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The Panda

Is it ethical to walk out of movies and ask for refunds?

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Like most, I agree that asking for a refund for a film you simply don't like is ludicrous. However, I have asked for refund when the quality of the presentation is very bad and I have only been in the theater for less than 20 minutes. There are somme 3D conversions that I have seen on true IMAX screens which were unwatchable and made me physically sick. In these circumstances, I think it is appropriate to ask for a refund. But this has nothing to do with liking the movie or not.

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Like most, I agree that asking for a refund for a film you simply don't like is ludicrous. However, I have asked for refund when the quality of the presentation is very bad and I have only been in the theater for less than 20 minutes. There are somme 3D conversions that I have seen on true IMAX screens which were unwatchable and made me physically sick. In these circumstances, I think it is appropriate to ask for a refund. But this has nothing to do with liking the movie or not.


I agree here, if the theater screws something up (like when I went to go see Her there were continual visual glitches in the screen where the images stopped) they should refund you for not providing their service correctly.  But the movie being bad isn't their fault.

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I have 2 friends that walked out of the Passion of the Christ and asked for a refund. They both were given a full refund.


I personally have never done that. However, I guess I am in the minority because I don't see anything wrong with it. Legally though, the theater does not have to refund you your money.

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I'd say it's ok in one of two situations.  If there are technical issues not only is it ok but the theater should agree at least to another ticket if not a full refund.  If there is a personal situation where you have to leave at the start I'd say its ok to ask, but also perfectly ok for the theater to say no.  If someone just doesn't like a movie then I'd say it is not ok.  Maybe if its early enough asking to go to another movie is ok but asking for a full refund because you didn't like it or because you were offended by a film is not ok

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Its open to abuse, quite surprised theaters refund people if they don't like a movie.


Back in the days you cant rent a movie and ask for a refund. 



I worked at a video store as a teen, whenever I was working I never ever gave refunds as people abuse the system.

People would say the movie was crap or the tape was not working and wanted me to rent them another movie in return... I found that quite wrong because if you paid to rent one movie well you paid for that film. You are simply asking me to allow you to watch two movies for the price of one..


.I remember people would come in and say the movie did not work and then I play the (VHS yes this was back in the days) and the tape would be at the credits...


I was like here is another copy of the same film enjoy :)  :rolleyes:

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I've never heard abot people asking for refunds because they didn't enjoy the movie.


I've only done this once. I walked out of Mortal Kombat 2 within a half hour and merely asked if I could change my ticket to a better film. They were happy to change my ticket to The Rainmaker and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.


And I laughed so hard at this because Mortal Kombat movies suck so much.

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The only time I got a free ticket was when I went to the Chinese theater. We paid extra to see the second hobbit movie with moving seats but there was confusion about where the seats were and how to turn them on. They figured everything out about 30 minutes in.When we left the screen, the theater gave us free tickets. Which is funny since we were happy with the experience nonetheless (even the kid who didn't like the movie) and we weren't going to ask for a refund our anything. We did accept the free tickets cause who wouldn't.Generally when there are technical issues, I ask the usher to fix it and they do before the trailers end. I would never ask a refund because the movie itself was bad. Only if the theater couldn't fix the technical issue.

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I have had free passes given to me when i've left the cinema a couple times. I know it happened when I saw Arlington Road. Apparently there was some display issue right as the film started. However me and a friend arrived late, so we missed that part entirely.

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Yeah I have also gotten mad because of the architectural structure of a theater, there was no turn in the hall way from the lobby to theater, it was straight, yet they left the door open until 15 minutes into the movie so there was a bright light in the left corner of the screen that distorted the color of the image and was extremely distracting.I didn't ask for a refund because the movie was God's not dead so1.I was dragged to that movie anyways so I didn't care as much as if I had gone to see say Godzilla.2.Because it was the opening weekend and a packed theater, if I had gone and made a complaint about that movie I probsbly would have been lynched, even if the complaint was about the theater.3.Didnt have the time, I left right afterI simply decided I just wouldn't go back to that theater, so me complaining and getting a free ticket would have been pointless, I wasn't going back.

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had to walk out of After Earth 10 mins after interval shitty movie

Rock of ages 20mins before the movie ends boringgg bleh bleh bleh

nope its not ethical to ask for a refund....Movies are like special products which cannot be refunded its upto us which movie we go nd whether we like it or not watch it or jus come out of the theatre!!!! No one intentionally makes a bad film its jus that we may not like the movie or its too outdated or Movies is bad!!!! 

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