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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. this is why I doubt frozen 2 can beat the first one. it's not something that became a huge sensation after it left cinemas. the first film reaped the benefits of Frozen Fever, i dont see the sequel reaching that high.
  2. not sure if Christopher Robin counts as a "live action remake" really. If it does though - well its obviously the worst one. WHat an awful film shitting all over the source material. That movie needs to be burned to the ground.
  3. I don't see how it can be used as an adjective. an adjective is a descriptor for a noun. an adverb is a descriptor for a verb. You can't describe something as "onward". Maybe there's some interpretation in that dictionary where it can be used as an adjective but 99% of the time its used as an adverb and more to the point, its used as an adverb in the title of this film. so it should be "Disney's ADVERB" I know i say some dumb shit sometimes but I'm right here and anyone with a grasp of English would agree. That may be the problem actually - you are all american.
  4. yeah i think someone says in KSI that kong is young and growing.
  5. it's a shared universe film franchise, you should know better. If it makes you feel better, I saw Kong: Skull Island three times and had no idea there was a post credit scene until recently.
  6. started watching that Renee Zee indecent proposal thing. Horrific. Worse than 50 shades.
  7. Survivor of a bombing at an art gallery. Can you get any more pretentious.
  8. one positive thing I will say is some of the photography was excllent like when they find Mothra and when they nuke Godzilla. looked like artwork. most of the film looked bad tho and in action scenes the camera was trembling so much it was impossible to stay focused. But there are some pretty scenes.
  9. might be really obvious to fans like you but I am just saying from my own perspective. someone who has only heard of Godzilla. when it's dark and you are only seeing certain parts of the monsters, it's not always easy to tell which is which.
  10. Agreed, it took me quite some time before I realised that. I know it might have seemed hamfisted to show it but the way they did it, it just went way over my head that they had a dead child killed by godzilla.
  11. everything in the last battle was pretty difficult to follow, not clear which monster is which necessarily. like the pterodactyl type monster that appeared at the end, is that Rodan? or is it another one. I cant tell. cheaping out on animation costs by making everything pitch black does not help it. Also that battle was pretty boring so it may just be me not paying attention, but i didnt fall asleep so think it's more the films fault for not engaging me.
  12. I dont remember Aladdin having so many songs, I only knew it had A Whole New World. but the songs here (i know some are new, not sure which ones) work great and the dance routines are fab. This was really fun and Guy Ritchie's style makes the film shine. Way better than other disney remakes.
  13. The action is quite dull but there are a few good moments especially earlier on. most of the last act is a right bore. it's the same lazy darkly lit action scenes as every other film out there. the previous film had a real spectacle to it, this is really lacking. the monsters seem small when they're fighting unlike in the previous one. all the ways the first film used to raise tension and keep you intrigued are gone. the family drama I couldn't care less about, but I was engaged enough by the other characters most of the time. the tomb raider style stuff I thought was neat. what a wasted opportunity and quite a bore-fest.
  14. This was so many miles better than all the other Disney remakes. Leave it to Guy Ritchie to give us a Disney film with character!
  15. This was fine. Quite bland. Lacked the spectacle of the first one. Couldn't care for family drama. Some nice cinematography.
  16. That's what your girlfriend told me the other day on Skype.
  17. until something else moves / is announced for 2020, it's easily the strongest contender at BO out of all 2020 films. very likely it will win the year.
  18. John Wick really suffering from competition. Big weekend really though.
  19. might? It's extremely likely to finish under avatar.
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