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The Box Office Knight Rises (PAGE 17, FINAL PART UP, BONUS SPECIAL UPDATED 08/06/2014)

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Since #ED is going to be John Blake, this means when The Box Office Knight Rises is over Shawn needs to step down and give his admin role to #ED.





YUS I've been included :hi5:


Not just included, but bestowed with one of the best roles in the entire trilogy!


I haven't started part 2. Probably won't be until Sat/Sun that it'll be done. Sorry for the delay

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Welcome to Part 2 of The Box Office Knight. Sorry for the lateness, things have gotten hectic and honestly, this part wasn't coming together as well as I would have liked. Hopefully you all still enjoy it anyway.





Part 2


It’s daytime, and we’re in the Banned/Suspended Members Thread where criminals of the Box Office Forums are awaiting trial, including new forum mob boss, and leader of the Frozenites, Iceroll. Dragon is waiting, when Numbers finally appears. Dragon looks slightly frustrated.


Posted Image


Numbers:  Sorry I’m late, folks.


Dragon: Where were you?


Numbers: Worried you’d have to step up?


Dragon: Numbers, I know the briefs backwards.


Numbers: Well then, fair’s fair, we use a coin flipping program, heads I’ll take it, tails is all yours.


Dragon: You’re flipping coins to see who leads?


Numbers: It’s my father’s lucky program, as I recall, it got me my first date with you.


Dragon: I’m serious Numbers, you don’t leave something like this up to chance.


The program generates a heads.


Numbers: I don’t. I make my own luck.


As the trial begins, Numbers and Iceroll stand next to each other. There’s a playful chemistry between them, as if this is business as usual.


Iceroll: I thought the DA just played poker with the Box Office mayor, things like that.


Numbers: Game’s at 1:30. More than enough time to suspend you away for life, Iceroll.


The mods bring in Incarnadine, the witness who has agreed to testify against Iceroll. The trial begins with Numbers doing a cross examination of the witness.


Numbers: With Nikki Finke suspended away, someone must have stepped up to run the so called trolls. Is this man in the thread today?


Incarnadine indicates yes.


Numbers: Could you identify him for us, please?


Incarnadine: You win counselor.


Numbers stares down Iceroll. He believes he has him, and smiles.


Incarnadine: It was me.


Numbers’ smile disappears. He faces down Incarnadine and shows a private message to him directly.


Numbers: I’ve got a sworn private message from you that this man, Frozen Iceroll, is the new head of the Nikke Finke empire.


Incarnadine: Iceroll? He’s a fall guy. I’m the brains behind the whole operation.


Numbers approaches the judge.


Numbers: Permission to treat the poster as hostile?


Incarnadine: Hostile? I’ll show you hostile!


Incarnadine pulls out a banning gun and attempts to ban Numbers, but the weapon is empty. Numbers promptly disarms him and knocks him out. He takes the weapon and brings it right to Iceroll.


Numbers: Ceramic 28 caliber. Made in China. If you want to ban a public servant Mr. Iceroll, next time I suggest you buy American.


The judge begins to dismiss the trial when Numbers intervenes.


Numbers: But your honor, I’m not done yet…


Those in attendance laugh and applaud.


Outside the thread, Dragon and Numbers are discussing the trial. They have failed, but it wasn’t a defeat, even if in the traditional sense.


Dragon: We’ll never link the weapon to Iceroll so we can’t charge him, but the fact that they were trying to ban you means we’re getting to them.


Numbers: Glad you’re so pleased Dragon. I’m fine by the way.


Dragon: Numbers, you’re Box Office’s DA. If they’re not attempting to ban you, then you’re not doing your job. Course, if you were rattled, we could take the rest of the day…


Numbers: Can’t. I dragged the head of the Major Crimes unit down here.


Dragon: Redfirebird? He’s a friend. Try to be nice.




At Numbers’ thread, aptly in the Star Wars Episode VII thread, Redfirebird is waiting for him. They greet each other, business like. While they hold no animosity towards each other, things are strictly professional.


Redfirebird: Word is that you can make a hell of a strike. Shame Iceroll is going to walk.


Numbers: Well, good thing about the trolls is that they keep giving you second chances.


Numbers grabs some of the marked likes that were seized in the weekend numbers threads.


Numbers: Lightly flagged likes. Fancy stuff for a forum mod. Have help?


Redfirebird: We have liaise with various groups…


Numbers: Save it Redfirebird, I want to meet him.


Redfirebird: Official policy is to suspend the BoxOfficeMan on sight.


Numbers: And that Zack Galifinakis logo that appears on the forums?


Redfirebird: If you have concerns about the web page, take them up with the web team, counselor.


Numbers is annoyed but he’s in no mood to pursue further. If you can’t change the way they operate, join them?


Numbers: I’ve suspended every like launderer. But the Frozen mob is still getting its likes out. I think you and your ‘friend’ have found the last game in the forums and you’re trying to hit them where it hurts. Their likes. It’s bold. You gonna count me in?


Redfirebird: On this forum, the  fewer people know something, the safer the operation.


Numbers: Redfirebird, I don’t like that you’ve got your own special unit, and I don’t like that it’s full of mods that I investigated in internal affairs.


Redfirebird: If I didn’t work with mods you’d investigated while you were making a name for yourself at I.A. then I’d be working alone. I don’t get political points for being an idealist. I have to do the best I can with what I have.


Numbers: You want me to back warrants for search and seizure on five threads, without telling me who we’re after?


Redfirebird: I can give you the name of the threads.


Numbers: Well that’s a start. I’ll get you your warrants. But I want your trust.


Redfirebird: You don’t have to sell me, Numbers. We all know you’re Box Office’s White Knight.


Numbers: I hear they’ve got a different name for me down at the MCU.


Redfirebird: I wouldn’t know anything about that…




We’re at Box Office Enterprises. The site has flourished since BoxOffice Begins, especially now that RTH and Shawn have assumed control over Gitesh Pandya. Shawn and RTH are in a meeting, for a possible partnership with Firedeep, a Chinese Box Office prognosticator who can provide strong China box office analysis.


Firedeep: With my division, a joint venture with BoxOffice.com will be a powerhouse.


RTH: Well, Mr. Firedeep, I speak for the rest of the board, and Mr. Shawn in expressing our own excitement.


Everybody turns their attention to ShawnMR. He is idle…presumably sleeping. We see RTH escorting Firedeep out of the thread. He’s joined by Kowhite, an ambitious lawyer/accountant who looks at mergers and acquisitions. As soon as Firedeep is gone, he approaches RTH.


Kowhite: Sir, I know Mr. Shawn is curious about how his trust fund gets replenished, but frankly, it’s embarrassing.


RTH: You worry about the diligence, Mr. Kowhite. I’ll worry about ShawnMR.


Kowhite: It’s done. The numbers are solid.


RTH: Do it again. Wouldn’t want the trust fund to run out, would we?


RTH goes back into the board room of Box Office Enterprises and approaches ShawnMR. He is alert, and sharp. A completely different person than just 20 minutes ago.


RTH: Another long night? This joint venture was your idea and the consultants love it, but I’m not convinced. Firedeep’s likes has grown 8% annually like clockwork. He must have a revenue stream that’s off the books, maybe even illegal.


ShawnMR: Ok, cancel the deal.


RTH: You already knew.


ShawnMR: I needed a closer look at their books.


RTH: Anything else you can trouble me for?


ShawnMR: I need a new control panel.


RTH: Yes, the current one is a little 2011, Mister Shawn.


He examines Shawn’s schematics.


RTH: You want to be able to change your sig?


ShawnMR: It’d sure make intimidating posters a lot easier.


RTH: I’ll see what I can do.




At a social gathering, Dragon and Numbers spend an evening together. They’re hanging out in the Classic Conversation thread, the most exclusive thread in the forums.


Numbers: It took me three weeks to get a reservation here and I had to tell them that I work for the forums.


Dragon: Really?


Numbers:  Sometimes the thread moderators aren’t afraid to pull a few strings.


Dragon notices ShawnMR and another person…Claire Holt (let’s pretend female just because)


ShawnMR: Dragon…fancy that.


Dragon: Shawn…fancy that.


ShawnMR: Dragon, Claire Holt. Claire Holt, Dragon.


Claire Holt: Are you the…?


ShawnMR: The blessed poster who posts Christina Aguilera gifs, yes.


Dragon: Shawn, this is Numbers.


Numbers: The famous ShawnMR. Dragon’s told me everything about you.


ShawnMR: Well I certainly hope not. So, let’s join up together for a chat.


Numbers: I don’t know if they’ll let us.


ShawnMR: Well they should. I own the thread.


Sometime later in the night they’re still chatting, talking about the forums and all the corruption.


Claire Holt: How could you want to bring posters to a forum like this?


ShawnMR: Well I grew up posting here. I turned out okay.


Numbers: Is Box Office Manor in the forum limits?


ShawnMR: The DC Universe section? Sure. You know, as DA, you might want to figure out where your jurisdiction ends.


Claire Holt: I’m talking about the kind of forum that idolizes an avatar vigilante.


Numbers: BoxOffice is proud of an ordinary poster standing up for what’s right.


Claire Holt: Box Office needs heroes like you, elected officials, not a poster who thinks he’s above the law.


ShawnMR: Exactly, who appointed the Box Office Man?


Numbers: We did. All of us who stood by and let trolls take control of our forum.


Claire Holt: But this forum is a democracy, Harvey.


Numbers: When their enemies were at the gate, the Romans would suspend democracy and

appoint one man to protect the city. It wasn’t considered an honor, it was a public service.


Dragon: Yeah but the last man they asked to protect the republic was named Caesar and he never gave up that power.


Numbers: Okay, fine. You either get banned as a hero, or post long enough to see yourself become the villain. Look, whoever the BoxOfficeMan is, he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life doing this. How could he? BoxOfficeMan is looking for someone to take his mantle.


Claire Holt: Someone like you, Mr. Numbers?


Numbers: Maybe, if I’m up to it.


Claire Holt: What if Numbers is the Box Office Crusader?


Numbers: If I were sneaking around the forums posting against trolls every night, someone would have noticed by now.


ShawnMR: Well, you’ve sold me Numbers. I’m gonna throw you a like fundraiser.


Numbers: That’s nice of you Shawn, but I’m not up for reelection for three years, that stuff won’t start for…


ShawnMR: I don’t think you understand. One fundraiser with my pals, and you’ll never need another like.




We’re in the Frozen thread, the headquarters for the Like Mob. In enters Chewy as he’s searched prior to entering the thread. Iceroll and Dashrendar44 are also there. A video appears.


Iceroll: What the hell is this?


Firedeep appears on the video.


Firedeep: As you’re all aware, one of our like deposits was stolen. A relatively small amount. 68000.


Chewy: Who’s shtupid enough to steal from us?


Iceroll: Two-bit wackjob, wears a cheap Lawrence of Arabia avatar. He’s not the problem, he’s a nobody. The problem is our likes being tracked by the mods.


Firedeep: Thanks to Iceroll’s well placed sources, we know the mods have identified our threads using marked likes and are planning to seize your likes today.


While this is occurring, various mods including Redfirebird and k1stpierre are shown entering threads preparing to raid the likes.


Firedeep: And since the enthusiastic new D.A. has put all my competitors out of business, I’m your only option.


Iceroll: So what are you proposing?


Firedeep: Moving all deposits to one secure location. Not a weekend thread.


Dashrendar44: Where then?


Firedeep: No one can know but me. If the police were to gain leverage over one of you, everyone’s likes would be at stake.


Chewy: What’s shtopping them from getting to you?


Firedeep: I go to the SARFT Box Office website. Far from Numbers’ jurisdiction and the Chinese

will not extradite one of their own.


Iceroll: How soon can you move the likes?


Firedeep: I already have. For obvious reasons, I couldn’t wait for your permission. Rest assured, your likes are safe.


Redfirebird is shown raiding a thread, but there are no likes to be found outside of the marked ones. He realizes that the mob has been tipped off. He vents his frustration.


Telemachos: Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha, ah ha, hoo hee, ha ha. And I thought my jokes were bad.


Dashrendar44: Give me one reason why I shouldn’t have my boy here pull your head off.


Telemachos: How about a magic trick?


One of Dashrendar’s goons attempts to ban Telemachos or at least beat some sense into him.


Telemachos: I’m gonna make this post…disappear…


Telemachos slams the poster, and deletes the post, banning the poster along with it. The post is gone, and everybody is amazed.


Telemachos: Ta-da! It’s….gone…  


Chewy gives a shrug, fairly impressed.


Telemachos:  Oh, and by the way the avatar wasn’t cheap. You oughta know, you bought it.


Dashrendar44 is pissed, and goes to ban Telemachos himself, but he’s stopped by Chewy.


Chewy: Sit. I want to hear proposition.


Telemachos: Let’s wind the clocks back a year. These mods and lawyers wouldn’t dare cross any of you. What happened? Did your balls drop off? See, a guy like me…


Dashrendar44: A freak.


The posters in the thread laugh. Telemachos ignores them.


Telemachos: A guy like me…look, listen. I know why you have your little ‘a-hem’ group therapy sessions in broad daylight. I know why you’re afraid to post out at night. The BoxOfficeMan. See BoxOfficeMan has shown your true colors unfortunately. Numbers, he’s just the beginning. And as for the video’s so called plan…BoxOfficeMan has no jurisdiction. He’ll find him, and make him squeal! And I know the squealers when I see them. And that…


Telemachos points at Firedeep. The stream ends as Firedeep disconnects.


Chewy: What do you propose?


Telemachos: It’s simple, we uh ban the BoxOfficeMan.


The posters laugh.


Iceroll: If it’s so easy, why haven’t you done it?


Telemachos: If you’re good at something, never do it for free.


Chewy: How much you want?


Telemachos:  Uh, half.


More laughter.


Dashrendar44: You’re crazy.


Telemachos: I’m not. No I’m not. If we don’t deal with this now…then little Dashrendar44 here is it? Won’t be able to get a like, for his grandma.




Telemachos rises, revealing a mechanism that will blow the whole Frozen thread sky high. All the posters begin to cower in fear.


Telemachos: Ah ta-ta-ta, let’s not blow this out of proportion.


Dashrendar44: You think you can steal likes from us and just walk away?


Telemachos: Yeah.


Dashrendar44: I’m putting the word out. 5000 likes for Telemachos banned. 10000 for him suspended, so I can teach him some manners first.


Telemachos: All right, so why don’t you give me a PM when you wanna start taking things a little more seriously. Here’s my avatar.


Telemachos exits the thread. The other posters are all kind of in shock over what just transpired.




At the Banned/Suspended thread, Numbers waits for Redfirebird and BoxOfficeMan. The Zack Galifinakis symbol shines brightly on the website. BoxOfficeMan appears, soon followed by Redfirebird.


Numbers: You’re a hard man to reach.


Redfirebird shuts down the symbol.


Numbers: Firedeep’s halfway to the SARFT forums. If you’d asked, I could have tracked his IP address and stopped him.


Redfirebird: Yeah? All that’s left in the weekend threads were the marked likes. They knew we were coming! As soon as your office got involved…


Numbers: My office? You’re sitting down here with scum like k1stpierre and MovieMan89. Oh yeah, Redfirebird, I almost had your rookie on a racketeering brief.


Redfirebird: Don’t try and cloud the fact that Iceroll clearly has people in your office, Numbers.


Numbers: We need Firedeep back but SARFT won’t extradite back under any circumstances.


ShawnMR: If I get him to you, can you get him to talk?


Numbers: I’ll get him to sing.


Redfirebird: We’re going after the Frozen mob’s like savings. Things could get ugly.


Numbers:  I know the risks when I took this job, Redfirebird. *Turns to BoxofficeMan* How will you get him back, anyway?


BoxOfficeMan is gone.


Redfirebird: He does that.



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Since #ED is going to be John Blake, this means when The Box Office Knight Rises is over Shawn needs to step down and give his admin role to #ED.

Ah yes. Bring on the Nolan banners and NFL 2014-2015 season thread being pinned in the main box office forum.The good times are coming...
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Ah yes. Bring on the Nolan banners and NFL 2014-2015 season thread being pinned in the main box office forum.The good times are coming...


In Nolan terms,


The night is darkest just before the dawn, but the dawn is coming.

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Come on Pink, we need more!!! We have to finish Box Office Man so we can get to this:







Episode I




Turmoil has engulfed theCinematic BOFpublic. The taxationof like receipts in fanboy discussion

threads is in dispute.Hoping to resolve the matterwith a blockade of constantspamming, the greedy TrekkieFederation has stopped allother posting in the subforumof And the Winner Is.While the chatroom of theBOFpublic endlessly debatesthis alarming chain of events,the Supreme Administrator hassecretly dispatched two Moderators,

the guardians ofpeace and justice in theInternet, to settle the conflict.



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Come on Pink, we need more!!! We have to finish Box Office Man so we can get to this:







Episode I




Turmoil has engulfed theCinematic BOFpublic. The taxationof like receipts in fanboy discussion

threads is in dispute.Hoping to resolve the matterwith a blockade of constantspamming, the greedy TrekkieFederation has stopped allother posting in the subforumof And the Winner Is.While the chatroom of theBOFpublic endlessly debatesthis alarming chain of events,the Supreme Administrator hassecretly dispatched two Moderators,

the guardians ofpeace and justice in theInternet, to settle the conflict.




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Come on Pink, we need more!!! We have to finish Box Office Man so we can get to this:







Episode I




Turmoil has engulfed theCinematic BOFpublic. The taxationof like receipts in fanboy discussion

threads is in dispute.Hoping to resolve the matterwith a blockade of constantspamming, the greedy TrekkieFederation has stopped allother posting in the subforumof And the Winner Is.While the chatroom of theBOFpublic endlessly debatesthis alarming chain of events,the Supreme Administrator hassecretly dispatched two Moderators,

the guardians ofpeace and justice in theInternet, to settle the conflict.




Oh god I have to don't I?


I've gotten busy lately. I'm going out of town (Washington D.C, land of Cap America: The Winter Soldier!) next week, so likely I'll get part 3 up this weekend and it'll be another two weeks and hopefully from there, it'll be weekly updates again.

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Hey, don't make promises you can't keep  :ph34r:


But seriously, from someone who hasn't been here that long, this is awesome, keep it up  ;)


But those are the best kinds! /AmazingSpider-Man

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Part 3! Sorry for the wait, I've been busy and it doesn't look to get any less busy for the next couple of weeks. Hopefully from there it'll be better. This may not be the most exciting part, but hopefully you guys still enjoy it. Certain things are hard to adapt and it comes off as weird, but oh well.


Part 3



It’s daylight, after another long night, ShawnMR is back at BoxOffice Enterprises to pay RTH a visit, he’s gonna need some tools to take back Firedeep.


RTH: Our Chinese friend left for SARFT before I could tell him the deal was off.


ShawnMR: I’m sure you’ve always wanted to go there.


RTH: What’s wrong with an e-mail?


ShawnMR: I think Mr. Firedeep deserves a more…personal touch.


RTH: I must say, compared to your usual requests, getting into a forum is pretty straightforward.


ShawnMR: How about getting out of the forum?


RTH: I’d recommend a good web browser.


ShawnMR: Without anybody knowing I was on the forum.


RTH: That’s more like it Mr. Shawn. There is a program that allows you to post anonymously and masks your IP address.  Now…I’ve got the upgrades you requested. A new control panel with maximum utility. Allows you to change signatures on the fly, tag topics, and also view all latest posts. You’ll be faster and more agile with your posts.


As RTH is explaining, ShawnMR accidentally makes a change to his signature.


RTH: Perhaps you should read the instructions, first.


ShawnMR: Sorry.


RTH: Now there is a trade off. With this new control panel, you might be prone a little more to

attacks and glitches.


ShawnMR: We wouldn’t want things getting too easy, would we? How will it hold up against bots?


RTH: We talking spam bots or alt accounts? It should do fine against first time posters.


At Shawn’s new Box Office home, he’s working with Arachnid for the program.


Accursed Arachnid: I found one. It’s on CNET. It might take a week to make sure everything is running properly, and they take cash. What about a decoy?


ShawnMR: South Korean posters. They post occasionally on the Chinese forums keeping tabs on the latest Chinese films that might make it to the South Korean market. Did you think of an alibi?


Accursed Arachnid: Oh yes.


Numbers and Dragon are seen approaching the 20 Sexiest Women/Men thread, hoping to enjoy the presentation. However, it looks like the thread has been closed, with Claire Holt and others having closed it off and going with ShawnMR to unknown places. Dragon has a look of disbelief on her face. On another forum, to play up the persona, ShawnMR and Accursed Arachnid are relaxing with the other posters until ShawnMR prepares to leave.


Accursed Arachnid: I believe the program is ready sir.


ShawnMR: You seem tired Arachnid. You’ll be fine without me?


Accursed Arachnid: If you could tell Claire Holt to find her own bloody New York gif…


ShawnMR exits the forum and begins his journey over to the SARFT website.




At Dashrendar44’s hangout, his body guards approach while he enjoys a nice game of virtual pool.


WileECoyote: There’s somebody here for you. They say they’ve banned the Telemachos. They’ve come for the reward.


Dashrendar44: They’ve got proof?


WileECoyote: They say they’ve got it.


The lackeys bring in Telemachos. It shows banned.


Dashrendar44: Banned? That’s gonna be 5000 li….


Suddenly Telemachos appears unbanned and holds Dashrendar44 along with WileECoyote hostage.


Telemachos: How about suspended?


DashRendar44 and his bodyguards are scared…security seems kind of lax…


Telemachos: Wanna know how I got this avatar? So my father was…a drinker. And a fiend. He’d argue with mommy right in front of me. One night he goes off crazier than usual while I’m watching Lawrence of Arabia. Mommy goes into the kitchen and grabs a knife to defend herself. He doesn’t like that. Not. One. Bit. He grabs the knife and turns to her saying, “Big things have small beginnings.” Comes at me with the knife and says, “Nothing is written.” And…


He takes a brief glance at WileECoyote.


Telemachos: Big things have small beginnings.


He quickly bans Dashrendar44, and then turns over to his lackeys and the remaining bodyguards.


Telemachos: Now our organization is small, but we’ve got a lot of potential for…aggressive EXPANSION. So which of you fine gentleman would like to join our team? Only one slot open right now so we’re gonna have…try outs. Make it fast.


Telemachos leaves the remaining three bodyguards to duke it out. The other two will be banned. They engage in mandingo fighting and their fates are unknown.




Meanwhile RTH arrives at the SARFT website to tell Firedeep that they’re not going to continue with the deal. Firedeep seems to have laid out the red carpet for him. Firedeep’s assistant, Olive arrives to personally agree him.


Olive: Welcome to SARFT, Mr. RTH! Mr. Firedeep regrets that he’s unable to meet you in person. But with his current legal difficulties…


RTH: Oh I understand!


As they’re approaching the forums, they stop at the registration.


Olive: For security reasons, I’m going to have to ask for your e-mail client.


Now RTH and Firedeep are shown conversing with each other, continuing business as usual. Firedeep is unaware that he’s going to break off the deal.


Firedeep: I must apologize for leaving Box Office Forums in the middle of our negotiations. This misunderstanding with the Box Office mods…I couldn’t let such a thing threaten my website. A businessman of your stature would understand.  But with you here, we can continue.


RTH: Well, it was good of you to bring me here in such style Mr. Firedeep. But I’ve actually come...


RTH’s e-mail goes off. Firedeep gets upset .


Firedeep: We do not allow e-mails in here!


RTH: I’m sorry, I forgot I had it. So I’ve come to explain why we’re going to have to put our deal on hold. We can’t afford to be seen doing business with…well, whatever it is you’re accused of being. A businessman of your stature will understand.


Firedeep begins to leave.


Firedeep: I think Mr. RTH, that a simple PM might have sufficed.


RTH: Mr. Shawn didn’t want to think we were deliberately wasting your time.


Firedeep: Just accidentally.


RTH: That’s very good. Accidentally.


Within the forums, ShawnMR waits, anonymously. Nobody realizes it’s him while he does reconnaissance on the forums. RTH is approached by the guards to retrieve his e-mail client but he shows that he already has it and leaves. He approaches ShawnMR.


RTH: There’s a better view of the forums in the Chinese Box Office section.


ShawnMR: How’s the view in Firedeep’s subsection?


RTH: Restricted. Firedeep’s holed up in there good and tight. Here…


He hands ShawnMR the e-mail client. In it, it shows a detailed view of Firedeep’s subsection within the forums.


ShawnMR: What’s this?


RTH: I had R&D work it up. It creates an archive of the forums so you can view what’s going on in the forums.


ShawnMR: Just like a …


RTH: Just like a cache Mr. Shawn. Just like a cache.


ShawnMR: And the other client?


RTH: In place. Mr. Shawn? Good luck.




Night time. Firedeep is posting late at night, unaware of anything unusual. From another thread, BoxOficeMan prepares his descent. He’s on the biggest thread in the entire forums and he’s going to leap from one thread from another. He begins his timer and then activates the e-mail client to get a view of his surroundings within the thread. Firedeep continues to post.


Firedeep: Overrated. That’s overrated. Yep. Mega overrated.


The client begins to take effect and soon the thread goes haywire. Everything is acting weird alerting those in the thread. The BoxOfficeMan jumps and begins a breathtaking descent while Firedeep pulls out a banning weapon.


Firedeep: Where are the mods? (He says to his lackeys)


Lackey: They’re coming.


Firedeep: What the hell am I paying them for?


Suddenly BoxOfficeMan crashes into the thread and takes out a poster. Firedeep and his lackeys begin firing wildly at him but he disappears within the thread as BoxOfficeMan runs for cover.Meanwhile the mods begin to approach the thread as well.


Firedeep: Where is he…


Out of nowhere, BoxOfficeMan takes out another lackey and grabs a hold of Firedeep as he fires at him. They seem to be no use, BoxOfficeMan is too fast. The mods have circled the thread and have made it to them. He activates the web browser to take em’ back to Box Office Forums. He quickly straps Firedeep to himself expecting to be propelled back to the forum. The timing has to be impeccable. The mods all have BoxOfficeMan at gunpoint, waiting for him to make a move, but suddenly they’re pulled back and taken away to BoxOfficeForums by the web browser. Just who the hell is this guy? The mods look in awe and have no way of getting to them.


At the BoxOffice MCU, Redfirebird goes to observe the street and there Firedeep is, with a note indicating it’s for him. He smiles, knowing that BoxOfficeMan truly has no jurisdiction.


Redfirebird: Take him inside.




Inside the MCU, Firedeep is being interrogated by Dragon. They’re trying to get something to pin Iceroll and the others but they’re not getting a whole lot yet. Firedeep doesn’t have many cards to play so he can’t give up the one thing that’s preventing him from being banned. Outside, Numbers and Redfirebird watch intensely.


Dragon: Give us the likes and we’ll deal.


Firedeep: The likes are the only reason I’m not banned.


Dragon: You mean that when they hear that you helped us, they’re going to ban you?


Lawyer: Are you threatening my client?


Dragon: No, I’m just assuming your client’s cooperation with this investigation. As will everyone. No? Well enjoy your stay in the banned/suspended thread Mr. Firedeep.

She prepares to exit.


Firedeep: Wait. I won’t give you the likes but I’ll give you my clients. All of them.


Dragon: You were a glorified like hoarder. What could you have on all of them that we could charge?


Firedeep: I’m good with calculation…I handled all their investments. One big pot.


Outside, Numbers realizes that’s the key.


Numbers: I’ve got it. If their likes were pooled, we can charge them with one criminal conspiracy.


Redfirebird: Charge them with what?


Numbers: If we can charge one with a major offense then we can charge all of them.


Dragon hears the last part and immediately goes back to Firedeep.


Dragon: Mr. Firedeep, do you have details of this communal funds? Any ledgers?


Firedeep: Immunity, protection, and a safe passage back to the SARFT website.


Dragon: Once you’ve testified in open court. So with your clients all locked up, what will happen with all those likes?


Firedeep: Like I said. I’m good with calculation.


Redfirebird and Numbers continue to watch. Firedeep and Dragon begin to work the details of the deal while Numbers has to decide what to do with him in the interim period prior to court.


Redfirebird: He can’t go to the suspended/banned users thread. I’ll keep him here in the MCU.


Numbers: What is this, Redfirebird? Your fortress?


Redfirebird: You trust him over at that thread?


Numbers: I don’t trust him here.


Redfirebird: Firedeep stays.




Outside of the MCU, Numbers is swarmed by several posters trying to interview him about what’s

going on. Blankments is able to ask a question.


Blankments: Numbers, the SARFT website says their laws have been violated, what would you say to that?


Numbers: I don’t know about Firedeep’s web browsing arrangements, but I’m sure glad he’s back.


As he continues to be interviewed, Iceroll and Chewy observe a stream of the interview in another thread. Things are getting bad and they’re feeling the pressure.


Chewy: I put word out. We hire the Telemachos.


Iceroll looks at Chewy, bewildered that he would even consider the option.


Chewy: Telemachos was right. We have to fix real problem.


Redfirebird enters the thread.


Redfirebird: Boy looks good on the stream, doesn’t he?


Iceroll: You sure you want to embarrass me in front of my friends, Redfirebird?


Redfirebird: Oh don’t worry. They’re coming too.


Several posters who are in on the conspiracy are shown getting suspended. We also get one of our first looks at Tawasal, a 20 year man who is arresting a poster.


Tawasal: Have a nice trip, see you next fall.


Meanwhile at the preliminary hearing, Judge Doctor Who begins to hear their pleas. The problem is that there’s hundreds of posters all in one thread.


Doctor Who: 849 counts of racketeering, 246 counts of extortion, 87 counts  of conspiracy trolling…


In her file she sees a picture of Lawrence of Arabia. She looks at it briefly and disposes of it. Weird.


Doctor Who: How do the defendants plead?


All the lawyers and posters begin shouting all at once. It’s a complete circus. The scene cuts to Mayor Riczhang’s office as he talks with Numbers and Redfirebird/John Marston, the commissioner of Box Office Forums.


Riczhang: 549 posters at once?! How did you convince Doctor Who to hear this farce?


Numbers: She shares my enthusiasm for justice. After all, she is a judge.


Riczhang: Even if you blow enough smoke to get convictions out of Doctor Who you’ll set a new

record  at appeals for quickest kick in the ass.


Numbers: It won’t matter. The head guys will make bail, sure, but the mid-level guys, they can’t and they can’t afford to be off the threads long enough for trial and appeal. They’ll cut some deals including suspended time. Think of all you could do in 18 months with clean forums.


John Marston: Mr. Mayor…


Riczhang: Get out. Both of you.


John Marston and Redfirebird leave.


Riczhang: The posters like you. That’s the only reason that this might fly. But that means it’s all on you. They’re all coming after you now, Frozenites, Katniss fans, Marvelites, Nolanites, anybody’s likes who are about to get lighter. Are you up to it? You better be. They get anything on you…these posters will be back on the forums…


Suddenly the banned Superman001, Kal appears right in front of Riczhang’s main thread. Riczhang is taken aback as Numbers goes to investigate. Attached to Kal is a message. ‘Will the Real Box Office Man please stand up?’ At ShawnMR’s main thread, he prepares for the fundraiser he’s set up for Numbers.


ShawnMR: How’s it going?


Accursed Arachnid: I think your fundraiser will be a great success, sir.


ShawnMR: And why do you think I wanted to hold a party for Numbers?


Accursed Arachnid: I assumed it was your usual reason for socializing beyond myself and the

scum of Box Office’s underbelly: To try and impress Dragon.


ShawnMR: Very droll. But very wrong. Actually, it’s Numbers. You see…


ShawnMR notices the stream going on regarding Box Office’s breaking news update. Kal El is shown being taken away from the thread, banned. Blankments is presenting the video that the Telemachos delivered along with Kal.


Blankments: Mods released video footage found concealed on the body. Sensitive posters be aware: it may be disturbing.


A poor video is shown with Telemachos filming Kal.


Telemachos: Tell them your name.


Kal: Kal…Superman001.


Telemachos: Are you the real BoxOfficeMan?


Kal: No…


Telemachos: No?! Then why do you post like him?


Kal: He’s a symbol…that we don’t have to be afraid of scum like you.


Telemachos: But you do Kal…you really do. You think the BoxOfficeMan has helped these



Kal nods, and looks down.


Telemachos: Look at me. LOOK AT ME.


The stream focuses its attention to Telemachos.


Telemachos: You see this is how crazy BoxOfficeMan has made these forums. You want order on BoxOffice.com? Then the BoxOfficeMan has to go. BoxOfficeMan must take off his avatar and turn himself in. Oh and every day he doesn’t, people will be banned. I’m a man of my word….HA HA HA.


He laughs and proceeds to ban Superman001 as the stream cuts off.



Edited by MrPink
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