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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1


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I'm in the minority and I know most of y'all are gonna come at me for saying it, but fucking yes, it's Hunger Games' best entry so far. I fucking loathed the latest book, it was a lazy written atrociously paced bore to read through for a vast part of it, its second part was a good read though imo. Nevertheless, this film killed me! As gorgeous as ever Jen totally nails her role as Katniss, Same goes to all the cast, great performances from Woody, Elizabeth, Julianne, Phillip, Josh, Natalie, Sam and the rest. Absolutely ate up its darkish tone, setting and the music - omg the hanging tree got me haunted so much.  MJ1>CF>>>>>THG

It sailed past CF gross here in Poland during its openign weekend despite a far worse exchange rate. A Potter-like opening!
Europe as expected delivered!

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I'm in the minority and I know most of y'all are gonna come at me for saying it, but fucking yes, it's Hunger Games' best entry so far. I fucking loathed the latest book, it was a lazy written atrociously paced bore to read through for a vast part of it, its second part was a good read though imo. Nevertheless, this film killed me! As gorgeous as ever Jen totally nails her role as Katniss, Same goes to all the cast, great performances from Woody, Elizabeth, Julianne, Phillip, Josh, Natalie, Sam and the rest. Absolutely ate up its darkish tone, setting and the music - omg the hanging tree got me haunted so much.  MJ1>CF>>>>>THG


It sailed past CF gross here in Poland during its openign weekend despite a far worse exchange rate. A Potter-like opening!

Europe as expected delivered!

I got to say stepping out of the theater, no lie this is how I felt. I felt it had a little more of an emotional punch than CF did.
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Because MJ1 you had more people dying, the Hanging Tree scene, you had the scenes with Peeta where he looked like he was being abused, you had the opening scene where you saw Katniss was struggling, you even had Peeta nearly choke the life out of her. Even if I am too in the minority, I just felt there was a little more emotionally happening in this one.

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A review I found on the Internet, not mine.



**** out of 5

(Revised Review)

Just like the last film, this ends on J-Law's face instead of the usual mayhem porn that most modern blockbusters climax with. Just like the last film, J-Law gives probably the best performance in a blockbuster this year. (Though Caesar in DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES back in the summer might give her a run for her money.) In fact what she does here is give a class-A acting clinic that in any other film that isn't based off popular books for teenagers and a sequel to massive moneymaker blockbusters (especially those with "Part 1" in the title), we would be talking about her racking up another Oscar nomination.

Like the others, this is very much a vehicle for her which she elevates. HUNGER GAMES is among the best of the franchises out there playing as our heroine who has the whole world on her shoulders. Her character in this series has been...no, "reactive" is not the right word because she can take the necessary initiative. But each picture has been about her making a fateful choice, when then for rest of the narrative she has to fight her way out of while being used as a pawn by greater forces unseen to her but not us. (Yes you might groan when she has to go rescue her sister here because of her dumb cat during an air raid but the kid is only doing what J-Law already did for her.)

Difference is that this time, many people on both sides will die because of her decision. I do like how the film at times goes episodic showing rebels in other parts of this dystopia sticking it to the man, including a memorable bit with Lumberjacks kicking ass. There is a very moving montage with J-Law singing a song that we then cut to these unarmed civilians all together humming this same song, now an ideological hymn as they march to their deaths and kick the fascists right in the balls.

Plus first 2 films it was the dicatorship that is the Capitol, now its the rebel forces that apparently have been underground and waiting/planning for decades. This aint STAR WARS where Luke Skywalker and pals are hand in hand with the other rebels. Julianne Moore and the late great Phillip Seymour Hofffman want her to become in effect their mascot. In comparison to the Capitol, these are the "good guys" but they're pragmatic and not exactly subtle about treating her as another weapon and J-Law has to negotiate with them. I loved that moment when J-Law loses her shit with them, and Hoffman turned that outburst back to his case for her involvement in the rebellion. J-Law's face goes from outrage to realizing once again, she was played.

Another great scene when she visits a faraway bombed District for a propaganda film. When a tragedy unfolds in front of her, anger and grief has overwhelmed her. Then her camera crew start filming and J-Law with body language/face really shows off her character's dealing with this moment: She's initially outraged that these assholes aren't trying to help civilians out of that building, but then realizes that yeah this was "the moment" her side needs from her and improvs a great rallying speech. Afterwards she hopefully gave them an earful. Even notice how folks from her own inner-circle clinically dissect her past decisions as PR moves, with her in the room with them...she doesn't know how to act. How could any of this?

Another sign of how goddamn great J-Law is? She convincingly does "bad acting" for one of Hoffman's projects which is probably one of (if not the) hardest things to sell as a performer.

That's why I'm kinda baffled by the mainstream critics shitting on this, complaining that "nothing happens" and there isn't enough action. First off, aren't these quaint complaints the sort we expect more from bloggers and IMDB users? Second, alot of these critics are the same ones who whine about blockbusters being too much about mindless CGI set-pieces and roughhouse pacing. This is rather meatier than they're making it out to be, alot of thoughtful scenes in regards to the politicking by the rebel leadership, J-Law calling out her own side's bullshit, the propaganda war between both sides, etc. Without the Hunger Games plot device, the pacing is allowed to breath some more, shading in some more of this universe for us that we only got glimpses of before. Sure I think the 3rd act is less engaging compared to what came beforehand because it becomes ZERO DARK THIRTY and distracting questions come up in my head: (1) When did Liam Hemsworth train to go from miner to super special forces soldier? (2) The Capitol's big evil scheme was kinda stupid.

But otherwise, still alot of good shit here. The bomb raid sequence was terrifying. Not just J-Law, great performances around her. Thor's brother finally has a good acting showcase moment in these films. Josh Hutcherson is terrific, evoking one unfortunately of beaten/terrorized hostages doing videos for their captors, with swords off-screen ready to decapitate them if they don't follow script. I loved Hoffman's little moments, from having pride in revealing that he wrote that song J-Law was singing to losing his shit increasingly with every dropped bomb. And oddly enough, I think its unfortunate that Donald Sutherland hasn't gotten enough credit for what he's done in these films, given little yet projecting great sinister, ruthless intelligence. When that barber accidentally cuts him while shaving him, the whole room stops for a moment as they're terrified shitless. Reminds me of that story about a similar incident with Joseph Stalin, his barber truely believing he was going to be promptly shot on the spot. I dig that a whole new generation of kids have discovered how awesome Sutherland can be.

Oh God, I was surprised to learn how much I had missed Effie. I kinda slept on that goofball with her absurd (yet imaginative) costumes in the other films. yet she and Woody Harleson do bring a certain level of lightness and humor to what otherwise can be a completely dreary dystopia. Like this series' C-3PO and R2D2. Apparently Effie wasn't even in the MOCKINGJAY novel, so kudos to the filmmakers for making that adaptation change.

Also you know what? I find odd people complaining about the romance subplot because here they're actually more underplayed than we usually get in blockbusters with our male heroes and their female props to booster them and the plots. There is conflict because she cares very much about both Thor's brother and Peeta as friends, and yet she might be drifting away from one to the other on a more serious level if only because of past shared experience that the other just can't relate or replicate in regards to the kabuki games they've had to play together to survive.

P.S. - Also, I say this as a comic book fan: Thanks J-Law. Because of you and these movies being really fucking good, they're huge moneymakers and quite frankly you (well you and the filmmakers) are why we're finally getting Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel movies. Not because superhero film executives grew progressive overnight or grow a pair, but because Hollywood now thinks kickass chicks can now make money. Thanks.

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This is probably the most unpopular opinion, but Elizabeth Banks is just awful in these movies.

It's a little obvious that she's acting, and her character doesn't get much room to grow. I still like her, though.

Really, it's

1. Jlaw

2. Everyone else

3. Hemsworth


Edited by Dark Jedi Master 007
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It was very enjoyable and I had a wonderful time despite the criticism. That being said, it did feel alot more like an exceptional long TV episode than an exceptional movie- it didn't really have a beginning, middle, end structure or arcs/character development. It felt like DH1 in that it was a very, very well-done holding pattern that was very good despite barely moving the needle. It didn't feel boring or draggy, though, and it had some exceptional scenes (like the dam scene, the climax, and the bombing). Francis Lawrence- man, what an inspired choice he's turned out to be. The tone/ambiance/FEELING of this movie is so dark and authentically war-wrought that it's great. Excellent dark, poetic tone. Lawrence shoots the hell out of these movies. Cast was great except Hemsworth who was LOL. Dude's a block of wood. Otherwise, great. It was very enjoyable, even if it did feel more like the world's greatest trailer. 

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To be honest, I don't get the complaints about the love triangle. 


It's not overplayed and you know Katniss' character and motivations for each of the boys. 


This isn't fucking Twilight. I can't say much about Divergent because I never saw it. 


I need to rewatch it, but it could be the best Hunger Games movie yet actually. Just that it's very understated but that is more powerful. The concepts make a far stronger movie, if executed right, than book. In the book it was infuriatingly boring and repetitive but as a movie, the first part really works. This is about Katniss Everdeen and her struggle to be what everyone wants her to be without caring for who she actually is and on that level, the movie is phenomenal. 


In fact, if the second movie is any good, or on this level, this could be the definitive "real" superhero film. This is what rising to the role is actually like. This is how a person reacts and deals with the pressure. Villains are not motivated by cheesy, illogical intentions or dumb plotting. Heroes are not going to have a paradigm shift in a day. I don't think any superhero film has even brushed the surface of what it really means because they are all so keen to getting it on the action. It's not bad per se, I mean, I'd be bored stiff if we had no movies of invincible heroes, but considering the progress from everyday nobody to superhuman is commonplace in all superhero films, they fail to grasp the reality of it. It is what it is. Mindless entertainment and that's not bad, but let's not pretend it's something revolutionary. Maybe that's why everyone loves them, because it's revelling in a reality that is wholly fantastical, not just because of the powers, but about society. Everyone wants to be special but there is no hero rise in this world. 

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Hmm. Redundant, pretty damn tedious in stretches but also pretty compelling. Too bad it didn't infuse a more off-kilter sense of humor during creation of "propos." The Zero Darky Panem stuff with the tributes was fun... But, somewhat botched. Jennifer Lawrence is better here than in the first two. Hemsworth is the worst part of the film. And, honestly, just wish the studio the had strayed from the book and essentially jettisoned him by now. Peeta's more compelling this go 'round. Building, building and building to the uber-epic finale. Given I didn't adore the first two, I more so thought of 'em both as passable entertainment, I was pleasantly surprised here. For better or worse, Lawrence and Lawrence embrace this Part 1 for being a Part 1. Such being, more so than Potter and Twilight, Mockingjaw Part 1 really, really feels like a Part 1. But, it infused grand dystopian of themes, the groundwork's there now. My rating's a good enough B-/C+.


I rated Hunger Games B-/C+ and Catching Fire C+/B-.

Edited by JohnnyGossamer
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Citizens of Panem should be aware that giving grades of C or lower is strictly prohibited and are subject to arrest and further disciplinary action if done so.

Panem today. Panem tomorrow. Panem forever.


President Snow

the Romans knew Panem et Circenses

Panem without Circenses and you see what you get

Edited by Rudolf
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I think my biggest problem is this movie felt like it was 85% exposition, you rarely got to see this revolution they were talking about, and only in two instances did you really see any effects of it.  The scenes that were strong, such as The Hanging Tree, didn't tell you that people went and stormed the Capitol, it showed you it taking place, and that's what made it so strong.  The only way they could have actually pulled off this part 1 is if they did more to show you everything happening then hear dialogue about what was happening from Hoffman.

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Saw it last night, Mehhhhh there was no plot, no goal nothing, some moments have tension, but overall its lacking because what is the tension building too?


DH1 still had a plot and was very good at attempting to deliver structure and 3 acts. I don't care if its a part one, you can still have 3 acts. I don't like not knowing where I am in the movie. As an audience member I should know/have a feeling when its the climax of the movie.


The cinematography was weak, CF was so pretty one of the biggest highlights of the movie. not sure why they went digital all of a sudden. The outside tree stuff looked really weak in terms of production value. The score was good though.


Gale is sooo boring, I really don't like him. Other than that everyone was good, but I almost laughed when Petta went all Sunshine at the end. My audience seemed to find it a bit weird too. I really wanted to like it but its literally just the first act of a much bigger movie.


Im very let down. CF was my favorite/ the best "blockbuster" of 2013.


C+ (79)

Edited by Jay Hollywood
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The Hanging Tree sequence is almost reason enough to give it 5 stars. (Just kidding, but seriously it is such an awesome scene and the highlight of the movie to me.

The movie as a whole wasn't bad, it just was too drawn out. It became increasingly clear that this should have not been split up. I think when part 2 comes out I'm going to edit a version for myself that condenses part 1 and combines the two parts into one film. I did the same thing with the first 2 Hobbit films and it worked great!

Overall I think I'd give the film a 7/10.

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