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Days of Future Past VS The Winter Soldier

Days of Future Past VS The Winter Soldier  

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  1. 1. Days of Future Past VS The Winter Soldier

    • Days of Future Past
    • The Winter Soldier

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Days of Future Past and The Winter Soldier are both the biggest surprises of the year for me...easily. I was very apathetic towards the X-Men franchise as before DoFP, I'd only seen First Class and found that passable. But I was gobsmacked at how great DoFP was, and was really taken aback at how emotional it was.


TWS was fantastic, and I LOVED how they gave a huge middle finger to the NSA. The first film is painfully mediocre and dull once it gets to the second act, but its sequel is an enormous improvement on every level and the very first Marvel movie to genuinely feel serious (while being funny). Evans and Johansson are both sickeningly beautiful.


I give the edge to DoFP as the climax was a lot more intimate and personal. 



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Both were fantastic. I DoFP I liked how they tried to connect it to real life events but I felt it didn't work as well as First Class did it. Also felt that they wasted Dinklage. While he was fine with what they gave him, Trask was meh. Future sentinels were good but past ones were weak and was weird how Magneto controlled them. 


TWS also is influenced by real life events and acts as a commentary to them, which was great. The action was amazing, some of the best in a superhero film. Villains were better and had the amazing reveal. 


Acting and story were great in both and also the credits scene left me hyped for their upcoming films! I would give the edge to TWS. 

Edited by Breakspear
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DOFP was more organic, and suspended my disbelief (which Cap failed to do) and was equally as well filmed.It also had the more engaging story that had much stronger execution, also there was no groan worthy Hydra plot within it,Cap 2 was a lot of fun but the more flawed the more I think about, it doesn't stand that well against DOFP.

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The Winter Soldier. DoFP had incredibly strong source material as reference and I feel it could have been better given the tremendous pathos of the original story. Also, I'm tired of the constant focus on Magneto/Xavier/Wolverine. Still, credit where credit's due as it turned to be much better than my expectations, especially the treatment of Quicksilver.


TWS though! :o  It actually managed to make Captain America a wonderfully likable protagonist for me! Which I thought impossible! Loved the Hydra infiltration plot and the 70's political caper feel. Fury, Widow and Falcon were amazing too. The "quiet moments" between Steve and Natasha were very enjoyable. More interesting characterizations than DoFP.

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DOFP was good but because it's a prequel/sequel/reboot it has too much plot to service all of the characters. The only real characters in the movie are Fassbender, McAvoy and Lawrence. It is a good movie and quite engaging from start to finish.


Cap on the other hand has also it's fair share of problems in the final act but for the first 2/3 of the movie it's not just engaging, it's fantastic.


So Captain.

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The Winter Soldier.


DOFP was nothing special for me as I felt the future settings was not really that fleshed out to care and be involved. It suffers from the Singer's syndrome, one flashy highlight (Quicksilver scene) dominating same old pompous material that never soar to the same height. "First Class Reloaded" that lacked the extra oomph.


On the other hand, TWS was definetely 10 steps higher than its predecessor in terms of scale, ambition, action and overall tone.

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Definitely DOFP.


I'm a fan of the cinematic X-Men series, but I never loved any of the movies, the best one was X2 and even then it was just good-almost-great.

DOFP hit all right notes, especially with the the characters, the reason why I love this series to begin with, something could be said about the average villain (Dinklage performance was great though). DOFP still remains the best movie of the year.


I think Cap1 was the worst MCU movie by a considerable margin, it's not a surprise that I didn't like the sequel. I hated the forced "I'm trying to be bad-ass" feel of the movie, the Hydra thing made me cringe so fucking much considering the tone that movie set in the beginning , the third act was weak sauce while the first two acts were passable, it looked like a 170m DTV movie and it wasn't emotional (unlike DOFP).


DOFP 95/100

Cap2 55/100

Edited by Goffe R Swanson
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