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The Panda

Is it ethical to walk out of movies and ask for refunds?

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A father and his young daughter walked out of Wolf of Wall Street, probably about 45 min in.  It was way too raunchy (my guess as to why they walked out).  As a theater manager, I would probably grant them a refund but the dad should have known better.  I didn't see whether they asked for a refund.  

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hmm, Interesting, I've actually never walked out during a film or asked for a refund for that matter.. I generally am kind of picky in what I see and know there is a good chance I'll like it. The polar express was probably the most hated film i saw in theaters. but I was 14 and my parents paid for it. 

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A father and his young daughter walked out of Wolf of Wall Street, probably about 45 min in.  It was way too raunchy (my guess as to why they walked out).  As a theater manager, I would probably grant them a refund but the dad should have known better.  I didn't see whether they asked for a refund.  

I wouldn't because as you said, the dad should have known better than to bring his young daughter to WoWS. He should have to lose his money for making such a poor choice. 

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I wouldn't because as you said, the dad should have known better than to bring his young daughter to WoWS. He should have to lose his money for making such a poor choice. 


Agreed. I mean what kind of father takes their young daughter to see WoWS let alone any Scorcese film besides something like Hugo. 

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I don't think there anything wrong with it ask for a refund for movie you felt is bad or was misled in advertisement, my dad's girlfriend ask for a refund for Beloved, personally I thought it was a good movie, have never watched it again though, I was eleven at the time.

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I don't think there anything wrong with it ask for a refund for movie you felt is bad or was misled in advertisement, my dad's girlfriend ask for a refund for Beloved, personally I thought it was a good movie, have never watched it again though, I was eleven at the time.


It's like buying a burger, eating half, deciding you don't like it, and going up the cashier and asking for your money back.


Now if there's a worm in there or it's still raw (i.e. something the company did that tarnished your experience), then yeah go get your money back. But if you just wanted to try cheese on your burger and decide that's not for you, that's not the company's fault, and you shouldn't be able to get your money back. Eating your cake and having it too.

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I've never walked out on a movie, and I don't plan on doing so unless there's an emergency that comes up while the film is going. If I pay for it, I'm sticking it out 'til the bitter end.


I don't think it's really, fully right to ask for a refund unless the screening has to be canceled (in which case the theatre will probably give you a refund or a voucher anyway), or unless there are significant presentation issues (e.g. distorted sound, picture out of frame, etc.) that you report as close to the beginning of the problem as possible. If said problems never get fixed, then yes, ask for a refund. The theatre can't control the quality of the movie itself, but for the most part, they can control the quality of the presentation.

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I chose my movies carefully when going to the theater. Hence, I've never had to refund before. Then again, I'm fourteen years old and I am actionholic so there's not much for me to say other than people should know the movie they are seeing before walking in.

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