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Shawn Robbins

CA2: $10.2m Thursday Night (beats Thor2's $7.1m) | $100m+ coming?

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$100M would be amazing! I hope it happens.



It's all of Thursday.  I don't even know if it had midnights.  In Canada, it just had 8-9-10 pm shows.



My theater had the usual 8, 8:45, 10, etc, and 2 shows at 12:01 (2d and 3d). But then they added a second 2D show at 12:01, for a total of 3.


So people are still going at midnight. I don't know how packed they were, but I'll admit that I always enjoyed mdinight movies over the past few decades, and I'm glad some fans are still sticking to that time. Maybe I should skip the earlier shows and join the midnight folks for one of the big upcoming summer flicks.




Hmm should this be.more frontloaded then Thor 2?Perhaps not as big Saturday as past marvel films?


I think word will get out quickly enough that this is darker and not quite as kid friendly compared to other recent Marvel movies. Anecdotally, my sister even texted me today saying that she heard that it's probably not a good movie for 5-year olds.


So I wouldn't be totally shocked if the Saturday bump is a little weaker than it has been for past Marvel films.

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Fun fact about the comic book moves.  Only three comic book movies have ever won any type of Oscar. 



How many sci-fi movies have won best picture?


What about fantasy?


The Academy has always been biased against certain genres.

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Lol the academy/ Hollywood elites love of American hustle just shows superficial they are too.


Well, at least Hustle lost all 10 awards it was nominated for. Best decision the academy made on awards night, that movie was garbage disguised as Oscar bait.

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I am just saying film snobs say comic book films are trash for simplistic people.However many Oscar films are nothing special and are only praised because they have certain actors in them or they have sort of message.As 2012 clearly showed us the most popular movies of the year are sometimes the best ones.

Edited by Lordmandeep
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Yes and no. I don't think franchises are inherently negative, but Hollywood has the ability to "live off" original and standalone films. They choose not to because audiences want to see more of their favorite characters (nothing wrong with that), which ultimately leads to overexposing the majority of said franchises and running them into the ground.


That's why the Spielbergs, Nolans, Camerons, Cuarons, Scorseses, etc. are so important. Even when they dabble in franchises, they typically get to do it their way--and a filmmaker's vision, more often than not, will endure longer than a corporate studio's.

Agreed. And that's why I'm glad Marvel hired Black, Gunn, Whedon, Wright, etc... They will make their mark. And, they all have vision. And, they either write or co-write the screenplays for their entries.


By the way, like him or not, what Burton did with Batman and Batman Returns twenty years ago certainly oozed vision as well. I'm not forgetting what Sam Raimi did with Spidey and Spidey 2 either. Certainly put his stamp all over that franchise and second entry's phenomenal, with a screen story written by a Pulitzer Prize winner. And, not comic books, but Jackson bringing Lord of the Rings to big screen with a bang. And, a guy like Mendes tackling Bond. Not to mention, Beatty with Dick Tracy and Verhoeven with Robocop, Total Recall and Starship Troopers. I mean, renowned directors with vision are often hired to helm MAJOR properties.


I'll admit, almost just as often, a more generic shill is hired. But, much of what I'm reading seems to come down to taste more so than studios not hiring enough inspired/talented filmmakers.

Edited by JohnnyGossamer
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DC too. Even the comics have consciously been trying to be overtly dark, gritty, depressing, brooding, emo etc. ever since Frank Miller happened to them in the 80's. And that mentality has just gotten progressively worse over time. The New 52 is such dour, soulless dreck.


True, but Marvel's comics are pretty dark too recently.

Edited by Fancyarcher
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