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Weeknd Official Est: Apes 2 - 73M | Friday Numbers and Saturday Numbers on Page 1

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the first apes opened up to 54 million. I honestly doubt Fox was thinking this was going to open in the mid 50s as it is a sequel and it has 3d. People predicting in the 60's fine I can buy that. Most people here were thinking in the 70's and even above. So this is a very good opening but in my opinion it is not unexpected.



The marketing was awful. I'm glad it opened well despite that. Now hopefully the WOM is good and it has a nice run.

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The marketing was awful. I'm glad it opened well despite that. Now hopefully the WOM is good and it has a nice run.


yes. Month before I was sure it will open huge. Close to release I started thinking if even mid 50s looked tough. Thankfully it pulled in a good OW. Though with a stronger marketing it could have opened even bigger(may be even in 90s).

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Very happy with that number for Apes, it deserves every cent of that $73M, hope it has tremendous legs and gets well past the $200M mark. Also congrats to a very talented director Matt Reeves, finally a box-office result equal to what he puts into a film. I'm really happy today.

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same no's as we expected! Great numbers and i hope it holds well in the coming days :)

same no's as we expected! Great numbers and i hope it holds well in the coming days :)

not as high as I was hoping for but decent and we should have good legs.
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