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The first genuine surprise of the summer, intense and sometimes epic... I was bothered by some stupid ass decisions, like when the stewardess hears a noise and push the button to see what is, IS SHE RETARD? and by the horrible 3D (it has incredibly depth in some scenes though) 8/10 B+


EDIT: First time I saw Gravity's trailer in thaters, It looked A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, a must-see in 3D.

Edited by Goffe
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Did anyone else think the Israeli soldier was a guy until Pitt called her a girl?


Movie was just OK for me. It's a total bastardization of the source material but even by itself it's still just OK. Don't like how they offered a boring ending just on the hopes of a sequel. They're lucky they got the box office they wanted so they can continue it next time.


There were some good tense scenes like on the plane etc and Pitt was alright but overall it felt pretty slapped together. The family angle was just an anchor for the plot IMO and who didn't roll their eyes at Pitt's "tell my family I love them" note?


Also great to know that if I want to survive a horrible plane crash all I need to do is buckle up!



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One of the WORST films I've seen in years!

I can't believe I'm even spending any time writing a review for this.

I had absolutely NO interest in seeing this, but was begged by a friend of mine to go see it.

So she took me to a screening (which I did not pay for), and I saw this turd of a film.

A bunch of times I wanted to walk out but my friend begged me to watch it with her, as she is a big Pitt fan.


This movie is a big fat mess, with the vast majority of the film simply showing Pitt running around and shooting at zombies, or running away from zombies. The zombies themselves in the film were comical. The story was very rushed and incredibly disjointed. Calling the acting wooden would be a compliment.


I give this crap a big fat D- The only reason I don't give it an F is that the visual effects were decent. Not great, but decent. Otherwise that's it.



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It definitely felt like a movie that had been through production hell. It's a jumble of setpieces with thin narrative cohesion and side characters unceremoniously appearing and disappearing again. The movie gives us little reason to care about what happens to anyone and the bare minimum to make us understand why they matter. It really could've benefited from a bigger scope and an Independence Day-like setup, going from Israel figuring things out to the spread of the disease to Brad Pitt coming in and saving the day.


Some cool action sequences (seems I'm in the minority of people who enjoyed the WHO climax the most). The Israel scene was spectacularly moronic, though. Such a huge project like that undone by a little singing? You've gotta be freaking kidding me.


A film that could've been terrific ends up a misshapen mess with a few bright spots.



Edited by tribefan695
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this wa sbeyond stupid and so written around sensless set pieces that I'm really baffled critics didn't roast it alive. As it is, it ended up fresh.


Anyway, Pitt's family was a disaster. No chemsitry whatsoever, they felt like random people cast for a cereal commercial.


Enos was awful, awful, awful and that retarded phone call gotta make her the dumbest character ever. Also, her face is so wrong, like she had a botched facial reconstruction that left her looking like the Tooth Fairy mask in Darkness Falls.


There were several secondary characters that nobody knows why they were in the movie. Hot geek that dies early, toothless spy and MOSAD Basil Exposition. They just popped in and popped out w/o payoff. There was also that Jack whiner guy from Lost in a silent cameo.


The stupidity here is unprescended. Take Jerusalem, for example. This is how the movie goes. I'm not kidding:


Jerusalemites: "Built a wall like a rock, yeah, yeah, party like a rock star, yeah, yeah...la,la,la"


Zombies: "paaaahteeee paaaah teeee"


Jerusalemites:"Party...party, yeah!"


Zombies: paah tee yee aaah"


Jerusalemites: "La, la, la"


Zombies:" la..la..."


Brad Pitt:" It's getting hot in herre!"


Segen:"I am gettin' so hot I'm gonna take my clothes off!"


Brad Pitt:"No, no, I mean hot zone! Hot zone!"


Jerusalemites:"Yeah, we in da zone yeah" 

Brad Pitt:"Zombies are crashing the party!"


Zombies:" caaash paaah teee"


Jerusalemites:"Oh, shit! How did that happen?"


MOSAD Basil Exposition:" Since there's always time to pause for some exposition, nobody run, lets hear...ta-da!... the exposition!"


Brad Pitt:"The singing that was too loud for 256 days conveniently attracted zombies today because I have just landed so they created a zombie pile and climbed the wall so we can have another pointless action scene that looks real cool in the trailer".


Segen:"That's so stupid, yo!"


Brad Pitt:"No, not really when you compared it to luggage barricade, shooting a gun in a plane to suck out zombies and innocent passengers while crash landing exactly where research fascility I need is and of course, just me and my sidekick, that would be you, surviving of all people...Or infecting one-self with a deadly desease so zombies can't sniff you cause you are practically dead like them muahahahahah"


The good: Segen and Cumberzombie's uncredited cameo as a Cumberzombie who couldn't sniff Pitt.


What a pile of zombie doo.

Edited by fishnets
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:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:


Oh, fishnets, sometimes you just nail it


I disagree with almost everything she said there and I'm liking the post because no one can rip a film like Fish.  :)

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I wound up really enjoying the film. It's nothing like the book, which is actually fine, because I thought they got the scope of an outbreak like this right. I liked the episodic nature of the narrative, with Brad Pitt jumping to different parts of the world to pick up clues on how to stop the spread. The film always felt propulsive, so I can never say I was bored, and I really liked the third act that Lindelof and Goddard came up with. I wasn't a fan of how Forster shot some of his action- he stages chases well, but when the camera flies everywhere, it's hard to really tell what's going on sometimes- so the steady camera in the climatic scene of Pitt getting the bacteria made worked very well for me. 


Is it filled with logic problems? Of course. If the leaders of Jerusalem was smart enough to recognize the possibility of the zombie outbreak before anyone else did (which itself is a leap in logic), wouldn't they be smart enough to tell people to be quiet next to the zombie wall? That whole sequence, as fun as the ensuing chase wound up being, felt senseless and unnecessary. Pitt doesn't even get any new information in Jerusalem. 


The family stuff mostly worked for me, except when Mireille Enos is against Pitt going out and trying to stop the virus. That just made her look incredibly weak. It would've been nice if she could be involved in the action somehow, all she did in the movie was give us a reason to care about Pitt's character (he has a WIFE and KIDS!). 


But even still, it's acceptable summer fun. 

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Is it filled with logic problems? Of course. If the leaders of Jerusalem was smart enough to recognize the possibility of the zombie outbreak before anyone else did (which itself is a leap in logic), wouldn't they be smart enough to tell people to be quiet next to the zombie wall? That whole sequence, as fun as the ensuing chase wound up being, felt senseless and unnecessary. Pitt doesn't even get any new information in Jerusalem. 



What movie did is bastardization of the book concept where Israel's isolationist strategy kept the country infection-free, unlike politically correct countries that let infected in because "OMG, how cna we keep people who are going to ruin us out?". No loud singling bullshit which, conveniently, only triggered zombie pile when Pitt arrived. I guess they ruined Israel's story because it didn't fit in the tired "only united we can beat this shit" cliche. Israel was one of my fave chapters in the book precisely because there was no sterotype in which they get comuppance for daring to lock the doors and let the rest of the world go to hell.


Also, thank God that charisma vaccumEnos (she ain't gonna happen, end of)  and annoying kids didn't get more screen time. They had ZERO chemistry with Pitt, didn't feel like a family at all and I wouldn't buy any of them doing action. Plus, I certainly didn't care for his character because he had idiotic family, that could only turn me off. A character should succeed on his/her own merit and not because he/she is given a sappy B-story that doesn't work. I care for Alien and Aliens crews without knowning a fuck more about them than what their place on the ship/Marine Corps was. OTOH, I couldn't warm up to Shaw in Prometheus because she was so ridiculously written that even Rapace's naturally likable presence couldn't save her, and that superflous, irritaing father-daughter subplot/flashback, riled me up against the character even more. Just show us what we need to know about character without cheap sentimental tricks that don't work when they are a) only tacked on and B) there's no chemistry to sell weak sauce.

Edited by fishnets
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I have to agree- the Israel sequence is where the whole film threatens to fall apart. But I thought the following plane sequence was very effective, as was the relatively small-scale finale. Most of the action had great pacing and was easy to follow (except early on when the camera swiveled everywhere), which is why the movie almost always entertained me.

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One of the WORST films I've seen in years!

I can't believe I'm even spending any time writing a review for this.

I had absolutely NO interest in seeing this, but was begged by a friend of mine to go see it.

So she took me to a screening (which I did not pay for), and I saw this turd of a film.

A bunch of times I wanted to walk out but my friend begged me to watch it with her, as she is a big Pitt fan.


This movie is a big fat mess, with the vast majority of the film simply showing Pitt running around and shooting at zombies, or running away from zombies. The zombies themselves in the film were comical. The story was very rushed and incredibly disjointed. Calling the acting wooden would be a compliment.


I give this crap a big fat D- The only reason I don't give it an F is that the visual effects were decent. Not great, but decent. Otherwise that's it.


I'm Glad I'm not the only sane person in the world, it's nice to know that there's someone that can see through this piece of shat of a movie. like I just can't get over how boring it was to watch Brad Pitt the man with literally no emotion through out this entire movie, it's literally a complete bore, the 3D couldn't even save it from it's terribly cheezy but suppose to be serious dialogue, the best thing about this movie is I ended up  starting to find a humor in how bad the whole thing was,

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I thought the scenes between Pitt and the female Israeli soldier (she was real pretty) saved the movie. 




Segen made it watchable for me too. She didn't have much to do but the character was sympathetic without trying hard and felt real. Good bland of writing and actress. We knew about her only what we needed to know (a solder who loses her arm after a zombie bite) and that was enough to make her relatable. No extanous wife-and-kids bullshit that is NOT, I repeat NOT a characterisation.

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I thought the scenes between Pitt and the female Israeli soldier (she was real pretty) saved the movie.

Dat Pepsi scene thoughPosted Image

She was pretty? Are you serious? It wasn't until I went on IMDB that I realised she was female.
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