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Thor: The Dark World (2013)

Thor: The Dark World (2013)  

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Saw this yesterday on my computer and I expected it to be shit like IM3 because the general consensus was that it was a notch below IM3 and I thought that one was total crap 


To my surprise it wasn't 


It was just plain ordinary and mediocre with Loki as the only remotely interesting thing about it but since I expected crap I guess I got that reaction 


I still wouldn't pay to see this in theaters ( prices over here are laughably expensive for this country's low living standards ) but it gave me a passable time 



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Plain, bore, predictable, cliched. Talking about characters, plot, score, and even action was meh.

Hemsworth's Thor is so bland in this. They wanted him to be shown mature and serious compared to Thor and TA, but he felt really bland.

The character Jane was unbelievably bad, boring, cliched damsel-in-distress. Natalie deserved better.


The less said about Makelith the better, because he is hardly even in there and yet he was this close to destroying all 7 universes....wut? What were the rest of the heroes and even villains from other universes in Marvel doing? "Oh yeah let the Maki guy destroy all life as we know it, while we sit here".


Needed a lot more Jamie Alexander.

The positives are Hiddelstone and Hopkins. Loki steals the shows in his scenes, but he is hardly there. Hopkins I thought portrayed the role of the mythical king brilliantly.

I actually found Darcy's one-lines funny. But Selvig was a total waste of screen-time.


The humor in this movie works less than half the time.


The ending was ridiculous. The mid-credit scene was mega ridiculous, and end credit scene was just......yeah.



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Eh, I wasn't a big fan of the first Thor (though half of it, when on Asgard, was great while the stuff on Earth was mediocre), and while this one had plenty of problems (a muddled plot, bland acting and yet again an absolutely forgettable villain, typical in the Marvel movies; jokes that didn't hit the mark) and the end title scenes was just confusing, though I'm not a comic book reader anymore (haven't been for 10+ years now and even then it was mostly Batman).


Still, the action was decent and the visual effects were pretty good. On the whole, it managed to keep my attention so it's not terrible and sure as hell better than Iron Man 3.


***/***** (B-/C+, 5.8/10, 2.25/4)

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The main villain and his faceless lackeys had no personality,this has to be the worst villain in the MCU. Where were the Avengers while Makelith was trying to destroy the Universe?This entire film felt like a set up for future movies in he MCU,they had no clue what to do with Thor and continue to keep  irritating characters like Darcy along with  her little sidekick, he had no reason to even be in the film.

Edited by Azazel
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I'm by no means a comic book fan, and yet the first Thor was a guilty pleasure for me.  It was ridiculous in all the right ways, featured a fun villain along with all the dynamics that came with it, and was just an entertaining watch overall.
Unfortunately, this film has less of the positives and more of negatives from the first.  The forced and contrived romance once again takes center stage, and for the most part just serves to muddle the story and zap it of any potential energy.  Once again, the story makes far too much of an effort to include Earth in the happenings.  I can't help but think this is a fantasy-based comic that simply tries too hard to be relatable to audiences.  The attempts at emotional drama are awful.  The death of Thor's mom wasn't just handled poorly, but was laughable in nature.  Did anyone feel anything but hints of mockery struggling to break through?
Perhaps the biggest issue is the fact that the villain here brings out feelings of indifference.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Look, I understand that it's a comic book film, and the good guy will ultimately win.  But it would have been nice to see this guy as some sort of threat in any way.  He almost felt just tacked on as a requirement.  To say there was very little sense of danger in the film would be an understatement.
In many ways this film was a reminder as to just how heavily this series leans on the character of Loki.  Even with a repressed role here, he was still the emotional drive of the film.  As the villain in the first not only served as a great villain but also as the element of the film which served to invest viewers.  Relegated to the backseat here, he was merely a tease of what made the first film work (and let's be honest, even with that the first wasn't great).
Simply put.......lazy, safe, and uninspired.
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I think I gave this a B+ coming out the theater, but after sitting on it for 4 months I think its right on the borderline of C+. Really nothing special. Its not bad, but it got forgettable fast and I still havent even gotten energy to even rent for a $1 on Redbox. Good to hear Cap is back to standards.

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I think I gave this a B+ coming out the theater, but after sitting on it for 4 months I think its right on the borderline of C+. Really nothing special. Its not bad, but it got forgettable fast and I still havent even gotten energy to even rent for a $1 on Redbox. Good to hear Cap is back to standards.


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A solid, yet unexceptional film.


Overall I enjoyed it, could have been better, but I expected just *a bit* more from Alan Taylor. Marvel's interference with Taylor's direction for the film was noticeable though.


Loki was great as always, and Thor was great too. Malekith was too one-dimensional for me, and I was disappointed with the final battle and how it ended.


Kurse was absolutely AMAZING. LOVED everything about Kurse, but was REALLY disappointed with how little screen-time he got. I wish they would have given him more screen time, and showed more of how and why he was such a bad ass. The way the defeated Kurse also certainly was not a cop out, I'm in agreement with many others on this point. The defeat of Kurse did justice to just how immensely bad ass the character was.


The score was average, did not detract nor did it add to the film for me.


What REALLY shocked me was very last scene of the film, that was a GREAT cliffhanger and has me curious in terms of what will happen with Loki and Asgard.


The visuals were exceptional, but I expected nothing less from Double Negative.


Thanks to mainly Kurse and the cliffhanger ending, this gets a B+ from me.

Edited by ACCA
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I still can't get over the terribly pointless overly stuffed CGI prologue scene which wasn't even directed by Taylor. 


Besides that its a tad better than I gave it credit for. It would be 100x better if they just killed all the human characters or some how they all went on vacation and never appeared in Thor 3 besides a funny postcard.


C (75)

Edited by Jay Hollywood
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There was a prologue? I don't even remenber it despite "enjoying" the film


Yeah it ruins the movie. It gives all the back story on the villain and shows exactly what the aether is and what it does. Makes the audience not have to thing and it ruins moments. 


Later on when it cuts to Malekith its got the cool music cue, tracking shot through a dark alien ship, we see his metal mask covering thing open up to revel Malekith... It feels and looks like that should be our villain revel. That should be our first glimpse of him but no. 

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