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My prediction/hopes for Season 4's final episodes:Episode 4.8• Stannis offers Jon Winterfell, The election campaign for the Night’s Watch begins• Theon persuades the Ironborn holding Moat Caitlin to stand down• Arya leaves Sandor for dead• Sansa arrives at the Eyrie• Dany now controls Meereen and exiles Jorah. She then decides to stay and learn how to rule.• Oberyn Martell faces Gregor Clegane in Tyrion’s trial by combat


Episode 4.9• Jaime sends Brienne on her mission to find Sansa• Bran and Company arrive at the Cave of the Children of the Forest• Littlefinger makes his initial move on Sansa• The Night’s Watch, after politicking by Samwell, elect Jon as Lord Commander• The Ironborn at the Kingsmoot elect Euron as their new King based on his promise of acquiring dragons• Tyrion is released from the Black Cells by Jaime, kills Shae and Tywin before escaping through the tunnels with Varys


Episode 4.10• Cersei, Jaime, et al react to Tywin’s death• Tyrion on a boat across the Narrow Sea• Roose Bolton and his Bolton/Frey army arrives at Moat Caitlin• Jon settles in as Lord Commander and has Janos Slynt executed (hold off on sending Sam, Aemon, Gilly away for Season 5 premiere)• Stannis sends Davos on his mission to recruit allies in the North• Yara decides to flee the Iron Islands to Deepwood Motte• Euron sends Victarion and the Iron Fleet on their mission to go to Slaver’s Bay• Arya arrives in Saltpans and takes ship to Braavos• Dany, beginning her rule of Meereen, learns of her dragons getting out of control and Drogon killing the little girl. She decides to lock her dragons up, though Drogon is able to fly away.• Penultimate Scene- “Only Cat”• Final Scene- Bran meets Bloodraven

Edited by 4815162342
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Sounds great to me, numbers. Except didn't D&D say that the battle at the Walk would be Ep 9?Also, does Tormund go back over the Wall because there aren't enough of them to attack CB? Otherwise he's not there when Val goes to get him.Then, if no attack on CB from the South, does Ygritte die in Mance's camp when Jon is there and Stannis shows up, killing a bunch of the Wildlings, including her?

Edited by House Cozmees of Everdeen
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Sounds great to me, numbers. Except didn't D&D say that the battle at the Walk would be Ep 9?Also, does Tormund go back over the Wall because there aren't enough of them to attack CB? Otherwise he's not there when Val goes to get him.Then, if no attack on CB from the South, does Ygritte die in Mance's camp when Jon is there and Stannis shows up, killing a bunch of the Wildlings, including her?


We know from an audition tape for the Magnar of Thenn that Mance sends the Magnar with men to reinforce Tormund/Ygritte.

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I don't know. I can see them keeping Ygritte around until Stannis' army arrives since people have generally been digging her and Jon's tragic romance. If they want to be accurate to the books though she'd have to go around Episode 3 or 4.


I can't see them putting off Stannis' arrival until Episode 9 for two reasons:


1) What the heck is he going to do for the first 8 episodes? My view of the season has his arrival taking place Episode 7.

2) Really rushes the whole political aftermath with him offering to legitimize Jon and the whole election business into a single episode when it should breathe a bit.


The way I figure it, the action climax of Season 4 should be Episodes 6/7 with the battles at Meereen and the Wall, and the dramatic climax should be Episode 9 with Tyrion's patricide, the two big elections. Backloading the action into the final episodes would require either jumbo-sized episodes or some really big compression.

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I'm reading suggestions on other forums for what they hope happens in Season 4 and one I like a lot involves Roose Bolton going to King's Landing to swear loyalty to Joffrey. This would allow them to have a scene or two between Roose and Tywin, the two coldest motherfuckers in the show, would allow Roose to meet Jaime (and possibly Brienne) again, and would allow for a more direct and understandable set-up of the Fake Arya plot (when Sansa disappears, the Lannisters activate a backup plan).


But the bit that sealed it for me is that Roose would be present at the Purple Wedding and when Joffrey chokes and dies they'd cut away to show him looking slightly amused at him being 2-for-2 with kings dying at a wedding he attends (because something like that is clearly something Roose would find a bit amusing).

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For those not aware, at least 3 Book 5 characters will debut this season: Tycho Nestoris, Hizdahr, and Bloodraven (The 3-Eyed Crow)







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Interesting discussion going on over at AFOIAF.




Should there be a scene in Season 4 actually showing Drogon roasting/eating the child Hazzea? This happened off-screen in the books, and it's still a possibility that it was fabricated or otherwise untrue. However the show will also want to justify Daenery's locking up the dragons and simply hearsay may mot be enough for TV audience. What do you think?

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I doubt we'll actually see a kid being roasted, but I would not be surprised if the finale starts out with a kid playing and Drogon swooping in from above and then near the end of the episode Dany gets the news and decides to lock the dragons up, but Drogon escapes and flies away.


Seems like a good plan to me.

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Hey numbers, what do you think about the reviewer who said that, in Episode 3, Jaime quasi rapes Cersei in the Sept? It's in the "little questions that don't fit anywhere else" thread at Westeros.That's a pretty big change in Jaime's characterization if they do that and will upset lots of people. It may play a lot different than he reviewer says though.Your thoughts?

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