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A very serviceable action thriller with a strong score and a good performance by Brad Pitt. But the ending was a bit of a letdown and I wish Gerry would have gone to Russia/India. The scenes in Jerusalem were terrific though and better than most of the action I've seen so far this year.

B+  Would have been higher if the ending hadn't been so weak.

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I may have to see this again with a different crowd.  I didn't feel any of the tense moments or anything for a few reasons, but I know part of it was most people were laughing at some scenes that weren't meant to be laughed at then.  That can easily take apart a scene.


But still overall, a pretty good movie.  I also wasn't crazy about the ending, but it wasn't anything terrible that ruined it.  It definitely is a set up for more movies which was always their intention.  The CGI was, at best, spotty, but that is just being picky about a movie :P


I liked that it just went mostly head on into the story and really didn't have some slow setup.


I give it a B for now.  It may go up if I see it again.

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I was really surprised by it. Nearly everything worked really well for me, with the exception of the zombie effects in the research facility. They drew a lot of laughs in my audience, which kinda took away from the moment (but it wasn't a huge issue). I thought Brad Pitt did a great job here, really enjoyed him in this role. I love how quickly everything started, and they did a great job of making the zombie pandemic seem incredibly dangerous and unexpected. Several scenes had some intense gravity to them.


I gave this an A, mainly because of how surprised I was. I'm not sure how "good" of a film it is, but I generally loathe zombies and came out of this one really pleased. Great film!

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If The Walking Dead can show what they show, then surely there could have been a few zombie splatters and still have the pg-13 rating.


Not necessarily. The Walking Dead is on cable at night and is therefore held to different content standards than broadcast television. In other words, The Walking Dead would probably get an R rating if it was a movie.




The film had a surprisingly intelligent narrative, many pretty tight executed action scenes that actually were tense, and entertaining. Some of the scenes in this movie should stick with me for some time (the Korean charred death scene for one, the nuclear explosion for another). Sadly, this movie is not perfect. It has a major problem that holds it back from being an amazing movie: characters.


I didn't give a shit about any of them. They were largely flat and two-dimensional, with Gerry being seriously undeveloped. It speaks a lot that I don't remember the name of his wife or of his two daughters. I don't remember the name of the Israeli soldier. They were all empty vehicles so that they could basically go through the motions of the plot. There was absolutely no time spent dedicated to setting these people up as human beings. The script has a habit of introducing characters (Tommy) and then doing absolutely nothing with them. I think the only reason Tommy was even saved was because the studio didn't feel like implying his death would have been received well by the audience. He's not the only character whose impact on the narrative is non-existent. In other words in having such a huge, epic scope the movie left no room for any actual personal character stories, no character arc is experienced in this movie, and conflict between characters is kept at a minimum.


Great direction, a plot that largely made sense, and some strong images. If only it had the characters to back it up...


In the end I give it a: B.

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Lowered expectations normally help me enjoy a movie more but I still couldn't get into this one. I thought the beginning was choppy and they didn't do enough to establish why Pitt's character was important (and the way they off'd the scientist guy on the first mission to promote Pitt was particularly silly). The way he repeatedly figures out his next destination with no real detective work falls flat (they could have spread out some of the quiet time in the lab at the end throughout the film to allow for more investigation) and the solution they come up with in the final third is weak at best (and it makes no sense that PITT has to be the one that does everything involving it. He has no special medical training and basically solves the puzzle with a hunch...why not call the idea into HQ in case he dies?). A D- at best. It's about as intelligent as Prometheus (meaning not very) and I can name a bunch of much better zombie films without really trying (Zombieland, 28 Days Later, Dawn of the Dead 2004 to name a few).Oh and I had to laugh when Pitt says 'gut up' with such absurd seriousness, and in my theater there was a lot of unintended laughter at the chattering zombie outside the vault.

Edited by Adm56
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Hmm if your interested in Zombies this a must see as it really shows for the first time actual mass scale zombie disaster.


The big scenes were great and horrifying see Jerusalem going from a sanctuary to a terrible disaster scenes was actually a bit scary. 



The film in the ends turns into like the Walking Dead but it works out well from a storyline point of view as audiences like the hopeful ending.

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I thought the journey itself was interesting and enjoyable enough but the ending is lackluster and that soured the experience for me. A few times the zombies seemed to generate a bit of levity and comic relief though I'm not sure it was intended. The special effects are very well done and zombie swarms were a visual treat. The move away from slow moving zombies was a good one as I have never found them particularly threatening.


The post-apocalyptic world they have set up would make an interesting setting for a sequel.


I give it a solid C+

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I like it, but i left the theater with a feeling of disappointment. 

The first act, even thou i liked that the action start right at the beginning, it felt slow. Like "when this is going to kick in?". But then i realize the problem is, as always nowadays, the trailer.

The best sequences, the best shots, are all in the trailer, so i was waiting for something amazing to happen, and in the first to acts, there's none.

I don't watch trailers before movies anymore, this one must be the last one i've watched. They fucking spoil the movies.

I like the way they end it. Even if there's not an epic battle or something, there's tension and good suspense when they are at the lab.

Brad carries the movie like the star he is. Daniella Kertesz is welcome new face. By the way, she's hot.

So overall i like it. Maybe a 7.5/10 that i'm sure could have been an 8.5/10 if they wouldn't have spoiled me the action sequences with the trailers.


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Another thing, the theater was packed like crazy. Even first row was complete!

End of the movie. Not one applause. Strange. 


The Wolverine, people cheer a bit.

Pacific Rim: nothing. I only listen the couple next to me saying "this looks for little kids...so childish" I've asked my cousin and two friends what they think of it, and one said he liked it, and the other two that it sucked.

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I had knives sharpened against this film but the first couple of acts surprised me by being quite entertaining and sometimes thrilling. Not great just half-decent and that would have been more than enough for me had the third act not completely shat the bed. The break neck thrill-ride pace slowed to a sudden crawl in which even the threat became a point of unintentional hilarity.


3/5 (C)

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Extremely disappointed. It's not really bad per say, it's just average. It's slow and very generic at times. Pitt is the only good part of the movie. Ending was really stupid too. D

Edited by Blankments
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gave this an A-  because of ending ...i didnt see the time pass so when it abruptly ended i thought that's it that's the end?!


i feel like rereading the book though


brad was great, his wife and kids were super annoying , i kept telling my friend they should get eaten lol


sleepy i'll edit more about it tomorrow

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Grade: B


Overall I good summer action film that also doubles as a suspense&horror film as well.

A few cliches like the wife with SatPhone who was just going to call during the *hush*hush rush to the plane. 

My biggest issue was not finding Patient Zero...at the very least some solid clues pointing in the right direction if it turns out that's sequel fodder. 


Gerry Lane and his unbelievable escape from death situations was giving John McClane, McGuyver and Indiana Jones all a run for their money. The plane crash, really, just you and the Israeli soldier woman survive? 


A fun film that for me wouldn't have a lot of rewatchability factors but I'm glad I saw it all the same. 

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