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Random Thoughts by the forum members (formerly 20 random thoughts)

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- I wonder: how many of the younger forum members (high-school, early college) want to get into the entertainment industry? Seems there are a few of you guys that are interested and/or just getting started.


I would like to get in to the industry, but with what I'm studying, I have no idea where I could get in besides doing some form of 3D modeling. My girlfriend wants to do editing, but we're struggling to figure out a way for her to do that when she finishes her course at 6th form.
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So....y'all should see Big Bad Wolves when it eventually gets a release here. A movie that's abnsolutely twisted, disturbing, and brilliant. Even Quentin Tarantino loved it, and I saw it just a little before him at the Chicago International Film Fest! :)


A Thousand Times Goodnight....that movie is just flat out amazing.

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- I've finally gotten back into playing some RED DEAD REDEMPTION -- I forgot how much fun it is (I never finished the game the first time around).




The ending is definitely one of the best conclusions to a video game story of the past decade.

Edited by 4815162342
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1. I was so wrong, so naive. Still I am, but hope/intend to be better.


2. My friends (mainly classmates in school and college) are getting married, one by one. Congratulations to all of the lucky guys. I doubt my turn would come before I am 30 or in another 5~6 years. But who knows.


3. Sometimes when it gets bad, it just gets worse. And sometimes when it gets good, it can keep getting better. This is what life is like, I suppose, rollercoaster. 


4. I have seen more than 200 movies in past 3 months. I stopped two weeks ago. Nor do I feel the need to watch more. I will still watch new movies that come out if I am interested but I likely wont catch up the old ones. Because I need time for other things.


5. Why one has to prove he/she is right while others are wrong ? It is not a big deal. And it is stupid sometimes. I was wrong. And I am tired of debating.


6. The past three years, on one hand, it is one of my hardest times in my life to date, on the other, it is also one of my happiest. I missed a lot that I feel lost and I gained a lot that I appreciate. One thing clear is that because of the past two or three years, the direction of my life has been changed. dont know if I will feel worth it. Is it a right step or a wrong one in my life? however, at least for now, I can say at least I tried/am trying them out.


7. Time, I need time. Not money. I need time to do things and fix things.


8. How to balance between personal fulfillment and family. That is and will always be a big problem, for almost everybody. What would you do for your family ? What if what you are trying to achieve will hurt your family relationship ?


9. Heaven always leaves people a way.


10. three days ago, my first love (sort of ... we never made it clear to each back in the day) told me that she has always liked me for years yet she just got her first official boyfriend, seriously, last month. I think they are planning to get married. She said she should tell me about this, since we are now both adults, so there wont be further regrets. It feels weird to me. We havenot been contacted for 10 years, I mean. Happy for her but still I feel upset about this. We could have been together. Life just decided to go in a different way, I guess.


11. Two years ago I wouldnt even think I will be in Beijing and do the stupid stuff I am doing today. It was supposed to go a totally different direction. didnt see this coming. Again, I guess things usually dont turn out as planned, especially on yearly base. I hate Beijing, well at least I dont like. Awful air, staggering and ridiculous living cost, too much politics and too big a city. Yet every place in Beijing is overcrowded ... You almost can never find a seat in the subway, that is, if you are able to get into the subway ... Shanghai is much much better a place. Unfortunately for some reason, I have to be stuck here for now. I bet at least 50% non-nativers in Beijing are here just because they have to, not because they love the place.


12. I think I will be getting busy.


13. I am retiring from the forums. I mean I plan to do so. I probably will still be posting in the China boxoffice thread occasionally or other few threads in real life or Speakeasy (if at all). But that's it. I have already reduced my daily post count to about 5 recently. It is a good time being part of it.


14. I know a lot of people around here hated me, hated my negativeness. So did/do I. And that is part of the reason why I said I was wrong and naive above, part of. Nor do I know what happened to me. I mean, I was not like this back to just a few years ago. Time for me to chang and grow up.


15. Sometimes growing up is just an overnight thing. I hope that day comes to me soon.


16. People trend to belive what they want to believe, like what they want to like and view things in the way what they want to view. Most of all, people live in different kinds of conditions/envirenments and people have different world view, sense of worth and philosophy. Let them think in the way they want, talk in the way they want and live in the way they want. In this way, nothing is a big deal, as long as it's harmless to others.


17. Relax myself, adjust myself. Let the sunshine in my house and in my heart.


18. what if I do wrong ? Try to stop worrying about it. The more I worry about certain things, the more chance I fuck them up. Though for certain few things, always be prepared if as possible as I could.


19. Sorry for my nonsenses and terrible writing to those who happen to read it. Well it indeed is random, I guess.


20. See you later. Maybe ? Maybe.

Edited by firedeep
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Funnily enough, I finished it last night. Now I'm puttering around trying to finish all the little mini-games and explorations I didn't complete.


Make sure you do the final stranger mission as well, the epilogue, so to speak.


Red Dead's ending is stellar.  Rockstar's writing is pretty damn juvenile at times, but they nailed that ending.

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1. I was so wrong, so naive. Still I am, but hope/intend to be better.


2. My friends (mainly classmates in school and college) are getting married, one by one. Congratulations to all of the lucky guys. I doubt my turn would come before I am 30 or in another 5~6 years. But who knows.


3. Sometimes when it gets bad, it just gets worse. And sometimes when it gets good, it can keep getting better. This is what life is like, I suppose, rollercoaster. 


4. I have seen more than 200 movies in past 3 months. I stopped two weeks ago. Nor do I feel the need to watch more. I will still watch new movies that come out if I am interested but I likely wont catch up the old ones. Because I need time for other things.


5. Why one has to prove he/she is right while others are wrong ? It is not a big deal. And it is stupid sometimes. I was wrong. And I am tired of debating.


6. The past three years, on one hand, it is one of my hardest times in my life to date, on the other, it is also one of my happiest. I missed a lot that I feel lost and I gained a lot that I appreciate. One thing clear is that because of the past two or three years, the direction of my life has been changed. dont know if I will feel worth it. Is it a right step or a wrong one in my life? however, at least for now, I can say at least I tried/am trying them out.


7. Time, I need time. Not money. I need time to do things and fix things.


8. How to balance between personal fulfillment and family. That is and will always be a big problem, for almost everybody. What would you do for your family ? What if what you are trying to achieve will hurt your family relationship ?


9. Heaven always leaves people a way.


10. three days ago, my first love (sort of ... we never made it clear to each back in the day) told me that she has always liked me for years yet she just got her first official boyfriend, seriously, last month. I think they are planning to get married. She said she should tell me about this, since we are now both adults, so there wont be further regrets. It feels weird to me. We havenot been contacted for 10 years, I mean. Happy for her but still I feel upset about this. We could have been together. Life just decided to go in a different way, I guess.


11. Two years ago I wouldnt even think I will be in Beijing and do the stupid stuff I am doing today. It was supposed to go a totally different direction. didnt see this coming. Again, I guess things usually dont turn out as planned, especially on yearly base. I hate Beijing, well at least I dont like. Awful air, staggering and ridiculous living cost, too much politics and too big a city. Yet every place in Beijing is overcrowded ... You almost can never find a seat in the subway, that is, if you are able to get into the subway ... Shanghai is much much better a place. Unfortunately for some reason, I have to be stuck here for now. I bet at least 50% non-nativers in Beijing are here just because they have to, not because they love the place.


12. I think I will be getting busy.


13. I am retiring from the forums. I mean I plan to do so. I probably will still be posting in the China boxoffice thread occasionally or other few threads in real life or Speakeasy (if at all). But that's it. I have already reduced my daily post count to about 5 recently. It is a good time being part of it.


14. I know a lot of people around here hated me, hated my negativeness. So did/do I. And that is part of the reason why I said I was wrong and naive above, part of. Nor do I know what happened to me. I mean, I was not like this back to just a few years ago. Time for me to chang and grow up.


15. Sometimes growing up is just an overnight thing. I hope that day comes to me soon.


16. People trend to belive what they want to believe, like what they want to like and view things in the way what they want to view. Most of all, people live in different kinds of conditions/envirenments and people have different world view, sense of worth and philosophy. Let them think in the way they want, talk in the way they want and live in the way they want. In this way, nothing is a big deal, as long as it's harmless to others.


17. Relax myself, adjust myself. Let the sunshine in my house and in my heart.


18. what if I do wrong ? Try to stop worrying about it. The more I worry about certain things, the more chance I fuck them up. Though for certain few things, always be prepared if as possible as I could.


19. Sorry for my nonsenses and terrible writing to those who happen to read it. Well it indeed is random, I guess.


20. See you later. Maybe ? Maybe.

Aw, firedeep :( Seems like you're going through some rough time right now. Don't be discouraged, I hope everything will turn out for the better.


I really appreciate all your informational posts about BO, especially the China BO reports, they're detailed and well-written. I found your "negativity" pretty amusing at times, but I also found it charming in a distinctive way. Like you know, it's so firedeep. 


I'm sure no one here hates you, don't think like that. It's just that you're a Debbie Downer sometimes, and people usually prefer keeping things upbeat. If someone hates you over such trivial things on a message board, then it's not worth it to pay attention to them really. You're wanting to change that aspect of negativity though, and that's a good thing.


Again, I hope everything will be okay with you. Don't leave the forum, you're really a valuable member. 

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Yes. I know plenty of people who actually missed that portion of the game, so always gotta double check.


Hahaha, that was the first thing I did after the ending. Sonuvabitch, I needed to get that guy. LOL.


What I thought was pretty cool (although not surprising) was that

once that mission ended, and I essentially entered free-play mode, was when I went back to the ranch I found the gravestones exactly where they should be. Nice of Rockstar to make sure the game world updated correctly.

Edited by Telemachos
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1) 12 Years a Slave is a really good movie.  I just find it a little silly to say it's one of the best films of all time.  Slavery, like the Holocaust easy to create power and raw primal emotions out of.  It's a terrible subject and it's one race subjugating and dehumanizing another.  How can a film about slavery not be raw and powerful?


2) Every year the same shit gets nominated for best picture.  Every year the films that come out at the end of the year get nominated for best picture.  The academy only recognizes a certain type of film that comes out at a certain time of year.  There are exceptions of course as Silence of the Lambs and Gladiator both came out in the early part of their respective years but for the most part your best picture winners are films that come out in the 4th quarter.  And for the most part they are heavy dramas that win.  This isn't right imo as there are many films that are really well made that don't fit into the mold of what the academy sees fit as the best.  This year, This is The End is undoubtedly one of the best films of the year.  But it is not the kind of film that the academy recognizes because it's too light.  Matthew McConaughey was brilliant in Mud, but he will most likely be forgotten because it came out too soon, same with Sam Rockwell in The Way Way Back and Halle Berry and Abigail Breslin in The Call.  There are good performances that come out between January and September but they are rarely mentioned.  


3) I didn't like the first Thor all that much but the sequel looks really good.  I might even go to the early showing on Thursday for the first time since early summer.


4) AMC just finished their Fear Fest and it was a lot of fun.  Seeing films like Tremors, Candyman, Amithyville Horror, Cujo, Friday the 13ths and many of the Halloweens among others, was a great way to spend the nights.


5) Last Vegas did better than I thought it would and Free Birds did worse than I thought it would.  


6) Blackfish was on CNN the past week and if you haven't seen it, you should do so imo.  Check CNN's webpage and see when they are playing it again.  It's a fantastic documentary and I hope it wins for such this year.


7) I watched Above the Law last night on AMC with story notes.  Seagal stated that he was surprised the government didn't give them more opposition towards this film because he made a lot of scathing comments about the CIA and their involvement in the drug trade.  Seagal was CIA at one time so he would know.  But it just goes to show that the powers that be don't really care who comes out and says anything detrimental about them because they know that basically no one cares.  There will always be pockets of people like me who read up on things like false flags and Northwoods and declassified documents that paint the government as murderers and drug dealers, but ultimately not many people care or want to know.


8) Kane Hodder followed me on twitter....cool.


9) I hope they make a sequel to Goon.  It's the best hockey film I've ever seen, even better than Slap Shot.  If anyone needs a good laugh, check it out.


10) Delivery Man comes out on the same day as The Hunger Games.  Over under 7 mill OW? 

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1) 12 Years a Slave is a really good movie.  I just find it a little silly to say it's one of the best films of all time.  Slavery, like the Holocaust easy to create power and raw primal emotions out of.  It's a terrible subject and it's one race subjugating and dehumanizing another.  How can a film about slavery not be raw and powerful?


Have you watched Uwe Boll's Holocaust movie before saying that?


It's not "easy" to make a movie like those and quite cynical to think Holocaust/Slavery movie = instant tearjerker Oscar contender automatically.


(I know plenty of movies about Holocaust that are terrible and manipulative just for the sake of tearjerking effect using the worst mellow effects)


The fine line between powerful/gutwrenching drama and self indulgent suffering porn to indulge emotional response (that doesn't automatically equal "good piece of art") is a very tight and sensitive thing that is tough to nail for a filmmaker.

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Have you watched Uwe Boll's Holocaust movie before saying that?


It's not "easy" to make a movie like those and quite cynical to think Holocaust/Slavery movie = instant tearjerker Oscar contender automatically.


(I know plenty of movies about Holocaust that are terrible and manipulative just for the sake of tearjerking effect using the worst mellow effects)


The fine line between powerful/gutwrenching drama and self indulgent suffering porn to indulge emotional response (that doesn't automatically equal "good piece of art") is a very tight and sensitive thing that is tough to nail for a filmmaker.


Uwe Boll's not a real film maker.  When you have a topic like slavery or The Holocaust, which is going to invoke strong emotions every time you see it, it's really hard to make a bad film imo.  And I'm saying this even though I loved the film.  

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