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Everything posted by Killimano3

  1. Really it's going to very difficult to predict Avatar 2 when it's so far away, especially considering the lack of anything to really compare it too. The only sequels that ever came from a film that big are all adjusted and from decades ago so it's not really realistic to compare. The best comparison we could really have is when Star wars 7 is released in 2015 since that's another mega-sequel being released in December. But even there the differences between the franchises are pretty vast. Statistics for other movies would say OS would increase but no movie has anywhere remotely near what Avatar made overseas let alone one that made that much then had a sequel. Domestically it should be easier to predict, it's highly unlikely that it'll increase just considering how big the first one was and the only adjusted movies to increase over their sequels are way down in the 400-500 million range. Avatar may have been a huge movie but it wasn't exactly known to be the best movie ever made or anything so it's doubtful it would be able to increase. Real question is how close it gets to the original's total but that depends pretty heavily on how good the movie itself ends up being. We shall see I suppose
  2. Star Wars 8 vs. Avengers 3 vs. Avatar 3 A legendary year that would be
  3. MoS was awful That's as much as I can say without turning this into a rant
  4. I actually liked Liam Neeson as the villain, mostly because I love the whole beginning of the movie where they're training. I think I still like The Dark Knight a bit more than this one but it's pretty close. I'd Give it an A- most likely
  5. how exactly does box office mojo estimate ticket sales..? Cause right now it looks like this: THG - 50,838,300 CF - 52,088,400 yet it also says that average ticket prices slightly higher this year so you'd think they'd still be around roughly the same? Maybe CF slightly lower? Yet that's a significant amount higher then THG was
  6. I liked episode 2 of the second season quite a bit
  7. OMG yes same! For some reason I just hated him so much during season 2 I think it was, and maybe season 3? He was just so unbearably close-minded. He completely dismissed everything people said to him that he didn't agree with. And I understand that Locke's theories of the islands magical powers were kind of hard to believe but after everything he started seeing he still didn't even consider it... No the most unbearable cliffhanger was when the first season ended >.< I just wanted to know what was in that god damn hatch!
  8. yeah ending was terrible, and the show started going downhill after the first few seasons. But the first few seasons were good while they lasted
  9. It's possible... but this movie may just be the best movie of 2014 so far I give it an F
  10. Frozen's number is quite a bit higher then it's last pre-holiday monday
  11. I loved the random connections to Scrubs and the fact they actually used Zach Braff's voiceover at the end
  12. Once Frozen Passes Inception's 292 million it becomes the highest grossing fully original movie since Avatar
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