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Once Upon A Time

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What is the Enchanted Florest? Is it a place where real world and fantasy world connect? Can someone explain me the importance of it?


Wait...You really watched it, from the season 4? Gosh, I never would do something like that o_o

And I won't answer you, the TV show deserves to be watched from the start :P

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Wait...You really watched it, from the season 4? Gosh, I never would do something like that o_o

And I won't answer you, the TV show deserves to be watched from the start :P

Please, answer me. 


I don't have time to watch 66 episodes now.

Edited by CJohn
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So it is the place from where the stories come from and where all those people lived. Cool. The location of Anna is still a mystery, she may not be in the real world (I know Elsa was stuck inside something in Rumpelstiltskin basement where he kept dark and dangerous magic, how she got there is still yet to be revealed as well right?). 

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But did he used it before in the show?

Nope. This is setting up a new story line, possibly linked with the origins of the story book. You really need to watch the series from the beginning to understand the mythology of the show!

Oh and if you're here for Frozen, than you probably won't be watching after the first half of this season.

Edited by Wormy
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For CJohn:






  1. Pilot: The story starts in this pilot that promised a far better show than the one we got.

  2. The Thing You Love the Most: The second episode does contain some important info.

  3. Snow Falls: The third episode is crucial to the romance story between David and Mary Margaret.

  4. The Shepherd: Reveals important backstory info about David.

  5. The Heart is A Lonely Hunter: Stuff actually happens in Storybrooke.

  6. Desperate Souls: Deals with the aftermath of The Heart is a Lonely Hunter and Rumpelstilkin's backstory is revealed.

  7. 7:15AM: Two major characters are introduced.

  8. Skin Deep: The Beauty and the Beast episode establishes the relationship between Belle and Rumpel. Not a perfect episode.

  9. What Happened to Frederick: Important stuff happens in Storybrooke.

  10. The Stable Boy: Very important episode as it gives vital backstory info.

  11. An Apple as Red as Blood: Sets up a game-changing season finale.

  12. A Land Without Magic: A game-changing season finale.




  1. Broken: The second season premiere sets up the first half of the second season story arc and has important info.

  2. Lady of the Lake: Sets up the season's bad guy and is an important episode for that reason.

  3. The Crocodile: Meet Hook!

  4. Tallahassee: Important Emma Swan episode. The CGI in this episode really stretches the show's budget.

  5. Queen of Hearts: The first half of the second season story arc is resolved.

  6. The Cricket Game: Sets up the second half.

  7. Manhattan: Important episode regarding the relationship of several major characters.

  8. The Miller's Daughter: Possibly the best episode of season two and it resolves the current major arc in a surprisingly tragic way.

  9. Welcome to Storybrooke: This episode sets up the seeds for the third season.

  10. And Straight On 'Til Morning: The second season finale closes out the season and sets up the third season.



  1. The Heart of the Truest Believer: AKA: “Once Upon a Time in Neverland”

  2. Nasty Habits: An important Neal-Rumpelstilskin episode.

  3. Think Lovely Thoughts: Finally an episode where stuff happens!

  4. Save Henry: Stuff happens again!

  5. The New Neverland: The Neverland plot continues to move along.

  6. Going Home: The Neverland plot finally concludes.

  7. New York City Serenade: But it's time for the Oz plot to start!

  8. Witch Hunt: And stuff happens.

  9. Quiet Minds: A major character dies. :(

  10. A Curious Thing: A major third season episode.

  11. Kansas: Wraps up the Oz plot.

  12. Snow Drifts: The first half of a two-hour finale. It's Once Upon a Time: Back to the Future!

  13. There's No Place Like Home: The second-half that sets up Once Upon a Time: Frozen.







  1. The Price of Gold: The Cinderella episode. Not really relevant.

  2. That Still Small Voice: Henry falls to a hole and the show stalls.

  3. True North: The Hansel and Gretel episode.

  4. Fruit of the Poisonous Tree: If you want to know more about the magic mirror, this is his episode.

  5. Dreamy: For all that is good in the world, skip this episode. One of the worst entries in OUAT history.

  6. Red-Handed: One of the best episodes of the series so it's worth a watch but I don't think it's essential to the story. Unless Red Riding Hood comes back.

  7. Heart of Darkness: Not really important in the grand scheme of things.

  8. Hat Trick: Helps set up the Once Upon a Time in Wonderland spin-off. If you're interested, it's worth a watch.

  9. The Return: I don't think this is important. It might resolve the Kathryn story arc the season was going through at the moment but the arc isn't critical.

  10. The Stranger: This episode is slightly more important if you care about who August is but I'd be surprised if he plays a role in the fourth season so spoiler:

    he's Pinochio.

    Other than that, nothing else happens.




  1. We Are Both: I think it's safe to skip this. All you need to know is that people can't leave Storybrooke because they forget their memories.

  2. The Doctor: If you want to know who Dr. Whale is then this is an important episode. Otherwise, I think you can skip it.

  3. Child of the Moon: Skippable.

  4. Into the Deep: Skippable.

  5. The Outsider: It's an important season 2 episode but I don't think you need to watch it.

  6. In the Name of the Brother: Deals with the aftermath of The Outsider.

  7. Tiny: Skippable.

  8. The Queen is Dead: A nice Snow White episode but I think skippable.

  9. Selfless, Brave, and True: It's an important episode for season 2 but not the whole series.

  10. Lacey: Also an important season 2 episode but not the whole series.

  11. The Evil Queen: A terrible episode that backtracks on a lot of character development to force plot stuff.

  12. Second Star to the Right: It lays the seeds for the Peter Pan arc but I don't think you need to watch it.



  1. Lost Girl: Not important.

  2. Quite a Common Fairy: It's kind-of important in that it lays some seeds about Regina's relationship with Robin Hood but not really.

  3. Good Form: Stalling!

  4. Ariel: Stalling! Okay, technically important season 3 stuff happens here but I don't think it's important.

  5. Dark Hollow: Important third season 3 stuff I guess but not for the series.

  6. The Tower: A David-centric episode.

  7. It's Not Easy Being Green: An important episode in the Oz arc but not the general series.

  8. The Jolly Roger: A nice Hook-centric episode you can still skip.

  9. Bleeding Through: It's important to a degree but skippable.


So overall you can skip: 31 episodes of the 66.

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Sunday Final Ratings: Once Upon A Time adjusted up to 3.7/10 demo rating, 10.20 million viewers

Checking the ratings of the entire series, looks like this episode is the sixth highest OUAT episode ever in the demo ratings (the only ratings advertisers care about). It tied the eighth episode from the first season.


I wonder how much the numbers are being powered by the kids that love Frozen that are watching the show with their parents for the first time? The kids don't count in the demo ratings, but the parents certainly do.

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I'm surprised this show has lasted so long. I think the acting is kind of yuck and the stories aren't that compelling either. Anyway, with the whole Frozen thing, it should be good for at least a couple more seasons.


I will say this, choosing Frozen for this season was great synergy on their behalf and great foresight for them.

Edited by CloneWars
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In TV Guide magazine's "Returning Favorites" issue, it was stated that the Frozen storyline on Once Upon a Time would run 11 episodes. :) 




"White Out" – While desperately trying to find her sister Anna, Elsa is startled by Emma and accidentally traps them both inside an ice cave, with the frozen temperature placing Emma's life in peril. Regina, depressed over her likely breakup with Robin Hood, secludes herself away from the town and Henry, which saddens her son. And with the townspeople considering Mary Margaret their leader, she faces her first leadership task in trying to re-start a generator and restore the town's electricity after Elsa freezes and damages the power lines. Meanwhile, in the Enchanted Forest of the past, Anna tries to teach a meek David to fight Bo Peep, a brutal warlord who is threatening to take his and his mother's farm away if they don't pay her price, on "Once Upon a Time," SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.


"Once Upon a Time" stars Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White/Mary Margaret, Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan, Lana Parrilla as the Evil Queen/Regina, Josh Dallas as Prince Charming/David Nolan, Emilie de Ravin as Belle, Colin O'Donoghue as Hook, Jared S. Gilmore as Henry, Michael Socha as Will Scarlet and Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold.


Guest starring are Lee Arenberg as Leroy/Grumpy, Beverley Elliott as Granny, Michael Coleman as Happy, Georgina Haig as Elsa, Elizabeth Lail as Anna, Robin Weigert as Bo Peep, Gabrielle Rose as Ruth and Sean Owen Roberts as Ruffian.


"White Out" was written by Jane Espenson and directed by Ron Underwood.

Edited by mulder42
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Next episode sounds awesome!  Glad to see Elsa interact with at least Emma! :)


I don't have time to watch 66 episodes now.

The list of episodes to watch posted by Water Bottle are a good way to catch up on everything. :)  As for the ones they said are non-essential, I still recommend you watch "Red-Handed" and "Ariel" if you have time.  The former because Red Riding/Hood/Ruby is an awesome character, and the latter because they characterize Ariel perfectly. :D

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since i haven't watched frozen and represent people who haven't and don't know the story either 


i'm wondering (wrongly likely) whether elsa is related to this other chick who can froze stuff , i mean isnt it strange that in a land with no magic? her parents made a kid who can freeze stuff up ? what is the corrolation anyway


apart from that snow getting frustrated with her dwarfs in the electrical plant had me lmao ! 


it finally dawned on me who the actress playing elsa is , she's peter and olivia daughter in fringe , she has very specific eyes and at the time i thought it was amazing casting that they found someone who incorporated physical attributes of both peter and olivia  in such  a believable fashion 


other random thought , either actress playing anna is really tall or charming is short 


and again actress playing anna is like a breath of fresh air you can actually feel how much she's enjoying her stint on OUAT or that she's playing a frozen character probably both too , i know she's a fan of robin hood and regina pairing ! , i always enjoy when you can tell an actor is involved !


also forgot how random it feels no matter how much effort they put in it when they introduce a new character that just happened to be around but we never saw before !

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Why does the town have a power plant with no workers? Like, seriously, Mary Margaret didn't need to solve this crisis if she had done the curse right and made sure some of the vanilla fairytale townspeople were also engineers. Also she seemed really stupid not realizing fuel is an essential requirement of running that power plant earlier.


The Emma/Elsa plot was okay as it allowed them to connect but it also wasn't very interesting. I don't get why Charming/Hook didn't like try to light the ice wall on fire or go to Regina...or why they didn't try to use the staff ASAP rather than going all the way back to the wall first. Blah. Also Storybrooke Bo Beep stating that he's somehow a hero in the Storybrooke world makes ZERO sense. Not only did David beat her back in the Enchanted Forrest (saving Anna) but he also became a King who continually saved the realm. What, was she living under a rock?


I didn't like the second episode that much.

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Why does the town have a power plant with no workers? Like, seriously, Mary Margaret didn't need to solve this crisis if she had done the curse right and made sure some of the vanilla fairytale townspeople were also engineers. Also she seemed really stupid not realizing fuel is an essential requirement of running that power plant earlier.


The Emma/Elsa plot was okay as it allowed them to connect but it also wasn't very interesting. I don't get why Charming/Hook didn't like try to light the ice wall on fire or go to Regina...or why they didn't try to use the staff ASAP rather than going all the way back to the wall first. Blah. Also Storybrooke Bo Beep stating that he's somehow a hero in the Storybrooke world makes ZERO sense. Not only did David beat her back in the Enchanted Forrest (saving Anna) but he also became a King who continually saved the realm. What, was she living under a rock?


I didn't like the second episode that much.


You are pretty much right about everything, but I still loved the episode. More than the premiere.


The cast of Elza and Anna is SO on point. Their performance is perfect, and right now I can't imagine anyone else doing a live action version of those characters.


I wasn't too excited by the whole Frozen theme because I preferred the Wicked Witch storyline, but this is shaping up to be a very good stage in the series.

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