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BOF's top 25 movies of 2014. Full list Page 5. The forum worships at the altar of Nolan.

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Before the reveal of the top 2, here are the movies which missed the list, one more vote for any of them and they would have made the list.





The Fault in Our Stars

The Tale Of Princess Kaguya

The Babadook


Big Hero 6

The Guest

Begin Again

Edited by grim22
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Number 3



The Grand Budapest Hotel – 216 points, appears on 20 lists, #1 on 4 lists








Wes Anderson finally makes a movie which, while still having his own sensibilities, is also accessible to everyone, and it gives him his biggest hit ever and Oscar nominations. Grand Budapest, while being the story of Zero, is absolutely an ensemble piece. The setpieces are masterfully constructed, especially the prison escape part and the performances by both Anderson regulars and new actors are brilliant. This is probably the most “light” movie among the Oscar nominees and for that alone it deserves recognition. The colors are vivid throughout. The one liners are sharp as ever. This is a worthy top 3 movie.





Boxoffice: 59M Domestic / 174M Worldwide

BOF User Reviews:


So far the best movie of the year, and even if there's still over 250 films or so to watch this year, i guess this will be in my top 10 for sure.

Simply loved it, 100% Anderson, great performances, beautiful cinematography and incredibly funny.

Can't wait to see this again.

10/10” –  Mcclaine


I loved it, even if it felt at times very detached, putting style over story (in that respect, I liked "Moonrise Kingdom" a bit more).

The visuals are amazing, the interiors like elaborate jewel cases caught with macro lenses; the models; Wes Anderson's trademark pastels ... he's a unique voice in a business where many productions get streamlined and bland. And the cast is simply awesome!

One thing that really stands out is his use of screen ratio; with today's possibilities, that's solely a creative decision - and while many young filmmakers will go for the widest possible screen everyday just to give their productions a "grown-up" look, Anderson shows us how much creative potential is lost if you don't think about such basic decisions.” – IndustriousAngel


Jeff Goldblum is in this.

B+” – Jay



And the title for the most pretentious film of the year goes to...

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Before the reveal of the top 2, here are the movies which missed the list, one more vote for any of them and they would have made the list.





The Fault in Our Stars

The Tale Of Princess Kaguya

The Babadook


Big Hero 6

The Guest

Begin Again

So it is confirmed that my list would change things as I would have voted for Snowpiercer for sure. Same with The Babadook. 

Edited by CJohn
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Number 4



Mockingjay Part 1 – 190 points, appears on 26 lists, #1 on 5 lists








The penultimate movie in the Hunger Games franchise had it all, long meetings, sitting around tables, formulating strategies, deciding between boys, a disjointed action sequence and a weird cliffhanger. But well, the masses have spoken. The current #1 movie of 2014.


Boxoffice: 335M Domestic / 713M Worldwide


BOF User Reviews:

This movie was one hell of a emotional roller coaster ride. What comes to mind is a combination of the bravado from Fury, and the stance of unity from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

While I know the claim about a lack of action, in a way itself it makes up with glued to your edge scenes and dialogue. Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss nailed and made this entire movie. She should be nominated for an Oscar imo. There isn't one damn weak link in this movie, in terms of actors. The people who loved Dawn of the Planet of the Apes or the ones who were captivated by Fury, could find something to love with Mockingjay. The Hunger Games has changed for me in a lot of ways, excuse my language but a big mindfuck. I've been emotionally compromised. It brings you into Katniss's world and you see the true pain that lies within her, you can feel it and it's almost transparent while there are little minor slight bits of comedy sort of a black comedy feel but well done as maybe a form of levity (the audience laughed at some scenes meant to be humorous) but overall it's consistent with it's tone, it doesn't become a mess of a film. The way you were brought in they leave you there almost the same way but by the end you're caught in the line, and you'll be left with something even more especially if you came in with little to no expectations. My anticipation was killing me in the waiting hours, but walking in I didn't try to expect too much but be overjoyed at the fact I had gotten to see it. My mind is a mess of things however, this will definitely require a second viewing. My heart was about to jump and rip out of my chest, I've never had myself in this kind of state before.

The Hanging Tree is The Hunger Games's new anthem. It broke away from their previous mold, and it just might surprise you. In terms of build-up, it was executed perfectly. To be honest, I didn't feel the scenes dragged on too long at all. I think there was always something happening to keep the story running, but paced out where there wasn't too much at once.

It's bold, it has a lot of heart in many ways than one and it is truly grim. It takes your mind to an incredible new place. You learn to grow to care more intimately about the rebellion, the upcoming war. It's also very emotionally draining. Shit, I'm surprised by how impactful this movie is. This is the Hunger Games movie you've been waiting for.

I give this an A” –  Everstar







edited: oh thank god not real, are you trying to give us a heart attack?

Edited by Kalo
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Before the reveal of the top 2, here are the movies which missed the list, one more vote for any of them and they would have made the list.





The Fault in Our Stars

The Tale Of Princess Kaguya

The Babadook


Big Hero 6

The Guest

Begin Again

glad that I removed TFIOS from my list

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Number 3



The Grand Budapest Hotel – 216 points, appears on 20 lists, #1 on 4 lists








Wes Anderson finally makes a movie which, while still having his own sensibilities, is also accessible to everyone, and it gives him his biggest hit ever and Oscar nominations. Grand Budapest, while being the story of Zero, is absolutely an ensemble piece. The setpieces are masterfully constructed, especially the prison escape part and the performances by both Anderson regulars and new actors are brilliant. This is probably the most “light” movie among the Oscar nominees and for that alone it deserves recognition. The colors are vivid throughout. The one liners are sharp as ever. This is a worthy top 3 movie.





Boxoffice: 59M Domestic / 174M Worldwide

BOF User Reviews:


So far the best movie of the year, and even if there's still over 250 films or so to watch this year, i guess this will be in my top 10 for sure.

Simply loved it, 100% Anderson, great performances, beautiful cinematography and incredibly funny.

Can't wait to see this again.

10/10” –  Mcclaine


I loved it, even if it felt at times very detached, putting style over story (in that respect, I liked "Moonrise Kingdom" a bit more).

The visuals are amazing, the interiors like elaborate jewel cases caught with macro lenses; the models; Wes Anderson's trademark pastels ... he's a unique voice in a business where many productions get streamlined and bland. And the cast is simply awesome!

One thing that really stands out is his use of screen ratio; with today's possibilities, that's solely a creative decision - and while many young filmmakers will go for the widest possible screen everyday just to give their productions a "grown-up" look, Anderson shows us how much creative potential is lost if you don't think about such basic decisions.” – IndustriousAngel


Jeff Goldblum is in this.

B+” – Jay



this movie is very overrated.

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Number 2



Boyhood – 335 points, appears on 22 lists, #1 on 9 lists








Boyhood is definitely one of its kind. Made over 12 years, this shows a human journey over time. Some moments in the movie such as the Star Wars conversation or the final conversation that the friends have among themselves ring very true to life, Patricia Arquette and Ethan Hawke are both really convincing in their roles and Linklater’s direction is brilliant. Just the logistics involved with the project are mind-boggling, imagine investing in a project knowing you won’t see any returns for 12 years at the very least, this was a very risky project pulled off almost flawlessly. For that risk taken alone it deserves this spot on the countdown.




Boxoffice: 24M Domestic / 44M Worldwide



BOF User Reviews:

Movie starts and the kid's watching Dragon Ball Z with all Dragon Ball Z shit in his room. knew I was gonna relate to this guy. Give this movie an A.

Admittedly I do think he becomes a less interesting presence as the film progresses, but I guess he's just awkward like every other teenager. Hawke and Patricia Arquette are pretty incredible in it, and I haven't heard enough about the actress playing the sister, who's also great.

The film doesn't have any grand statements to say on childhood or becoming a man or whatever, but it kinda shows what makes Linklater one of my favourites right now. the way he can make me uber invested in the little moments.

Oh, and part people in the cinema chuckled at: Ethan Hawke saying in like, 2008 that there's never gonna be another star wars. lmao.” –  CoolioD1


It lives up to the hype. Maybe it's because I'm gonna be a dad in about a month or so, but this impacted me in a way no movie has in a very long time. What Richard Linklater has accomplished (filming a story of a family that spans 12 years and setting in real time by using the same actors over that time) is nothing short of remarkable. Ellar Coltrane and Lorelei Linklater (the director's daughter) may not be the most experienced actors, especially at the beginning, but that's exactly the point: we watch them grow up and become mature on camera, and it's pretty amazing (much more so than if the movie had been made in a more "conventional" manner with three different actors playing the parts). In the roles of mom and dad, Patricia Arquette and Ethan Hawke give some of the best work of their careers, and it's also fascinating to watch how they change over time. Because of the way the film was shot, we find plenty of references to pop culture and the changes that have occurred in society that mark what year is the story is taking place, from carefully chosen song selections to nods to everything from Harry Potter, the movies of summer 2008, and the Obama election. Is this a groundbreaking story that hasn't been told before? No, it most certainly isn't. But you've definitely never seen it done quite like this. A” – Filmlover



I can't even describe what I feel after this movie. I just re-lived portions of my life and I'm thinking about events and people I haven't thought of in years.

It's not a perfect movie. It runs a bit long and some of the actors aren't so great. But that's looking at the small bits. This movie took the small bits and made it into something big. That's kinda what life is.

Stunning. A small-span epic. The movie could've easily been titled "Life" and it would've been accurate.The best movie of the year - heck, the best movie I've had the privilege of ever seeing in theaters.

A++” – Blankments


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Before the reveal of the top 2, here are the movies which missed the list, one more vote for any of them and they would have made the list.




The Fault in Our Stars

The Tale Of Princess Kaguya

The Babadook


Big Hero 6

The Guest

Begin Again


*I'm crying *

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