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Wknd #s: TF4 - 36.4M | Tam - 21.2M (32.9M) | DUFE - 9.5M (15M) | ETE - 8.3M (13.5M) | pg49 (We love the 90s/70s)

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C'mon... how can you resist a movie with a poster like this.


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I don't know why but I really hate that poster. It looks so fake.


None of Hercules's marketing has worked for me so far. Not the trailers. Not the posters. None. I'm 80% skipping it at this point.

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Still better than Godzilla? Are you feeling well? :lol:


Godzilla had 20 minutes of good stuff. The rest of the movie felt like 10 teaser trailers. I understand that they tried to "build up", but there was too much of that.


Cap 2 - 9/10

TASM2 - 3/10

Godzilla - 2/10

DOFP - 9.5/10

Mal - 4/10

TF4 - 2.1/10

Edited by #ED
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I would rather watch the entirety of ASM2's confusing attempt to connect multiple storylines whilst leaving most of them open at the end than watch another minute of Transformers 4's boring, over the top, action scenes which amount to nothing more than a collection of indistinguishable metal fighting another collection of indistinguishable metal with an occasional human reaction shot. 

How can I possibly care about a movie when the most recognizable character in the movie, Optimus Prime, is also one of the least likeable characters in the movie.

If you were disappointed in transforners then that's your fault. It had bad reviews and it delivered exactly what was expected. If you really expected something different then that's your dumb mistake and like most others, im sure you'll be waiting in que for Transformers 5 a few years down the line only to complain about the same crap again lol
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Godzilla had 20 minutes of good stuff. The rest of the movie felt like 10 teaser trailers. I understand that they tried to "build up", but there was too much of that.


Cap 2 - 9/10

TASM2 - 3/10

Godzilla - 2/10

DOFP - 9.5/10

Mal - 4/10

TF4 - 2.1/10

You must be fucking with me :lol: 

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To all those people calling Maleficent trash:


Wake up please! None of the summer releases was a masterpiece!


Transformers, Godzilla, DOFP, ASM 2 and CA 2 were crap. Only EOT was actually a good enough film but was still no masterpiece.


Crux: If Maleficent was bad then every other film (with the exception of EOT) was bad too.


Maleficent is not a superhero film like the rest and so I understand the sentiment coming from the comic book geeks/fanboys :D

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To all those people calling Maleficent trash:


Wake up please! None of the summer releases was a masterpiece!


Transformers, Godzilla, DOFP, ASM 2 and CA 2 were crap. Only EOT was actually a good enough film but was still no masterpiece.


Crux: If Maleficent was bad then every other film (with the exception of EOT) was bad too.


Maleficent is not a superhero film like the rest and so I understand the sentiment coming from the comic book geeks/fanboys :D

 what this is a joke right? What movies do you like?

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Godzilla had 20 minutes of good stuff. The rest of the movie felt like 10 teaser trailers. I understand that they tried to "build up", but there was too much of that.


The issue was not that they had build-up, but that it was build-up, reveal, hide, build-up, reveal, hide, build-up, reveal, and when the fight starts lets keep cutting away to Aaron Taylor Johnson for some reason instead of showing two monsters throwdown.

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To all those people calling Maleficent trash:


Wake up please! None of the summer releases was a masterpiece!


Transformers, Godzilla, DOFP, ASM 2 and CA 2 were crap. Only EOT was actually a good enough film but was still no masterpiece.


Crux: If Maleficent was bad then every other film (with the exception of EOT) was bad too.


Maleficent is not a superhero film like the rest and so I understand the sentiment coming from the comic book geeks/fanboys :D

Oh good lord. MCU fans, Godzilla fans, TF fans, and SpideyFreak we need to team up again this.

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