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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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In addition som rod those characters are much more important towards the endgame then the boltons and theon who have gotten significant screen time


If anything Theon's gotten far less screen time this season than he had in the 5th book. He's been subordinated to Sansa's storyline. Which is a shame because Theon's narrative arc in the 5th book is easily the highlight of that book.

Edited by Numbers of Westeros
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If anything Theon's gotten far less screen time this season than he had in the 5th book. He's been subordinated to Sansa's storyline. Which is a shame because Theon's narrative arc in the 5th book is easily the highlight of that book.

It's a great storyline probably the best part of the book but it doesn't matter much to the overall plot and if the show was really interested in cutting the fat it shouldn't be in the show

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If anything Theon's gotten far less screen time this season than he had in the 5th book. He's been subordinated to Sansa's storyline. Which is a shame because Theon's narrative arc in the 5th book is easily the highlight of that book.

Umm... Dany's ark is the most interesting thing about the 5th book. Also, Im glad that Sansa's ark got changed. I really like her and she's doing nothing in the books.

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Umm... Dany's ark is the most interesting thing about the 5th book. Also, Im glad that Sansa's ark got changed. I really like her and she's doing nothing in the books.

what book are you reading dany ark is full of ridiculous characters her saying daario repeatedly and making mistake after mistake while ruling its where a good portion of the book fanbase started hating dany

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What are the main proceedings how do you define it when you don't know which characters will be important in the end



Considering the series is building toward


A second Dance of the Dragons, most likely a three-way war between Dany, (F)Aegon, and Euron, as the final stage of the human v. human conflict before the Others come rolling south, and the show has yet to introduce the latter two characters OR Valyrian lore like the dragonbinder horn, the show isn't shaking off excess so much as just tearing off whole pieces of clothing for simplicity's sake.


Casting news for Season 6 indicates we will be getting Euron finally, but it's late in the game for them to suddenly bring him in and give him anything beyond a Cliff Notes version of what the Ironborn are up to.


If you break the entire story down to its bare skeleton, you would find only two real lynchpins that every subplot is gravitating towards, some in ways more obvious than others: dragons coming west to King's Landing and the Others coming south of The Wall. I mean, that's why it is called the Song of Ice and Fire*. Everything of consequence has to serve either one of these two lynchpins and their resolutions in some form or the other. Set the stage for the endgame to occur and provide a natural progressive link to the final resolution.


So if some of the subplots are more satisfying means to the end than others, and have a far greater impact on the climax, it would actually make too much sense to drop the less interesting and convoluted subplots and beef up the more interesting ones with the larger and more direct impact. 


Yes, we will lose some pieces of world-building in the process, that was always bound to happen when it came to an adaptation, but as long as the spirit and basic themes of the story aren't diluted, then it is completely worth making the story a leaner and more effective creature.



Yes, I know that the Song of Ice and Fire literally refers to Rhaegar Targaryean's son, whom we assume is J due to R+L. But he's obviously called that because of the role he has to play in the resolution of the two lynchpins that I've mentioned.

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what book are you reading dany ark is full of ridiculous characters her saying daario repeatedly and making mistake after mistake while ruling its where a good portion of the book fanbase started hating dany

And that ridicule choices of her, and all what she 'builded' falling apart makes her story really interesting. Payment for stupidity. I like that.

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Dany's arc in the 5th book is interesting in the sense that it's GRRM commenting on Western countries nation-building, but the actual character/plot execution is hit-or-miss.


The show has the right idea in slimming it down, but it has made two errors that I think hurt the storyline. 1) Dany's character in the show is inconsistent, and 2) In the book Dany is operating under the pressure of exterior countries bearing down on Meereen for potential war in addition to the Sons of the Harpy, whereas in the show there's a couple dozen guys in masks running around.

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Dany's arc in the 5th book is interesting in the sense that it's GRRM commenting on Western countries nation-building, but the actual character/plot execution is hit-or-miss.


The show has the right idea in slimming it down, but it has made two errors that I think hurt the storyline. 1) Dany's character in the show is inconsistent, and 2) In the book Dany is operating under the pressure of exterior countries bearing down on Meereen for potential war in addition to the Sons of the Harpy, whereas in the show there's a couple dozen guys in masks running around.

They could have shown astapor descending into chaos and raised the stakes with the slaver armies but choose not to for some bad reason. There is no real tension to dany's ark now nothing she has to overcome hell she even has a fleet and they have already stated she  has a large army whereas in the books she doesn't even have an eighth of the tyrell force. D&d removed all tension from her arcand killed barristan in a failed attempt to put some back in 

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Totally unrelated but I saw Gwendolene Christie working out at my gym today. I'll try and post my rubbish instagram photo later.

Also, I'm planning to get up at 4am on Monday morning (UK time) so as to have the shortest possible window for being spoilt about ep 9

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I'm done the show crossed a line here and I'm sure the audience will agree once the episode airs I don't know how to put spilers tags but this is beyond bullshit straight up character assassination I'm done

Did the episode leak or did you just read the synopsis?

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Did the episode leak or did you just read the synopsis?

Both scenes leaked so I'm sure the episode is somewhere but you can find the important clips on reddit if you want but you will get angry the show finally went too far in its search for shock moments both book readers and people will get angry

Edited by The Sun's Son
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That's true what Son of the Sun has said. D&D just simply butchered rather good character development for simple shock value in illogical, horrible scene. Fuck them, this season is the worst by far. Dumb Littlefinger (smartest guy in books), beyond dumb Dorne plot, and now this. I will watch till the end of this season and will not return, untill at least I read 6th book, whenever it will be out.

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Both scenes leaked so I'm sure the episode is somewhere but you can find the important clips on reddit if you want but you will get angry the show finally went too far in its search for shock moments both book readers and people will get angry

I'll probably wait to see the whole episode, but its good to know there are spoilers out already.

And you've been against a lot of the changes made so far the season, so I'm not surprised you wouldn't like another apparently major one. I'll let you know after I watch the episode if I think they've gone too far.

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