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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. There are have been so many iterations of this concept that people have grown bored now. Hilariously though, Days of Future Past, the story that inspired Terminator in the first place, was a smash last year.
  2. Only in the butthurtedness of its fans for not being the CGI Disney Princess film that took over the free world like a boss.
  3. To an extent, I partially blame Jennifer Lee for deliberately not fleshing out Elsa further. Lee, having been a younger sister in real life, related to Anna more and actively pushed for her to get more focus in the movie. It wasn't until the Lopezes wrote "Let It Go" that they realized they had something incredibly unique and special with Elsa. I actually love Anna and think she is unfairly, though understandably, overlooked. But Elsa is a type of character we just don't get in Western animation. In many ways, Elsa is the inverse of Riley. The nature of her powers are such that her emotions are externalized and actually have the capability of affecting people on a large scale. That amount of simultaneous vulnerability and power has immense potential to be explored further. She runs because it's not just her life that is at stake but also that of her sister's and the entire kingdom's. Her demons have been laid bare and they are triggering an icy end to the world as she knows it. Here's hoping we get to learn more about Elsa's incredibly fascinating psyche and powers in Frozen 2.
  4. Jack and the Beanstalk Rumplestiltskin The Goose Girl Hansel & Gretel
  5. Thundercats, HO! Masters of the Universe (it's always in pre-production but never comes through) The Jetsons (think a cool movie is in there somewhere) Also, Jem deserves better than the clueless mess coming out in September.
  6. He was the perfect Shaggy. He also had a fun turn in The Descendants.
  7. Most kids are waaay smarter than folks give them credit for.
  8. Not that competent otherwise he would have had men check out Owlsley's involvement in Vanessa's poisoning. Or at least have caught on to the discrepancies in the transferred payments far sooner. He was also shown to have emotional ties to Fisk, like calling Vanessa when Gao rankled him. So it's not that far out of character for him to behave on a purely emotional level when Fisk's mother's identity was compromised. He didn't want to upset his boss further, and he thought he could bully Karen on his own. After all, he did manage to intimidate her earlier. I don't think he ever expected her to pull the trigger. It was a severe miscalculation but all too human IMO.
  9. Well, it was an interesting inverse of the slimy super competent aide of the main villain. Also, it was not so much that Wesley was moronic as much as Karen turned out to be a completely unexpected badass. Loved the take on the character, but really, Deborah Ann Woll is perfection. Why isn't she breaking out on the big screen again?
  10. I know. But I wonder if they are saving Nutter and him for S7. Also, now that MacLaren is no longer attached to Wonder Woman, was there any reason not to have her return?
  11. The entire list of directors for the S6 episodes: http://www.ropeofsilicon.com/game-thrones-season-six-directors-revealed/
  12. That soundtrack is out of this world. Btw, have you read the graphic novel series? It is super fun and I think you will love it more than the film itself. Regardless, SPvtW is definitely the most adept single film adaptation of an entire series ever.
  13. Michelle Pfeiffer didn't succeed in drowning them all.
  14. Dev Patel and Daniel Radcliffe are the youngest.
  15. IO is outstanding, but not surprising for Pixar. Ratatouille convinced me of their skyhigh ambitions and bravery regarding themes. That movie has a far more mature take on professional criticism than something the Academy jizzes over like Birdman.
  16. Okay thanks guys. Phenomenal that beating Up is locked. I would have just been happy with MU numbers.
  17. I'm a little out of the loop here. Is IO on track for 350M?
  18. YAY! for Tyler Durden cracking the Top 15. And agree with chasmmi regarding Tony's placement. Kind of surprised and also impressed that only one superhero made it into the entire Top 34. It's for the best.
  19. The Warboys managing to pull Max back from the swinging hook and put the faceless mask on his face brilliantly sealed the sense of utter shock and despair.
  20. Seriously, Genie and Aladdin are the reason we have DreamWorks, ILM etc. Such a game changing role and movie. :wub: And darn, I forgot Katniss while making my list. She would've placed even higher if I had remembered!
  21. Dat Scorcese/DeNiro/Foster team-up. Is all. Agree about the Collete/Osment car scene in TSS. Still think The Village is Shyamalan's best horror though. That's like the only movie ever where I just cannot understand where all the hate came from. Is it because some people felt cheated by the twist?
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