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Weekend Estimates: The Hobbit - 73.6M | Frozen - 22.2M | Madea - 16M

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Yes but TH2 drop is big and embarrasing any way you cut it. 37m OD ---> 32m OD... for a SEQUEL? Somebody explain to me how that's a win?



No one is saying it's a "win", but it's surely not a loss either.

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Wrong. Lucas already killed Star Wars. If anything, JJ will revive it.

Are you saying it's impossible for JJ Abrams to fuck up?I think Star Trek is good but it's not leagues above Revenge of the Sith.I'd say they're about on the same level.What has Abrams done that indicates he can make something as good as A New Hope or the Empire Strikes Back?Nada.
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Are you saying it's impossible for JJ Abrams to fuck up?I think Star Trek is good but it's not leagues above Revenge of the Sith.I'd say they're about on the same level.What has Abrams done that indicates he can make something as good as A New Hope or the Empire Strikes Back?Nada.


Star Trek was sooooooo much better then revenge of the sith

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Star Trek was sooooooo much better then revenge of the sith

The RT score reflects that but I wasn't blown away by either one.The cast doing their imitation of the original cast was cute but I was completely aware that they were second rate copies. Some of the action was suspenseful but the movie overall didn't feel like Star Trek. Revenge of the Sith was admittedly weak but it has a handful iconic concepts/scenes. handfulI'm equally unmotivated to re-watch either movie. Edited by grey ghost
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I'm just glad it'll do over 70m this weekend. This is a solid start and 280m definitely seems attainable now.Also, the negativity some of you have towards the hobbit really erks me. Like stfu. Nobody cares if this is down 10% from AUJ....AUJ was benefiting from the goodwill of lotr. Dos is coming off of AUJ which had mixed reactions.


Are there movies that you are negative towards?  The reason people express these opinions is because some of us didn't like the first and furthermore we don't like the way the Hobbit has been made in comparison to LOTR.  So if you are irked by these comments, I have bad news for you.  They aren't going to stop nay time soon.  That's the way of the forums.l

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What a bunch of horseshit. Sorry.


It'll at least do close to a billion. WB know exactly what they are doing.


Agreed 100%.  Show me a series that has no interest that grosses 900-1B.  And for a film to finish with 260-280 does not show a lack of interest.  It shows a great deal of interest.  We need perspective here folks.

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I love how this trilogy is likely gonna gross $3b+ WW and some of the haters wanna try to act like that's not impressive. :lol: Will be the first trilogy ever to hit a gross of $3 billion  if it does, even LOTR didn't do it.


And let's have perspective the other way.  LOTR didn't have 3D and it didn't have inflated prices and it didn't have as big a world wide market as Hobbit does.

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What are we at?  8.8M from midnights?  Assuming that 32.5M figure holds, that's basically matching what AUJ did on Friday (minus previews if that still hasn't caught on yet).


8.8M Midnigts

23.7M Friday

28.4M Saturday (+20%)

19.9M Sunday (-30%)


72.0M Fri-Sun

80.8M Weekend


Matching AUJ's multiplier of 4.05 (Fri-Sun) would put it smack on target for 300M.


This whole deal of pointing out that it almost did what AUJ did on FRIDAY is skewing reality.  The fact is it will do about 6 mill less for the entire Friday gross.  Since when have we just forgotten about midnights?  And perhaps a better indication of what it will do is to take the multiplier from midnights or from OD:


AUJ did 37.5 mill OD and ended with 303.  That's an 8.08X

Take the OD of DOS and you have 31.5 and you have 254.52

Take 32.5 and give it the same multiplier and you have 262.6.


Those numbers seem with the realm of possibility to me.

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