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Iron Man 3 (2013)  

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Change the record - you're like Joseph McCarthy, seeing commies Nolanites where there aren't any. :)


Marvel does what it does well. But I think the amount of money blockbusters make right now belies the fact that they're stuck in one of the biggest creative ruts ever.


Big movies are getting bigger and fewer, so the desire to take risks goes straight out the window. And the increasing weight towards OS box office all but guarantees they'll be neutered further still.  


Definitely not true regarding Marvel. The Twist with IM3 is and was very risky. Hell, look at some of their upcoming projects. GOTG, Ant-man, Dr. Strange, Ms. Marvel, Heroes for Hire and BP, plenty of risk so I'm not sure where you're getting the nonsense of them not taking risks. I'm loving the risky mindset of Feige and Marvel. They know time is right for them to take risks with unknown properties. :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

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Definitely not true regarding Marvel. The Twist with IM3 is and was very risky. Hell, look at some of their upcoming projects. GOTG, Ant-man, Dr. Strange, Ms. Marvel, Heroes for Hire and BP, plenty of risk so I'm not sure where you're getting the nonsense of them not taking risks. I'm loving the risky mindset of Feige and Marvel. They know time is right for them to take risks with unknown properties. :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

Iron Man was a huge risk. He's a non-entity to GA back then. Thor and Cap too, to a lesser extend. Surprisingly, the least risky should be TIH since Hulk is the most popular characters out of 4, yet it's the one that's underwhelmed.

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Iron Man was a huge risk. He's a non-entity to GA back then. Thor and Cap too, to a lesser extend. Surprisingly, the least risky should be TIH since Hulk is the most popular characters out of 4, yet it's the one that's underwhelmed.

Iron Man does work well today. It would bombed in the 90s or the early 00s. Having good CGI helps with Iron Man. 

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Hell, look at some of their upcoming projects. GOTG, Ant-man, Dr. Strange, Ms. Marvel, Heroes for Hire and BP, plenty of risk so I'm not sure where you're getting the nonsense of them not taking risks.


I wouldn't call those risks so much as striking while the iron (man) is hot. If those films were ever to be made, now is absolutely the best time to do them. If they don't work there's always the Avengers to fall back on.


I credit Marvel with taking a risk with the Avengers strategy in the first place, but what they're doing right at the moment simply makes business sense. Let's not forget they're also backed by one of the biggest corporations in the world now.


A 'risk' in blockbuster terms, nowadays, would be to simply make something original.

Edited by Hatebox
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Without focusing on the Mandarin twist, just pretend it didn't happen,


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the twist is a lie!





Why would Tony invite the Mandarin to his exact location and not have any precautions or security measures put in place?

Why does he only keep the malfunctioning suit around for emergencies and not one of the perfected models?

If he can remotely control the suits, why not just call them up as soon as they're under attack in the first act?

Why does no one ask Iron Patriot for ID by putting his face plate up or at least talking? Isn't the secret service paid to be extremely nit-picky and anal retentive when it comes to protecting the president?

Why is Tony the only guy trying to rescue the president?

Why doesn't Tony call anyone to come pick him up when he crash lands as he is still in the same country and global communication has not ceased?

Why do his panic attacks seem to just stop with no resolution/epiphany being displayed?

Are we supposed to buy that Pepper died in the fire when we had yet to see how she reacted to the Extremis procedure? Sort of like when Silverfox not-so-subtley hinted to the audience about her Mind control powers in XMO: WOlverine?


Why do the Extremis have skin hot enough to melt steel but has no effect on regular, non-flame retardant clothing?


Also, why does Tony not have any sort of extreme reaction to Pepper's supposed death given how "protective" he is of her?


Why are the Extremis soldiers shown to be able to survive explosions and dismemberment in one scene and in the next, a repulsor blast finishes them off for good?  Why do some go nuclear while others have no difficulty controlling it?


How does pulling on a human hand allow a robot glove to pull a heavy metal suit out from underneath tons of debris and a foot thick concrete wall without ripping the arm completely from the body, and why not just remote control the entire suit?

Why didn't Bruce step in to help Tony with the fight as we see in the post credit scene that he's still there?

Why didn't Shield send in someone to attempt to stop this terrorist?

Why does Tony blow up his useful suits at the end of the film when aliens, gods and various other higher powered baddies still exist, thus leaving himself /his loved ones/the planet more vulnerable to attacks than ever before, not to mention the fact that all remaining terrorists and baddies on the planet now know where he lives?

Why does Guy Pierce look less subtle and more stereotypical in his nerdy depiction than Jim Carrey in Batman Forever?

Edited by Squaremaster316
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Without focusing on the Mandarin...





Why would Tony invite the Mandarin to his exact location and not have any precautions or security measures put in place?

Why does he only keep the malfunctioning suit around for emergencies and not one of the perfected models?

If he can remotely control the suits, why not just call them up as soon as they're under attack in the first act?

Why does no one ask Iron Patriot for ID by putting his face plate up or at least talking? Isn't the secret service paid to be extremely nit-picky and anal retentive when it comes to protecting the president?

Why is Tony the only guy trying to rescue the president?

Why doesn't Tony call anyone to come pick him up when he crash lands as he is still in the same country and global communication has not ceased?

Why do his panic attacks seem to just stop with no resolution/epiphany being displayed?

Are we supposed to buy that Pepper died in the fire when we had yet to see how she reacted to the Extremis procedure? Sort of like when Silverfox not-so-subtley hinted to the audience about her Mind control powers in XMO: WOlverine?


Also, why does Tony not have any sort of extreme reaction to Pepper's supposed death given how "protective" he is of her?


Why are the Extremis soldiers shown to be able to survive explosions and dismemberment in one scene and in the next, a repulsor blast finishes them off for good?


How does pulling on a human hand allow a robot glove to pull a heavy metal suit out from underneath tons of debris and a foot thick concrete wall without ripping the arm completely from the body, and why not just remote control the entire suit?

Why didn't Bruce step in to help Tony with the fight as we see in the post credit scene that he's still there?

Why didn't Shield send in someone to attempt to stop this terrorist?

Why does Tony blow up his useful suits when aliens, gods and various other higher powered baddies still exist, thus leaving himself /his loved ones/the planet more vulnerable to attacks than ever before?

Why does Guy Pierce look less subtle and more stereotypical in his nerdy depiction than Jim Carrey in Batman Forever?


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So, finally watched it (in 3D, too - avoid if possible).

It's entertaining enough but far from a masterwork. The Tennessee scenes where Tony's on his own worked; the Mandarin was a nice McGuffin, but sadly, the whole finale didn't work. Apart from the fact that the story loses some focus because of all the pyrotechnics and action - the noise even drowned out Pepper's death which should have been a very emotional scene - it's very unsatisfying. The appeal of IM3 should have been that Tony manages to take out his enemies on his own, without his laboratory and suits and money, and they started that off pretty ok by destroying his home base, and even the scenes in Malibu ran along that line and were pretty ok. But later, when the shit hits the fan, we learn that he still has an army of suits at his disposal, hidden away until the last 10 minutes of the story?! What were they thinking?! What was HE thinking?! Note to screenwriters: It's more satisfying to outwit the villains than to outgun them, the more so for superheroes, because outgunning is too easy for them.


Apart from those script troubles, I liked it well enough; production values are good (as has to be expected), performances are good, the action was filmed in a very straightforward manner, and especially the set for the finale is very good. I wouldn't mind watching it again if someone offered me a ticket but there's a better film hidden behind all the big bangs which sadly didn't get realised.

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sorry but this was a huge disappointment! As bad as Spider-Man 3, maybe even a little worse




The Mandarin was a total joke. I keep hearing all this praise for Kingsley in this. Why? He was barely in the movie. It was so obvious he wasn't the main bad guy. I thought Kingsley Mandarin would be an awesome villain before the reveal, but no Kingsley Mandarin was lame too. And yes, I think making the guy the way he was in the original stories would have been way better than than this "Hilarious" twist. 


seriously, all the hype from the filmmakers about how he was going to be Iron Man's ultimate enemy, how he was going to tie in with the Ten Rings group from the first movie, all went to waste.


I hear some people saying this movie was better than Avengers or the action rivaled Avengers. I have to say, are you shitting me? I mean you have to be being paid off or something to say that, there is nothing in this movie that rivals the New York battle in Avengers.



This movie is way too comedic and jokey. I understand the people who say "Oh, superhero movies shouldn't take themselves too seriously". But this movie just went way way too far. The entire movie was a joke, it was a flat out comedy. Do you have to have wisecracks in like every scene? I can't wait for Man of Steel now because I welcome a superhero movie that takes itself seriously and doesn't feel the need to be so goofy. Hell even Wolverine looks better. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up the worst of the superhero movies of 2013. 



This movie was slightly better than IM2, but barely, it was pretty much the same kind of movie. This was a big disappointment from Marvel IMO. 




oh and like Spider-Man 3, the trailer was WAY better than the actual movie. 

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This movie is way too comedic and jokey. I understand the people who say "Oh, superhero movies shouldn't take themselves too seriously". But this movie just went way way too far. The entire movie was a joke, it was a flat out comedy. Do you have to have wisecracks in like every scene? I can't wait for Man of Steel now because I welcome a superhero movie that takes itself seriously and doesn't feel the need to be so goofy. Hell even Wolverine looks better. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up the worst of the superhero movies of 2013. 



Apparently you aren't familiar with the Shane Black catalog...

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sorry but this was a huge disappointment! As bad as Spider-Man 3, maybe even a little worse




The Mandarin was a total joke. I keep hearing all this praise for Kingsley in this. Why? He was barely in the movie. It was so obvious he wasn't the main bad guy. I thought Kingsley Mandarin would be an awesome villain before the reveal, but no Kingsley Mandarin was lame too. And yes, I think making the guy the way he was in the original stories would have been way better than than this "Hilarious" twist. 


seriously, all the hype from the filmmakers about how he was going to be Iron Man's ultimate enemy, how he was going to tie in with the Ten Rings group from the first movie, all went to waste.


I hear some people saying this movie was better than Avengers or the action rivaled Avengers. I have to say, are you shitting me? I mean you have to be being paid off or something to say that, there is nothing in this movie that rivals the New York battle in Avengers.



This movie is way too comedic and jokey. I understand the people who say "Oh, superhero movies shouldn't take themselves too seriously". But this movie just went way way too far. The entire movie was a joke, it was a flat out comedy. Do you have to have wisecracks in like every scene? I can't wait for Man of Steel now because I welcome a superhero movie that takes itself seriously and doesn't feel the need to be so goofy. Hell even Wolverine looks better. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up the worst of the superhero movies of 2013. 



Avengers was way trying way to hard to be funny. Every line was trying to be a joke.

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I loved it! Sure it had its flaws. But the movie kept a brisk pace and had such witty dialogue I was never bored. I thought the much maligned "twist" was kind of underwhelming but Kingsley was hilarious when Trevor was revealed. He was awesome.


A-   Can't give it an A. Points off for some stuff showing up in the movie out of nowhere, lol. Like that black car for instance.

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