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Barbie | July 21, 2023 | Warner Bros | Margot Robbie is Barbie. Ryan Gosling is Ken. | Second most profitable movie of 2023

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No drama actor makes a movie and instant hit.


Only stars can make that are pure comedians (like ben Stiller, Adam Sandler but even this genre kinda ended on streaming services ) and action stars.


A pure actor can't make any kind of movie an hit, he needs the right movie and the right role. 


I would Say di Caprio Is the only star left can make everything an event. But he's also very strategic in the roles he choose so are always great directors and big projects.

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My God these people are nearly twisting the reality in this agenda against Barbie 


Not only Jordan Ruimy but now Jeff Sneider and Jeffrey Wells 


Seriously, how WB is making people sign NDA’s in order to hide how bad the movie is when reactions drop 12 days and reviews 8 days before the movie? 

It maybe bad who knows but Barbie have literally had the same calendar configuration than MI7 review embargo they are comparing with



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2 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

My God these people are nearly twisting the reality in this agenda against Barbie 


Not only Jordan Ruimy but now Jeff Sneider and Jeffrey Wells 


Seriously, how WB is making people sign NDA’s in order to hide how bad the movie is when reactions drop 12 days and reviews 8 days before the movie? 

It maybe bad who knows but Barbie have literally had the same calendar configuration than MI7 review embargo they are comparing with



Sneider is quoting a Jeff Wells article who is quoting Jordan Ruimy. All these guys are sexists with agendas against "woke" films. They're going to fail at creating a false narrative and then ultimately double-down on it. The Indy 5 sentence in that screenshot is inaccurate, too


Sneider said Air would beat Everything Everywhere for Best Picture. That tells you everything

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14 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

My God these people are nearly twisting the reality in this agenda against Barbie 


Not only Jordan Ruimy but now Jeff Sneider and Jeffrey Wells 


Seriously, how WB is making people sign NDA’s in order to hide how bad the movie is when reactions drop 12 days and reviews 8 days before the movie? 

It maybe bad who knows but Barbie have literally had the same calendar configuration than MI7 review embargo they are comparing with



I mean isn't the NDA thing standard for any test screenings? These sexist dummies thinking this is some sort of conspiracy. 


Also, has there been any press screenings? Or will those take place within the next week?

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Also last spiderman didn't have the embargo until like 1 or 2 days before?. And then reviews were glowing?.


Since the Sales of the movie are going so good they didn't need reactions One month before or even before to let people interested, even if these reactions from fans were going to be great.


They clearly want them (with official reviews) at the last moment to push sales at the right moment. 

Why they should have put an embargo on reaction from fans if It's clear are gonna be very positive?.

They didn't need them 20 days ago, they need them more 10 days before the release. 





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36 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

The multiverse of madness lol 


I really hope the movie ended up with +75 on meta just to see their having meltdowns 



If reviews embargo ends 8 days before the release It's gonna have good reviews.

It's really strange if they would risk a panned movie when the movie Is so talked for every aspect and everything about It became viral.


Clearly they really feel they can add to the conversation good reviews at the right moment to capitalize the final buzz. 

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Jordan Ruimy, Jeff Wells and Jeff Snieder is like a giant  feedback loop at this point. Ruimy mentioned Snieder saying something about his podcast in his blog post, but Snieder just quoted Wells since his podcast has not even started yet. 


They made it so obvious about disliking it already, the least they can do is to be honest about it instead of trying to give off the veneer of Objectivity. Or at least wait a few more days to see if the movie flops with critics or not, instead of posting countless times about it. Ruimy is pretty obsessed with this movie with how often he posts about this, lol.

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I'm not worried. Critics, Film Twitter and influencers tried to sink Joker. It became the first R rated movie to make 1B althrough it didn't have 3D and China. It got 5 major Oscar noms - Picture, Director, Script, Actor and Editing - the only SH movie to ever get that many above the line noms. It won Actor. 


So yeah, I'm not worried. Bubble people don't represent GA,

Edited by Valonqar
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7 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

I'm not worried. Critics, Film Twitter and infleuncers tried to sink Joker. It became the first R rated movie to make 1B althrough it didn't have 3D and China. It got 5 major Oscar noms - Picture, Director, Script, Actor and Editing - the only SH movie to ever get that many above the line noms. It won Actor. 


So yeah, I'm not worried. Bubble people dom't represent GA,

Joker was mocked for his populist tone during the Trump era. 

I don't see why critics should hate this movie. I mean they can if they find the film bad or confusing or unfunny etc.but for social or political reason, i don't see a reason to hate it. 

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3 minutes ago, MightyDargon said:

Why exactly do people take Jeffrey Wells seriously in 2023?

It's kind of the same group of people that frequents Jordan Ruimy's site right?


Even Jeff Wells has had years of experience behind him and is a lot more honest about his off-putting opinions. The way that Ruimy operates is quite a bit worse in comparison. 

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6 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

I'm not worried. Critics, Film Twitter and influencers tried to sink Joker. It became the first R rated movie to make 1B althrough it didn't have 3D and China. It got 5 major Oscar noms - Picture, Director, Script, Actor and Editing - the only SH movie to ever get that many above the line noms. It won Actor. 


So yeah, I'm not worried. Bubble people don't represent GA,


It's funny how the most acclaimed director of this era awarded it the Golden Lion. I wondered how the critics felt about that, lol. 


Although I have no strong feeling about the Joker one way or the other. It did do well with audiences and the academy. 

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I rememeber ruimy was clearly rooting for Amsterdam, he posted early reactions were kinda positive.

Then It was panned 


Then some weeks after the release he already made and article with a positive opinion according to someone and the opinion showed "Amsterdam Is already being reevaluated " 🤣

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