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Shawn Robbins

CA2: $10.2m Thursday Night (beats Thor2's $7.1m) | $100m+ coming?

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They're way behind, but the reverse-Avengers strategy may still very well work. Superman vs Batman will be a HUGE draw regardless of many WB fuckups. If the movie's good, I don't see any reason why it would have problems competing with Marvel and spawn solo movies


Off-topic, but I'm interested to see what movie The Rock is doing.


As for this one, impressive start; can't wait to see it (going Sunday) and I'm saying that as someone who wasn't impressed with CA1.

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I would assume Captain America does really well with older, conservative people.Also, First Avenger sold more Blue Rays than Thor.

almost everyone at the theater I was at was from 18-25. (60% to % 40, male to female ratio) given it was a college town. but still. there were parts where it the audience was so quiet you could hear a pin drop!

Edited by The Winter Soldier
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CA1 also opened in the heart of summer when matinees are much stronger sellers than the first week of May. In other words, CA1's average ticket price might have been lower than Thor's.


They grossed such similar numbers overall that it's impossible to say which one sold more tickets. They were on very equal terms.

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They're way behind, but the reverse-Avengers strategy may still very well work. Superman vs Batman will be a HUGE draw regardless of many WB fuckups. If the movie's good, I don't see any reason why it would have problems competing with Marvel and spawn solo movies

I hope so. I just hope DC delivers. stop trying to make everything grounded and "Dark knight" centric. and just make good films. they have the Materiel, to make just as good films as marvel.

Edited by The Winter Soldier
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They're way behind, but the reverse-Avengers strategy may still very well work. Superman vs Batman will be a HUGE draw regardless of many WB fuckups. If the movie's good, I don't see any reason why it would have problems competing with Marvel and spawn solo movies


But will the reverse strategy work?


Most spin offs don't make Iron Man 3 numbers let alone Thor 2 or Cap 2.

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1. I think WB should just cancel Man of Flop 2, this is Marvel's era of comic book movies and any other comic book movie will get drowned out even if it is Batman and Superman.


2. I don't think it will negatively impact spidey as he's being released more than a month away.

1. Both comic book companies suck and make crap movies. 

2. Dinsey will make sure Spider Man dies a slow and painful death. The will release there Marvel movies on Spider Man moves release date. 

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I hope so. I just hope DC delivers. stop trying to make everything grounded and "Dark knight" centric. and just make good films. they have the Materiel, to make just as good films as marvel.


They need to eject Goyer and replace with someone like Paul Dini. Otherwise it will be Fail Central.

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