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2011 Best Picture Predicts

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EL&IC is just polarizing. Some call it the best of the year, and some hate it. I see it ending up like the reader at 60% on RT and getting some nominations. The score is the best of the year imo, so it'll at least get that nomination.

Edited by acsc1312
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I'm actually kind of liking this awards season. It is a lot more unpredictable compared to the last few years. I still think DH2 has a chance at a BP nom. Heck, a lot of films have a chance at a BP nom.

I'm still sticking with there being nine noms this year, but we might get 10. But, 9 is my lucky number this year.

Oh, and btw, I could care less if DH2 makes it in. I'm just saying I have that feeling it will get in, despite precursor awards saying otherwise.

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What a weak year this has turned out to be at Best Picture. After last year's incredibly strong Best Picture line up -- in terms of box office, entertainment value, and quality -- this year falls depressingly short.

The Artist (typical Weinstein Oscar-bait)

The Descendants (typical Payne/Clooney existential drama/comedy)

The Help (horribly overrated and only gets in because so many other contenders have disappointed)

Midnight in Paris/Tree of Life (trendy hipster art house tripe. Well okay, Midnight in Paris was pretty decent).

The only films this year that stack up to last year are War Horse/Moneyball IMO.

Seriously, last year definitely spoiled us: Black Swan, The Fighter, 127 Hours, The Social Network, True Grit, Inception, The King's Speech, even Toy Story 3. Talk about an elite combination of quality and box office performance.

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Hey, didn't we make a sig bet or something on BOM about whether or not The Help would win ensemble at the SAG awards? :huh:

If you're talking to me, the only bet I remember was one I had with ShawnMR, but I don't even remember what it was about. Probably involving The Help.

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I think it's more shameful that the superior DHI couldn't sneak in last year when there were 10 guaranteed nominees.

DH1's snubs were atrocious. Looking back, how the hell did it not get a nomination for Best Cinematography? That's utterly baffling to me. Also, it was a film that deserved a SAG nomination for Best Ensemble.

DH2's snubs are easily the most disappointing. It's a strong finale to the most culturally impacting series since Star Wars. I just hate that the series never got the recognition it deserves from award ceremonies.

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The HP series weren't strong films. They were all episodic (even the best ones) and too tied to each other to be a distinctive entity on their own (which is what you need to get a Best Pic nom).

The Artist (typical Weinstein Oscar-bait)

The Descendants (typical Payne/Clooney existential drama/comedy)

The Help (horribly overrated and only gets in because so many other contenders have disappointed)

Midnight in Paris/Tree of Life (trendy hipster art house tripe. Well okay, Midnight in Paris was pretty decent).

How can you call THE ARTIST typical anything? When was the last time a black-n-white picture was nominated, to say nothing of a silent picture?

For that matter, criticizing THE DESCENDANTS for being typical Payne is... well, crazy; you could level the "typical" complaint at any major director.

TREE OF LIFE is great.

THE HELP? Okay, I agree there. :P

Edited by Telemachos
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Ravon, I totally agree. Last year's best picture class totally eats this year's alive on every level. The box office discrepancies alone is so telling. People actually watched/enjoyed last year's. This year's are middling popularity at best sans The Help and there is no variety- it's like we have 7 King's Speeches this year.

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OK, maybe it didn't go as far as a bet. I remember you being really adamant that The Help wasn't going to get an ensemble nomination though.

I was adamant that it wouldn't win, but with so many major contenders disappointing (J. Edgar, Extremely Loud, etc.) I'm not so sure anymore. If and when it does win it's just a sign of how unbelievably weak this year's contenders are.

The HP series weren't strong films. They were all episodic (even the best ones) and too tied to each other to be a distinctive entity on their own (which is what you need to get a Best Pic nom).

How can you call THE ARTIST typical anything? When was the last time a black-n-white picture was nominated, to say nothing of a silent picture?

For that matter, criticizing THE DESCENDANTS for being typical Payne is... well, crazy; you could level the "typical" complaint at any major director.

TREE OF LIFE is great.

THE HELP? Okay, I agree there. :P

When I say THE ARTIST is "typical Weinstein Oscar bait," this simply means it's a film designed for one purpose: to contend for/win Oscars. Weinstein always seem to have an art-house film in contention. THE TREE OF LIFE resonates similarly.

As for THE DESCENDANTS, I don't mean to discredit the film itself. Payne and Clooney produce great films. The issue is THE DESCENDANTS is just another typical Oscar film: an existential drama/comedy, which Payne and/or Clooney are known for delivering. This time they're doing it together.

All I'm saying is this year offers nothing to get excited about -- except maybe War Horse, which is epic Spielberg, or Moneyball, which is so sharply written and wittily original.

This year all the contenders are so Oscar-ish. rockNrollsaDIM said it best, this year we have no variety.

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What a weak year this has turned out to be at Best Picture. After last year's incredibly strong Best Picture line up -- in terms of box office, entertainment value, and quality -- this year falls depressingly short.

The Artist (typical Weinstein Oscar-bait)

The Descendants (typical Payne/Clooney existential drama/comedy)

The Help (horribly overrated and only gets in because so many other contenders have disappointed)

Midnight in Paris/Tree of Life (trendy hipster art house tripe. Well okay, Midnight in Paris was pretty decent).

The only films this year that stack up to last year are War Horse/Moneyball IMO.

Seriously, last year definitely spoiled us: Black Swan, The Fighter, 127 Hours, The Social Network, True Grit, Inception, The King's Speech, even Toy Story 3. Talk about an elite combination of quality and box office performance.

The Artist, typical? LOL b/w silent movie, with french stars... Yeah, every year Weinstein comes with the same thing. Have you even seen it? In fact, the typical Oscar contenders this year are Moneyball and War Horse, historically speaking.

Last year had not typical movies? We had a boxing drama (yeah that's new :rolleyes:), an animated sequel (and I really liked it though), a western that was already a remake... And we really had the typical Oscar contender that year: TKS

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Black Swan, Inception, 127 Hours, Social Network.... that is not your typical Oscar-fare.

True Grit may have been a remake but it was also a huge blockbuster with big time entertainment value.

The difference between last year's contenders vs. this year's contenders is that it seems the majority of this year's crop seem like they were made specifically to be considered for Oscars, not to engage the masses. Last year's contenders were all high in quality but also high in entertainment value and yes they did have variety... Drama, dramedy, horror, sci-fi, animation, western... King's Speech was arguably the only cookie cutter piece in there.

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Hmm...In 2011, we had these:

Inception: A

Black Swan: A

The Social Network: A

Toy Story 3: A

127 Hours: A-

The Fighter: A-

True Grit:B+

The King's Speech: B

Winter's Bone: B

The Kids Are All Right: B-

And this year, I've only seen 3.

The Artist: A

Hugo: A/A-

The Descendants: A-

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