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Film Critics Awards 2011 (Winners in 1st post)

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So fucking disappointed at the DH2 snubs. I told myself to not expect nominations, but WTF. Andy Serkis over Ralph Fiennes and Rickman? Give me a fucking break.

Fiennes and Rickman don't belong anywhere near an Oscar shortlist. Both were good with the material they had, but neither had much screentime to actually do anything beyond.
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Hanna train gotta stop. It`s worse than Melissa McCarthy. The movie was averige, Blanchett was Razzie bad and Ronan is creepy. I`m glad they had to dump her from the Hobbit because the last thing The Hobbit needs is vehemently hated character played by someone so unlikable (on the screen, she`s very bubbly off the screen).

Yeah, you really know what everyone likes don't you. Do you listen to yourself sometimes? Or read what you've written? Jesus.

Tinker Tailor snubbed COMPLETELY.Well, shit.

Could it be that many haven't seen it? Of course this is despite it opening very early on, then again, if these are the British awards, then, wtf.

SAG is tomorrow. And there are NO nominations that could annoy me more than hers.

Agreed. The performance is so overrated. She plays the character you can take the piss out of in any R-rated comedy or comedy in general. If you're gonna award her for that, might as well retroactively give out awards to Zach G, Rogen and whoever else who's played the part.

I`d be super annoyed if Hanna shit made an out of blue showing.

Now you sound like a ranting teenager. We all have our own opinions, yeah, but can you at least try not to be so hateful, pedantic and immature when you dislike something?
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I like Melissa McCarthy in Bridesmaids alot but all this critical attention is kind of ruining it for me, especially since I think Kristen Wiig's performance is so much more worth the attention. She put her heart and soul not only into that performance but into the film/script itself.

I would agree with this. She shows so much more range than McCarthy's atypical performance. I'm not saying McCarthy sucks, but it's not like it is really special.
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fish, what do you think of Rooney Mara? "Maramania" aside, I mean.

Nothing. I don`t remember her in anything. I don`t even know if I saw her in anything. I must have in TSN but don`t rememeber.Anyway, tomorrow is the judgement day. Will AD disappear in one big Jonestown-like mass self-kill if Maramania doesn`t happen? Will Jeff Wells shave his pompadour if The Artist wins Best Ensamble few months after SAG nom? Stay tuned. I just want to say this to our dead resident Maramaniac Travod:"Stay strong, resist the peer pressure to jump out of the window if Maramania tanks. We love you!"
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Nothing. I don`t remember her in anything. I don`t even know if I saw her in anything. I must have in TSN but don`t rememeber.

Anyway, tomorrow is the judgement day. Will AD disappear in one big Jonestown-like mass self-kill if Maramania doesn`t happen? Will Jeff Wells shave his pompadour if The Artist wins Best Ensamble few months after SAG nom? Stay tuned. I just want to say this to our dead resident Maramaniac Travod:"Stay strong, resist the peer pressure to jump out of the window if Maramania tanks. We love you!"

Hahahah! I can always count on you for a good dosage of caustic sarcasm.

I remember hearing all these raves about Rooney Mara last year too with TSN and to this day I still can't recall her part in the movie. Was she the girl he was on a date with at the very, very beginning? If so that was a cameo.

It's kind of the same with Albert Brooks this year. I love Drive as much as the next guy, it's my #2 for the year right now, but I didn't leave the theater thinking about his character or that he hit out of the park... When I read the reviews after seeing it I was scratching my head thinking, "Who did he play?" I thought Gosling was the best in that movie.. but whatever.

I'm seriously starting to think McCarthy has a shot at Best Actress win. Who is standing in her way? Octavia Spencer? She didn't win shit from the critics.

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I didn't even know who she was in Bridesmaids until I looked her up to be completely baffled. What in the hell did she do in that movie other than be fat and obnoxious? She played the part well, and got a few laughs, but she was a one-note character that isn't hard to pull off. The idea that she is getting Supporting Actress nods is absurd. I mean, as good as the movie was, nobody had an awards-worthy performance except MAYBE Wiig, and even that's a stretch.

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Well, yeah, but she had a character who literally made the same joke throughout the entire movie. It was just her, being fat and obnoxious. I mean, if that's the case, where's the love for Mike Myers as Fat Bastard? He was pretty much the same character, only funnier. Why don't comedians get nominated all the time for the job they do pulling off comedy? Ferrell, Carrey, Segel, and more tend to carry their comedies based on their delivery. Granted, you get the occasional James Franco or Robert Downey Jr nomination, but they got credit largely for doing something so different so well (black guy for Downey Jr, stoner for Franco).

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So fucking disappointed at the DH2 snubs. I told myself to not expect nominations, but WTF. Andy Serkis over Ralph Fiennes and Rickman? Give me a fucking break.

Serkis delivered a phenomenal performance in RotPotA, and elevated it to something far far better than it should have been. His performance and recognition is hopefully a sign that mocap is starting to be accepted. Rickman was good, but only really an extended cameo.
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Houston and Toronto main winners up in OP.Anyway, I tallied all the winners in the OP, even though it probably won't mean much, but it's fun.The Artist is in the lead for Best Picture with 6 wins. Tree of Life is the runner up with 3Michel Hazanavicius, Terrence Malick and Martin Scorsese all have 3 wins for DirectorActor is a VERY spread out category with Pitt, Clooney, Fassbender and Shannon all getting two wins each.Michelle Williams is leading actress with 4 wins, runner up is Tilda just behind with 3.Albert Brooks has a huge 8 wins. Christopher Plummer has 4. So far they're the only two people to win that category.Jessica Chastain and Melissa McCarthy (:o) lead supporting actress with three wins each, although McCarthy has the most wins for a single performance since Chastain gets awarded for a bunch of stuff. Runners up are Shailene Woodley and Octavia Spencer with 2 wins each

Edited by CoolioD1
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