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Diversity in top films misrepresents U.S. population

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My question is the same as the gender one: How would you propose to SOLVE this? If the problem is in the Hollywood studio culture itself, what's the fix? If Hollywood can't be trusted to do it themselves, would some body need to impose and enforce diversity?This is something I am honestly curious about...

An organized Hispanic boycott.  :ph34r:

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Oh, are you Middle Eastern? We have a great role for you to play. The terrorist. No? Uh, how about a criminal? No? What about playing the owner of a kebab shop that ogles at every passing woman? Not even that? Hey, I know! A man who works alongside the U.S intelligence department only to get killed in the end!No? Well, fuck you, sand n******.

QFT.Fuck stereotypes. Edited by Heretic
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I don't think you understand. I'm not asking for Hollywood to pick a weaker actor for the sake of diversity. I'm asking that instead they start writing more Hispanic roles or preferably they do blind casting. Right now Hollywood isn't picking between a white and Hispanic actor. Right now it's picking between white actors.Your scenario would be ideal and if that was the case we Hispanics can fix that by improving our acting abilities. The problem is that white actors don't get cast by merit alone but because the role is envisioned as white by the casting people.


Blind casting is the way to go.


LOST did it quite a bit when it was on, and I don't get why more TV shows/Movies don't do it when race/gender isn't relevant to the character.

Edited by Nephenee
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I would be intrigued by a film which was cast by lottery. In other words, just write each character's traits with no regard to stuff like race and gender, or ignore what's in the script. For each character, determine the race, gender, possibly orientation, age, body type, religion, etc. by drawing a value out of a lottery drum with one card of each option, meaning each has equal probability. Once all cards have been drawn for a character, then the casting director puts out a call for talent matching the profile. For added bonus, the character cannot be rewritten or the actor/actress directed based on what profile was chosen to make it fit into any stereotype.Again, I just am intrigued by the idea of completely unpredictable casting, of people playing against type, of being SURPRISED.

Edited by TServo2049
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some actors might be hispanics but do they even speak spanish still?


Why does that matter?


I know naming one counterexample doesn't disprove the trend, but it is remarkable how someone like Aziz Ansari has thrived in an environment where actors of Muslim heritage are typecast like that.


I think it's because he got his start in stand-up?

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I know naming one counterexample doesn't disprove the trend, but it is remarkable how someone like Aziz Ansari has thrived in an environment where actors of Muslim heritage are typecast like that.

Thing is especially on Parks and Rec his heritage is never brought up
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What liberal Hollywood not liking diversity? While all the time hollering at conservatives to be more inclusive.

Quite honestly diversity is crap. If Woody Allen only makes movies about neurotic Jews why should I force him to introduce black characters if he is not comfortable writing about that scenario.


Plus the problem is if someone gives a non-white person even something remotely stereotypical the PC police will be coming up in droves to protest misrepresentation. Therefore in places where Hollywood actually represents non-whites as goons , terrorists etc. they turn out to be pawns of  the main villain who is white making them a replaceable character ultimately.



If Hispanics want to be represented in Hollywood they would have to do a Tyler Perry. Make Hispanic films for themselves and sell it to Hispanics.

Edited by maxenricfan
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Cameron Diaz, Jessica Alba, Martin Sheen, Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estevez

Thing is, these people are still seen as white to people. Only thing really hispanic about them is their names. Technically The Other Woman starred 2 white women and a hispanic woman, but the world (and Hollywood wants us to see it) as 3 white women. But I agree. Lack of diversity is an issue. Why do some whites always want to say "you just want a black and a female thrown in to satisfy your diversity cry"? No, we just wants some good roles. Oh and "so youd rather have a bad black actor play a part vs a good white actor, just so it can have a black guy in it?" Um, no, I want whoever can act, but if its a role that other races than handle, then I want to see casting directors really look around. Ive been noticing a lot white people randomly showing up in "black" movies lately, and the only reason it is is so the movie can help attract a white audience. No im not just saying that, watch these movies and tell me what purpose the white actors served. I dont want that, just like how I dont want a black or woman or gay or asian or eskimo or baby or whatever thrown in just to try to attract another audience. Why was Nicki Minaj in TOW? To get the black girls there because the studio felt it was just a little "too white." I thought the movie was okay, but I wouldve rathered have Nicki serve a purpose other than be a marketing ploy. Diversity is a good thing. I love Avengers, but the cast is pretty much all white, even with the 4-5 new additions. Do I want Falcon or War Machine or BP thrown in just to put some color in? Or Ms Marvel put in just to add another female? No. But you have to admit, they could get a little more creative. BVS will have a white, black, samoan, and middle easterner in the main cast. And why is that okay? Because theyre all bringing something to the table, rather than being thrown in to satisfy color quotas. Thats how all movies need to be. Dont give me all white rangers in the PR reboot, and then make Zordan black so no one will complain. Give a wide range of actors a chance. Bing Bing was only in TF4 just to please China and "the liberals", because other than that the cast wouldve been all white. Dont put people in just for the sake of it. I think Hollywood is starting to turn a good direction, but its still got a long way to go. The age of the movie star is fading so soon hopefully it wont matter whos the leading face and what theyre color, gender, preference, whatever is. Now im not saying go and make a black Indiana Jones or Mexican Hobbit or male April O Neal or Asian Blade or whatever, unless the material is for it, like how theres currently a Mexican SM, but maybe we'll see something like Hangover thats more than 4 white dudes or Bridesmaids 2 with an Asian bridesmaid or Think Like A Man 3 with a white character that actually serves a purpose. These movies are still enjoyable to me, but I wanna see a little more. Not these cheap PA Marked Ones stereotyped garbage or Expendabelles just because someone in the think room came up with a cool title. Edited by Jandrew
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And the fight against a color-blind society continues.   Every facet of everything must be broken down in racial terms.   ...Be it ticket buyers or actors.


Let's constantly remind everyone what color they are and what color everyone around them is.....and make sure to separate everyone according to race.    This is all going to lead to a less racist society somehow....    Yeah....sure....that will happen.   :rolleyes: (Someone rebury MLK please....his spinning got out of control)


Blacks are over-represented compared to population percentage....and the author still found a way to complain.   Using the diversity logic.....we should be upset that blacks are taking more than their share of roles.   Note that the author quickly used that logic on whites in the very next paragraph.   Nice double standard.


As others pointed out, Hollywood is one of the most liberal industries in the US.    If this is truly a problem, those on the left need to explain why they cannot practice what they preach.   Sounds like the actors who loudly shout about Global Warming and how CO2 is going to doom us all.....while driving huge SUV's, limos, and flying private planes all over the world.


It certainly feels good to be a Libertarian. 


Of course numbers can be used to support any agenda if you don't dig too deeply.    No one seems to dig deep enough to tell us the percentages of people of various colors who pursue an acting career for instance.   That's not trivial information in this discussion....at all. 

First you find out the racial makeup of people pursuing an acting career...then you determine if the acting jobs are distributed by percentage.    Someone is skipping an important step here to further an agenda.   I'm sure that tactic works on those who don't give it any real thought. 

Edited by Harpospoke
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