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Tuesday #s (12/17) DOS 6.2, AM2 2.3

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I just don't think it's as good as CR, but it's sure better than QOS.


QOS was a giant pile of shit, so yes, SKYFALL was much better.


Seriously though, Skyfall is still a Bond movie. If you complain it's shallow, I have to ask... shallow compared to what? It's the most resilient film franchise ever created precisely because of its knowing... shallowness.


The problem with SKYFALL is that it doesn't want to accept that it's absurd and shallow. It's fraught with effort to find some deeper meaning and drama (deeper than other Bond movies, anyway), but when you break it down, it's just as hilariously ridiculous.


Embrace the absurdity. Have fun with it.

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The problem with The Dark Knight Rises is that it doesn't want to accept that it's absurd and shallow. It's fraught with effort to find some deeper meaning and drama (deeper than other Batman movies, anyway), but when you break it down, it's just as hilariously ridiculous.


Embrace the absurdity. Have fun with it.


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Does anyone else, out of curiosity, click over the moment they see that the "Banned and suspended members" thread has been bumped.


No... Just me?


I do. Its my personal way of going "ooooohhh youre in troubleee" like in elementary school when little Timmy would get called to the principal over the intercom.

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So you love Dark Knight Rises for the reason you don't like Skyfall? :unsure:


No, the core story and plot of TDKR is fine, it's just that Nolan tries to tell too much story in too little time.


SKYFALL doesn't even meet that mark. Stuff happens literally just to happen. It's not a bad movie, it's just not that great.

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Reported for trolling.


Shawn I told you. Now are you gonna ban this guy or what? He's worse than Fishnets.


No, Fishnets went into every thread saying The Hobbit sucked. I'm staying in a single thread discussing my dislike for Iron Man 3, including a valid opinion on it.

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