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FOX/WB Merger

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Time Warner really got hit hard by that horrible AOL merger years ago. They had such huge box office hits last decade that I would assume that those helped soften the blow some. However, I am sure that they still lost a considerable sum on the AOL merger.


What's interesting is that from a content stand point, you wouldn't think that Fox would be big enough to buy Time Warner. Time Warner owns more IP than Fox does.

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Time Warner really got hit hard by that horrible AOL merger years ago. They had such huge box office hits last decade that I would assume that those helped soften the blow some. However, I am sure that they still lost a considerable sum on the AOL merger. What's interesting is that from a content stand point, you wouldn't think that Fox would be big enough to buy Time Warner. Time Warner owns more IP than Fox does.

That was close to 2 decades ago
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Yes, I seem to recall reading that they never recovered from the losses/debt, even after they spun off/sold AOL (did Huffington Post buy AOL *from* TW or was it already spun off?)From what I understand, Bewkes' paring down of the company (dumping AOL, selling/spinning off Warner Books, Warner Music Group and Time Warner Cable, recently splitting off Time) is directly or indirectly related to the prolonged financial strain of the AOL merger.All for something which was not only poorly timed (dot-com crash + AOL's relevance just about to go into decline) but, from what I remember hearing, was less about AOL being a valuable addition to the company and more about Gerald Levin and other TW high-ups wanting to reduce Ted Turner's influence in the company. (Anyone wanna confirm?)

Edited by TServo2049
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Yes, I seem to recall reading that they never recovered from the losses/debt, even after they spun off/sold AOL (did Huffington Post buy AOL *from* TW or was it already spun off?)From what I understand, Bewkes' paring down of the company (dumping AOL, selling/spinning off Warner Books, Warner Music Group and Time Warner Cable, recently splitting off Time) is directly or indirectly related to the prolonged financial strain of the AOL merger.All for something which was not only poorly timed (dot-com crash + AOL's relevance just about to go into decline) but, from what I remember hearing, was less about AOL being a valuable addition to the company and more about Gerald Levin and other TW high-ups wanting to reduce Ted Turner's influence in the company. (Anyone wanna confirm?)


AOL was spun off by Time Warner. Huffington Post did not buy AOL from Time Warner.


I actually don't know if the AOL merger had anything to do with Ted Turner's influence. I have never heard that before.

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Don't quote me on it. I heard it back in the early 2000s, I no longer remember where. It may have been a conspiracy theory of sorts. That was a digression. My original point was that I agree with you, the AOL thing did do long-term damage to Time Warner and they never fully recovered from that.

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This is speculation on top of speculation. It's industry pundits predicting "Oh, who MIGHT want to buy Time Warner" without any proof that any of them DO, and then a comic book site speculating "Oh, what would happen if Marvel and DC were under the same ownership?" I don't read gossip, it's useless.

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I actually have mixed feelings about it, but honestly part of me would be happy, because Disney would actually try to utilize their DC properties more than likely (any studio honestly would probably).


With WB / DC, it doesn't feel like they wanna make non Batman / Superman films, its more like, we have to make these other DC films because Marvel is having so much success.

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They would instantly combine DC and Marvel into one company and they would bring back Access to comibine the two universes together.


Superman/Batman/Spider-Man #1 Anyone?


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The funny thing I find about the DC vs Marvel series in the 90s was that it occurred when Ben Reilly was Spidey, not Peter Parker. So the real Spider-Man didn't take part in that...uh, crossover.


The Amalgam Comics thing where they combined heroes like Cap and Superman then Spider-Man and Superboy into single characters is such a joke though...although the Batman/Wolverine mash-up Dark Claw, is still kinda cool I guess...


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I reiterate, this is one comic site's speculation based on THR's speculation. There is zero evidence that Disney is even pursuing Time Warner, this is all as ridiculous to me as all the speculation that goes on prior to the NFL or NBA draft. At least box office speculation is based on tracking and historical trends and stuff. This is just baseless wild guessing.

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I reiterate, this is one comic site's speculation based on THR's speculation. There is zero evidence that Disney is even pursuing Time Warner, this is all as ridiculous to me as all the speculation that goes on prior to the NFL or NBA draft. At least box office speculation is based on tracking and historical trends and stuff. This is just baseless wild guessing.


Its comic book movie, so I'd take it with a grain of salt anyway.

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Yeah sure.  :rofl: Like that will ever happen. But if it did I think I'd give up movies for good. Could you imagine MOS or Harry Potter Disney version? Jesus. Not to mention bye bye original SF movies.

Eh. I can't see a Disney done MOS being any worse than the film we actually got.
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