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Everything posted by Ruthie

  1. A good juxtaposition of traditional vs strong female characters is Black Widow. In IM2 she was little more than a blow up doll who could fight; really only there for male titilation. In CATWS, she was a full fledged person with talents, likes, fears and choices. The fact that she was female and "hot" is not at all brought up as a point, let alone exploited.
  2. Agreed. There should have always been a steady progression regarding the amount of time and influence the TFs had in the story. Their exposure in TF1 was perfect. TF2 went the more robots route instead of allowing the audience more time with the robots introduced in the first film, and thereby derailed the series in ways from which it has yet to fully recover. TF3 was primarily tasked with damage control, but did manage to depict the TFs in a manner that attempted to re-engage the audience; however, in some ways, it was too little too late. I understand that TF4 has better characterization of the robots and more scenes containing them, but since most of the characters are new, its asking a bit much for the GA to care at any depth. If I had my druthers, I'd bring back Lennox, Epps and Ratchet in a story that focuses primarily on the TFs dealing with the after effects of the events and points dropped in TF4.
  3. Duhamel and Tyrese for me. And maybe Shia. But tying in the military guys would be an easy reach.
  4. Get thee to a nunnery. No on both counts. Sorry. But, here's a slice of warm peach pie with butterscotch ice cream to make you feel better.
  5. THIS IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF FANTASTIC!!! Bravo to whoever thought up this one.
  6. LOL. Wow! Sort of makes me want to renege on my decision to skip this movie and rush out to see it.
  7. I think he'll move to producer and someone else will come in as direction. Brad Bird gets my vote.
  8. Jerk doesn't come close to describing the absolute filthy scrum that killed me. Oh, hi, Walt Disney.
  9. Excellent article. It's this part that encapsulates it and Bay: "After all, how do you judge a movie such as Age of Extinction, decrying its sound and fury when that's exactly all it is and all it's meant to be? This is a film meant to evoke a mood and response through its visuals. That's it." So true! At the end of all things, Bay is a "male" in the basest sense, and his movies are a perfect reflection of him: cloddish, visually and sexually driven, lacking self-control and in desperate need of restraint from external sources. Watch and judge his movies on those terms or waste a lot of energy pulling your hair out over why the GA flocks to see his TF films.
  10. Well, happy birthday to you! And don't get too plastered, Padawan, you have many years ahead of you.
  11. As much as I loved NYSM, I don't think a sequel is a good idea.
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