skip to minute 1:33 please:




Notice how Benioff says "When George talked to us about this..." Witch means that the scene with Shereen was NOT for shock value, this was George`s plan all along, D&D just happened to fast foward that scene from Winds of Winter and put it on Season 5. And it makes sense character wise, this is a man that once he makes a decision he does not pull back at all, and not to mention he was willing to kill his own brother just to get the Iron Throne and cut the fingers of a man just to prove a point that he is "just" (btw I think Davos will get really mad at Stannis after this), and afetr Ramsey`s attack at his army it seems that he will loose it all, this man is ambitious one and he does not want to suffer another Blackwater situation so he sacrificed Shereen to get his victory, it makes sense to me. And in the end Stannis will always be Melisandre`s bitch no matter what. That is how I percieved him in the books and that is how I percieve him in the show as well, so don`t come to me saying they butchered Stannis just for shock value because THIS WAS GEORGE`S PLAN ALL ALONG. If you want to blame someone blame GRRM the creator of the Red Wedding. 


As for Sansa the girl married to a fucking psychopath what did you expected, a bunch of roses in his hand and consensual lovemaking? You are fool to believe otherwise. Sansa`s storyline wasn`t going anywhere in the books so this particular change was a good one. It was in character for Ramsey and therefore NOT a shock value (that term is getting overused BTW)


And Meryn Trant is the same motherfucker that participated in the baby killings in Season 2 and beated Sansa with his sword in front of the whole court in the same season, are you that surprised that Meryn Trant is a piece of shit of a pedophile too??? I remind you this a work based on the medieval times and in such times it was not uncommon that older men fucked underaged girls so dont be surprised about it.


I dont remember Jorah touching people after the greyscale thing other than Dany but she is the blood of the dragon who can survive pyres so I think she will be fine.


As for littlefingers plan. I think its pretty clear that he wants to be the Warden of the North. And ultimatetly the Iron Throne. I cannot believe you did not understand that.


In conclusion none of us knows how this whole story will end other than GRRM and D&D, so dont pretend to think that you know more about this world than they do because you dont. We (book readers and Unsullied alike) know nothing, just like Jon Snow.  As simple as that.


So please lighten up and enjoy the ride. Good night good sir.

Edited by Boxx93
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It's not just me saying this stuff no matter how you want to put it the majoirty of people who read the books are at least dissapointed in what has occurred here ruining a character forever that was something of a fan favorite amonst readers is a big deal. There are so many holes in everything else you said it would take to long to address. One more week and this show is over for me and I would say a sizable portion of readers

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You know that HBO does not depend solely on the ratings right? They have repeats, HBO Now, DVR recordings, and when you add up all that you get a really big audience. The ratings have not decline, just the amount of people who watch it live (It will come back up for the Season Finale anyway).

As for Stannis, please take a look at this video that HBO just put out on YT, skip to minute 1:33 please:


Notice how Benioff says "When George talked to us about this..." Witch means that the scene with Shereen was NOT for shock value, this was George`s plan all along, D&D just happened to fast foward that scene from Winds of Winter and put it on Season 5. And it makes sense character wise, this is a man that once he makes a decision he does not pull back at all, and not to mention he was willing to kill his own brother just to get the Iron Throne and cut the fingers of a man just to prove a point that he is "just" (btw I think Davos will get really mad at Stannis after this), and afetr Ramsey`s attack at his army it seems that he will loose it all, this man is ambitious one and he does not want to suffer another Blackwater situation so he sacrificed Shereen to get his victory, it makes sense to me. And in the end Stannis will always be Melisandre`s bitch no matter what. That is how I percieved him in the books and that is how I percieve him in the show as well, so don`t come to me saying they butchered Stannis just for shock value because THIS WAS GEORGE`S PLAN ALL ALONG. If you want to blame someone blame GRRM the creator of the Red Wedding.

As for Sansa the girl married to a fucking psychopath what did you expected, a bunch of roses in his hand and consensual lovemaking? You are fool to believe otherwise. Sansa`s storyline wasn`t going anywhere in the books so this particular change was a good one. It was in character for Ramsey and therefore NOT a shock value (that term is getting overused BTW)

And Meryn Trant is the same motherfucker that participated in the baby killings in Season 2 and beated Sansa with his sword in front of the whole court in the same season, are you that surprised that Meryn Trant is a piece of shit of a pedophile too??? I remind you this a work based on the medieval times and in such times it was not uncommon that older men fucked underaged girls so dont be surprised about it.

I dont remember Jorah touching people after the greyscale thing other than Dany but she is the blood of the dragon who can survive pyres so I think she will be fine.

As for littlefingers plan. I think its pretty clear that he wants to be the Warden of the North. And ultimatetly the Iron Throne. I cannot believe you did not understand that.

In conclusion none of us knows how this whole story will end other than GRRM and D&D, so dont pretend to think that you know more about this world than they do because you dont. We (book readers and Unsullied alike) know nothing, just like Jon Snow. As simple as that.

So please lighten up and enjoy the ride. Good night good sir.

I think I love you.

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Book readers are a very small portion of the show, the show will be fine, in fact they deserve to be spoiled by D&D for spoiling the unsullied all these years IMO. Poetic Justice.

Not to mention that, a good portion of us book readers are NOT insufferable purists, and are capable of separating the two mediums. So, the amount of people mad at crap like this is minuscule in comparison to the show's overall viewership.

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