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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. LOl, it does have a nice ring, doesn`t it? It`s because I chose a good ID that makes good nicknames. Yours is really bad, no offense.Anywya, my point is that actors in demand don`t need Bond to remind the public every 2-3 years that they are still working.
  2. Fassy and Hardy don`t need Bond to stay relevant. I imagine one of those The Hobbit fucks would need it once TH hype dies and they are left without demand like LOTR fucks before them. Armitage is too old (40 already) but maybe Turner who is 30 now.
  3. That`s true. Good for nom but not for win.
  4. Only actress that Chastain can kick out is very unstable KK.
  5. And not make shitload of money? I`m sure they`ll drive this into the ground pretty quickly but OS will save it as it saves everything.
  6. Unfortunately it will but Taken 3 will suffer from the bad buzz. It`s funny than when firts sequel sucks, it doesn`t feel the GA wraith but next sequel does.
  7. And people wonder why I have so much beef with PJ. Why the fuck is he trying to reanimate that rotting corpse of Borelando`s career? Who the fuck asked for it?
  8. No there isn`t the guy from Pi. What`s-his-face Slumdog wasn`t even in talks for best Supporting when Slumshit was sweeping left and right and BAFTA was ridiculed for nominating Pinto in BSA (aapparently, they mixed Razzie and BAFTA balots or something), and this guy has no chance of breaking through seriously tough competition.
  9. Lawrence but anti-Lawrence Team is hoping for Chastain upset.
  10. Cloud Atlas should win. Anything but TH, those dwarf prosthetics are horrible. More like Razzie for Worst Makeup.
  11. No PJ and his annoying family shitting all over red carpet with their shittastic presence. I`m loving this year already.
  12. Overrated movie that was easily forgotten after being seen.
  13. Thank you. THL was riding the "lets make history and award a woman" coattails as well as " battle of exes" coattails. If THL was directed by Ben Affleck or any male and had that zilch boxoffice and no marrital connection with another Oscar contender, it wouldn`t have been nominated in any category.
  14. The wrongest thing ever would be PJ nom in director and script. His post-LOTR career proved he can`t make anything respectable that isn`t from the same movie series based on Tolkien. Enough with that overrated slob and his overrated slobettes.
  15. I saw the first movie and didn`t think it was scary. So the hype turned me off and I haven`t watched any sequel since. I really don`t care. This, Saw and F&F are some of franchises that I don`t follow and don`t even care to trash them because I don`t know them. I remember from the first movie that I liked Mica`s jokes and hated Katie for being annoying, and bad actress overall.
  16. Will be awesome if the hold holds but it`s too early so I`m not getting my hopes high.
  17. I hope she or someone elbows Mark Lipgloss Boal in his lipglossed lips.
  18. Avatar is criticized for simplistic script but it pulls off everything it intended to do.And, yes, Worthington was perfect everyman to project yourself into to guide you through the world of Pandora.OTOH, prometheus was insansely ambitious in themes it tried to tackle but failed on every level. I`m sorry but pulling off something less complex is better than totally fucking up a complex thing. prometheus failed epically. In the end of the day, execution and result worth more than idea that didn`t deliver.Also, I didn`t give a shit about any prometheus character save david who was kinda villain so you weren`t supposed to like him but I did cause eevryone else was stupid as fuck and deserved to be fucked over by David. I liked Avatar characters a lot, especially Grace and Neytiri. Avatar women are so much stronger and better written than that stupid bitch with douchebag boyfriend and stitched tummy.
  19. Avatar is awesome. Prometeus is garbage that was supposed to be awesome cause it had so much going for it. But what a stupid fuckin movie and boring as hell too. Fassy rocked, though.For exmaple, Avatar and Prometheus have the same lelel of high tech, but while you see in Avatar why high tech couldn`t win against more primitively armed oppontent (they know territory, banded together, Eywa send animals into attack, Dilip Rao was spying for Jake&co), I don`t know how the fuck Prometheus crew couldn`t do shit with so much technology giving them advantage. They were simply behaving stupid.
  20. Felicity Huffman should present an award every year. Hammered every time.
  21. I`m teasing you. It was firedeep. I just wanted to pull your legs because you have Skyfall sigs.
  22. Didn`t you hear that Skyfall is boring?
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