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The Box Office Knight Rises (PAGE 17, FINAL PART UP, BONUS SPECIAL UPDATED 08/06/2014)

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Thanks Pink, i have been immortalized :DAnyway, great part but this thread is emptier than the east wing of Wayne Manor. Something should be done about that :thinking:

People don't appreciate greatness.

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I still have to get around to reading this....from the beginning...soon


:worthy: :worthy:


You honor me by your mere presence.


I'm feeling the love this time around with Part 6 guys. I really appreciate all your comments and likes. I just like putting smiles on all your faces. Not Joker style of course.

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This is Part 7 of The Box Office Knight Rises. This is a long part because the Occupation part goes on a tad longer than I estimated but I had certain stopping points in mind. This may mean that one of the upcoming parts might be a little bit shorter. But enjoy, maybe this part lacks iconic moments, but I hope you enjoy it all the same. If you ever need to catch up, links to every part is on the second post. Likes, comments, and suggestions are always appreciated. We're coming down to the end...


Part 7


BKB has just finished his grand speech. The Marvelites have made their entrance and Box Office is in complete disarray. Fancyarcher and Darkelf simply observed but now Fancyarcher breaks his silence. It’s time for the Internet to take action, the only problem is whether BKB would make good on his threat. His eyebrows are as furled as can possibly be to show extreme concern.


Fancyarcher: Pull back the reconnaissance apps.  Start high level reconnaissance scans. Get the president on the line.


Apps are flying around Box Office trying to assess the damage while the Internet Police move in to the links between all the other websites to seal off his potential Marvelites spilling over. ChD goes to stop them from moving any further.


ChD: Your apps cannot stop us from detonating the program.  Send an emissary to discuss terms of access (Yes…is it possible Bruce Wayne could have gotten in via discussed terms of access?) for supplies and communication.


Ethan Hunt comes forward. Cocky. With a certain swagger because they’ve got way more firepower than these Marvelites.


Ethan Hunt: How many of you are there? You don’t have enough men to stop 12000 posters from leaving this forum.


ChD: No. No we don’t. But you do.


Ethan Hunt (laughing): And why the hell would we try to help you keep your hostages?


ChD: Because if one person crosses this link…BoxOffice Forums gets blown to Hell with Marvel spam.


That wipes the smile off Hunt’s face. As an Editor’s note, is anybody else amused that Nolan loves exposition so much that he made this point during Bane’s speech and made it AGAIN as if we just forgot it no more than two minutes ago? Anyways…the President of the Internet is on the line…DAR. And he makes a speech to calm down the internet which is losing their shit over this. They begin watching their streams daily to see how this siege is going down…David Koresh style. Hopefully it doesn’t end as badly.


President DAR: The people of our greatest box office forum are resilient. They have proven this before. And they will prove it again. We do not negotiate with Marvelites. But we do recognize realities. As this situation develops, one thing must be recognized over all others. People of Box Office…we have not abandoned you.


#ED and Redfirebird are listening to the speech as they try and find safety within the forums.


#ED: What does that mean?


Redfirebird: It means we’re on our own…I have to get on a stream.


#ED: No, sir, they will ban you the second you show your face.


Redfirebird: BKB says he’s giving the forums back to the people. They need to know I could lead.


#ED: BKB is not gonna let that happen.


Redfirebird: Then he’ll show his true colors.


#ED: And you’ll be banned.




It’s an unspecified period of time later. Let’s assume a few days. Box Office Apps swoop around the Banned/Suspended Members thread. There are still mods there, guarding the thread. BKB appears.


BKB: Behind you stands a symbol of oppression! The Banned/Suspended Members thread, where over a hundred posters have languished under the name of this man. Numbers, who has been held up to you as the shining example of justice!


BKB holds up a picture of Numbers’ avatar. May he rest in peace. #ED and Redfirebird watch from a safe thread.


#ED: We’re just gonna keep moving you till we can get you on a video.


BKB: You have been supplied with a false idol to stop you from tearing down this corrupt city!


He tears up the avatar. Suspended members begin to shake violently in anger. The guards begin to grow increasingly worried by the unrest.


BKB: Let me tell you the truth about Numbers from the words of Box Office’s mod commissioner…Redfirebird. “The BoxOfficeMan didn’t ban Numbers. He saved my boy, MichaelGaryScott, then took the blame for Numbers’ appalling crimes so that I could, to my shame, build a lie around this fallen idol. I praised the madman who tried to ban my own child. But I can no longer live with my lie. It is time to trust the people of Box Office with the truth. And it is time for me to resign.” AND DO YOU ACCEPT THIS MAN’S RESIGNATION?!


The suspended members get even more angry.


BKB: And do you accept the resignation of all of these liars?! Of all the corrupt?!


#ED: Those men locked up for eight months in that thread, with no parole under the Numbers Act, was based on a lie?


Redfirebird: Box Office needed a hero.


#ED: It needs it now more than ever. But you betrayed everything you stood for.


Redfirebird: There’s a point far out there when the structures fail you. When the rules aren’t weapons anymore. They’re…shackles. Letting the bad guy get ahead. One day…you may face such a moment of crisis and in that moment I hope you have a friend like I did…to plunge their hands into the filth! So that you can keep yours clean!


#ED: Your hands look plenty filthy to me Commissioner.


#ED turns away in disgust. Redfirebird lets that one sink in.


BKB: We take Box Office from the corrupt! The rich! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity! And we give it back to you…the people. BoxOffice is yours! None shall interfere, do as you please.


One of the BoxOffice apps blows a hole right in the banned/suspended members thread.


BKB: But start by taking the Banned/Suspended Members thread and freeing the oppressed!


ChD enters in, providing weapons to the suspended members. The guards are taken down swiftly. iJack smiles as he is released in his full glory. Also happy is Sam, as the storm that was promised has happened. And seemingly it looks like BKB won’t punish her.


BKB: Step forward, those who would serve…for an army will be raised.


An angry mob is shown taking down several threads, with many posters rich in likes being fed to the wolves essentially.


BKB: The powerful will be ripped from their decadent nests!


Threads are being vandalized and many people getting hurt. The desperate are keen to join BKB’s Marvelites, destroying any DC thread. Many valuables are taken in the process.


BKB: And cast out into the cold world that we know and endure. Courts will be convened.


iJack is shown as head of the courts as they suspend and ban many of the wealthy and affluent posters as BKB looks on.


BKB: Spoils will be enjoyed!


Sam and ddddeeee look around as they pilfer a DC thread. Sam however has a look of worry on her face.


BKB: Blood will be shed!


Several posters are shown being banned as the weak are left to fend for themselves.


BKB: The mods will survive as they learn to serve TRUE justice! But this great forum…it will endure. BoxOffice will survive.


A countdown shows just over three weeks before the program will blow up the entire forum. Most of Box Office’s posters are unaware.




ShawnMR lies in pain. Unable to take action but desperately wanting to do something to stop BKB. He tries to stand but his broken profile will not allow him to. Gopher arrives and looks with pity. He tries to help him. Jay Beezy offers his advice, against, speaking in some language that Shawn is not familiar with.


Gopher: He says that first we must fix your profile.


ShawnMR: How does he know?


Gopher: He was the forum doctor. He incurred the displeasure of some powerful people and ended up here, including BKB.


ShawnMR: How?


Gopher: Many years ago, a virus spread across the forums. Some of the other posters attacked BKB. And the doctor’s fumbling attempts to repair the damage left him using perpetual bold. The bolded is what gives him strength.


ShawnMR: BKB was the child you spoke of? He started posting here?


Gopher: The legend is that there was a poster who worked for one of the warlords here near these forms. He fell in love with one of the warlord’s daughters. They were married in secret. When the warlord found out, the mercenary was condemned to this forum. But then he exiled him instead. And the poster understood it was the daughter who secured his release. But what he could not know was th true price of his freedom. She took his place in the forum. And she was with child. The poster’s child. Innocence cannot flower on these forums. It must be stamped out. One day, the doctor forgot to lock the thread.


We see the mother being attacked by posters.


Gopher: But the child had a friend. A protector who showed the others that this innocence was their redemption.  It was to be prized. The mother was not so lucky.


Jay Beezy speaks to Gopher.


Gopher: This is BKB’s forum now. He wouldn’t want this story told.


Gopher heaves up ShawnMR as he yells in extreme pain. He examines the damage.


Gopher: There is something protruding from your profile. It has to be put back.


He just randomly punches Shawn right in the profile. ShawnMR groans in excruciating pain. But it’s sort of fixed.


Gopher: Stay like this, until you can properly post again.


Shawn passes out from the incredible pain. But when he awakes, he looks up to see Baumer staring right at him.


Baumer: Tsk tsk tsk…did you not think I would return, Shawn?


ShawnMR (still dazed): Hmm…?


Baumer: I told you I was immortal.


ShawnMR: I watched…I watched you get banned.


Baumer: Oh there are many forms of immortality.


ShawnMR thinks back…he remembers a story Baumer told him.


Baumer (in the past): Once I had a wife. My great love. She was…taken from me.


ShawnMR: You were the poster. BKB is your child…your heir.


Baumer: An heir to ensure the League of Box Office Theory fulfills its duty to restore balance to the internet.


ShawnMR: No…


Baumer: You yourself fought the decadence of BoxOffice for months. With all your strength, all your resources, all your moral authority…and the only victory you could achieve was a lie. Now you understand, Box Office is beyond saving.


ShawnMR: No.


Baumer: And must be allowed to die…




He awakes. He’s feeling better. Not 100%, but able to at least make A post.

It’s a couple weeks later. There are maybe  another week or two left before the bomb blows. Again, most but BKB remain blissfully unaware. Sam is walking through a vacated thread with ddddeeee. She looks at a picture of a poster and her family. Presumably they’re now banned.


Ddddeeee: Who’s that?


Sam: This was somebody’s thread.


Ddddeeee: Now it’s everybody’s thread. There’s a storm coming, remember?  This is what you wanted.


Sam shakes her head. It’s not. Meanwhile  #ED is feeding messages over to his partner stuck underground, MrPink, feeding updates as to the current situation. #ED goes off to meet with Spaghetti.


#ED: This is for the app, in case there’s a chance to evacuate.


Spaghetti: Is there any news? Is the commissioner…?


#ED: The less you know, Spaghetti. How’re the boys doing?


Spaghetti: Well, they have access to some streams to entertain themselves.


#ED: Well it’s good to see ya.


Spaghetti: #ED. You be careful out there. They’re hunting down mods like dogs.


#ED: Spaghetti.


At the Rotten Tomatoes forums, ShawnMR continues to train. He has recovered considerably since the last few weeks. Gopher watches, impressed, but skeptical of his ability to get himself out of these forums. Nobody is able to.


Gopher: Why build yourself?


ShawnMR: I’m not meant to be banned here.


Gopher: Here? There? What’s the difference?


Shawn prepares to take the climb out of the forum. Gopher laughs but the other posters are supportive. It seems rather communal as they all share in each other’s suffering in this cesspool of a forum.




ShawnMR makes it to the near top. But here’s the most difficult part…the jump from the forums over to the main page. Shawn collects his breath, there’s little room to maneuver but it can be done. Right? Shawn has a safety net if something goes wrong. But time is running out. Shawn lets the chant fuel his motivation and takes one last breath….he jumps. Everything feels like slow motion. He reaches out for the platform that takes him to the main page but his fingers miss. He plunges down back to the depths of the forums as Gopher looks on with a twinge of disappointment. Gopher goes to Shawn, almost gloating.


Gopher:  I told you, it could not be done.


ShawnMR: You told me a child did it.


Gopher: But no ordinary child. A child who’s internet persona was born in hell. Forged by suffering. Hardened by pain and idiocy. Not a man from privilege.




A group of posters are entering the forums. They’re providing relief and support to the posters as allowed by BKB. Among them is Squaremaster316, special forces for the Internet Police, loyal Nolanite. He would die for the Nolan cause if he could.


Darkelf: We’ve got people in the forums sir. Just waiting on intel.


Squaremaster is taken to Redfirebird and #ED.


Neo: You have ID?


Squaremaster316: Of course not.


Neo: Well how can we trust you?


Redfirebird: We don’t have any choice.


Squaremaster316: Commissioner Redfirebird, I’m Squaremaster316, Special Forces.


Redfirebird: Glad to have you here.


Squaremaster316: It’s our job sir. So uh, how many of you are there?


Redfirebird: Well there’s dozens, but I’d rather not say exactly. But the mods underground number almost 300.


Squaremaster316: Can we break them out?


#ED: Yes sir, if we take out the guards near the Batman V. Superman thread, we can get them out, two at a time. I’m in contact with my partner MrPink down there, we’re just waiting for the day.


Squaremaster316: What about the bomb? We can’t get a trace on it.


Redfirebird: They keep it on the move constantly. It’s one of three apps moving around the forums.


#ED and Squaremaster are shown tracking it. #ED is leaving Bat logos everywhere, similar to Jack Nevada earlier.


Squaremaster316: You don’t really think he’s coming back, do you?


#ED: Doesn’t matter what I think.


Squaremaster316: Actually it does, you should put your faith in something a little more real. Like Nolan.


We go back to the meeting between Redfirebird and Squaremaster.


Redfirebird: The routes of the apps don’t vary much.


Squaremaster316: What about the triggerman?


Redfirebird: It’s a bluff. BKB wouldn’t give control to someone else.


Squaremaster316: We can’t take that chance. Until we know, we just track the device.


#ED: Meanwhile, Box Office lives under a warlord like some failed website?


Squaremaster316: Dial it back officer, this situation is unprecedented.  We can’t do anything to risk thousands of lives.


#ED (looking at Redfirebird): You gonna tell him? Are you gonna tell him what’s really going on?


Redfirebird: Captain, the situation is more complicated than you think. There’s someone you need to meet.


Now we see Squaremaster316 and #ED heading to a meeting spot to meet a couple posters to explain the situation.


#ED: Came to this thread looking for a vantage point. Turns out there were a couple people here who run a corporation. BoxOffice Enterprises.


They meet RTH and Fishnets.


#ED: RTH, would you like to brief the Captain?


RTH: Miss Shitto is fully aware of the situation.


Fishnets: And as CEO of Box Office Enterprises, I have to take full responsibility for it.


Squaremaster316: Why?


Fishnets: We built it.


Squaremaster316: You built the Spam bomb?


RTH: It was built as a program meant to actually remove spam. First of its kind. BKB turned it into a bomb and disabled the safeties. And here’s the important part. As the program goes on without its safeties, the program will become unstable…to the point of detonation.


#ED: This bomb is a time bomb.


RTH: And it’ll go off in 4 days. Regardless of BKB’s revolution or what we or the internet choose to do.


#ED: So your appeasement plan might not work out as well as you thought.


Squaremaster316: Could you disarm it?


RTH: I could re-establish the safety protocols and stabilize it.


Squaremaster316: Let’s move away from this location. Call it in. We’ll take it from here, you take care of these folks.


As they begin to leave, shots ring out, taking out one of Squaremaster’s men. They’ve been caught! Quickly BKB’s men surround Squaremaster and take out his crew. #ED moves to get Fishnets out of there but RTH elects to remain behind. There’s no room to maneuver for Squaremaster as he’s getting flushed out, so he brashly decides to pop out and take out as many as he can as a hail mary. He’s immediately picked off and shot. Wounded, he struggles to fight in the name of Nolan. BKB approaches him.


Squaremaster316: I’d rather be banned before I talk. Hail Nolan.


BKB: I’m on your schedule, Captain.


BKB quickly sucks the life out of Squaremaster316, as he loses to will to remain un-banned with fear in his eyes. Within seconds, he’s banned and lifeless.


ChD: There were people in this thread hiding.


BKB: Round them up for judgment. And display them…for the internet to see.


Darkelf, Fancyarcher, and ShawnMR all watch from different streams as they see Squaremaster316 and his crew are viciously displayed as banned to the entire internet. The look of Squaremaster’s avatar is lifeless, and their profiles desecrated. ShawnMR destroys the stream in anger. It’s time to make a move.



Edited by MrPink
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