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Everything posted by YoursTruly

  1. Tie: Fight Club and The Dark KnightThe IMDB rankings are a joke.Inception is at #14, The Matrix is at #18, Seven at #23, and so on...Gee, I wonder what demo does most of the voting? Answer: 20-something white males who can't differentiate between clever and pseudo-clever, because they spent their formative years playing worthless video games, guzzling Mountain Dew, and saying things like, "Cool story, BRAH" or "My bad!" or simply "DURRRRRRRRRRRRR!"Read a fucking book.
  2. "GoldenEye" was the most fun. "From Russian with Love" was the best film. I can't choose. Ranking Bond movies is difficult because there is quality, and then there is adherence to the formula. Some people will downgrade a Bond movie if it doesn't hit all the expected beats. I don't feel that way. I actually think Dr. No and From Russia with Movie benefited from lack of an established formula, but then, when the formula is executed as perfectly as it was in GoldenEye, it can be quite glorious.
  3. This is the perfect role for Bill Murray, and he absolutely kills it.A
  4. Yet another dull, lifeless, paint-by-numbers movie from Len Wiseman. If only we could drop him on the other side of the world...and make him stay there.C-
  5. Skyfall was beautifully shot and there were some memorable performances, but I wasn't very keen on the story. I was never a fan of Judi Dench's M, and an entire film centered around a revenge plot against her by a creeper with Mommy issues was a bit of a let down. I prefer my evil masterminds with loftier goals, tyvm. Still, Skyfall was a vast improvement on Quantum and one of the better films in the series.Where to rank it? Well, Casino Royale and GoldenEye were more fun, whereas From Russia with Love and On Her Majesty's Secret Service were just flat out better, so I guess fifth place it is.B+
  6. I love Noomi, but she's short and far from intimidating.
  7. No, and I'm not joking, either. :PDemo reel:http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AhU12zC8fcBut yeah, I know it will never happen. I'm simply saying she could do well in the role.
  8. 13th Warrior is one of the greatest action movies ever made, even the watered-down, over-cooked version turned in by Crichton after John McTiernan got the boot. There are some brilliant sequences, a rousing score by Jerry Goldsmith, and best of all, you get to spend a couple hours with a bunch of badass Viking warriors realized perfectly by their respective actors.
  9. I don't particularly care about the race or gender of 007. Bond's hounddogging and groan-worthy double entrendres were never the high point of the series for me. It's the other stuff that makes the franchise fun, especially for people who aren't white men attempting to live vicariously through the guy. I think the next Bond should be recruited from the cast of Prometheus: any one of Fassbender, Elba, or Theron could knock it out of the park.
  10. Sounds like a plan to me. I think MtG and (aspects of) D&D could be successfully expanded into television and/or film franchises if handled properly, and Disney has the knack for that sort of thing.
  11. Does anyone else think Zoe is not what she seems? I feel like she's playing Reese in some manner.Then again, the our crime fighting duo already have enough bad guys to contend with: Kara, Elias, Root, HR, and Shadowy Government Agency will keep them pretty busy this season!
  12. This season has been depressing as hell.
  13. Not a single mention of "O Brother, Where Art Thou?"*slaps you all*
  14. John McTiernan, after he gets out of jail.
  15. LOL @ Kardashians1. Picard2. KHAAAAAAAAAAAN!3. Dukat4. T'Pol5. Kira6. Bones, both versions7. Scotty, both versions8. Garak9. Martok10. The Borg Queen11. Phlox12. Quark13. Reginald Barclay14. Seven of Nine15. Porthos the Beagle16. Everyone in the mirror universeHall of Shame1. Wesley Crusher2. Travis Mayweather3. David Marcus4. Neelix5. Ezri Dax
  16. Outside of one role, Stallone's acting has been atrocious. What little credibility you had is gone. Stop talking.
  17. And Tom Cruise, who is gay.Algren has issues.
  18. How is such a mediocre show so popular? Season 2 was nigh coma-inducing. I gave up after a few episodes.
  19. I could see the writers playing the double agent card, but I hope they don't, because it would be unworthy of the show.
  20. Unsurprisingly:http://tvline.com/2012/10/22/showtime-renews-homeland-for-season-3/
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