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4-Day Wknd Est: AS - 105.3M, Pad - 25.2M, TWR - 24.5M,Taken 3 - 17.44M (pg 109)

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Oh my God. I want to know what you know about my country.

Uhm Imelda Marcos and her shoe collection. That Magellan died their after being killed by the native tribes during his circumnavigation of the world and that it is a very catholic country having first been a Spanish colony and then an American Colony.

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I'm sorry to butt in but I just want to make clear (since I'm from the other side of the world) that I don't see Middle Americans as less intellectual or critical. I don't know, sometimes people who live in these progressive cities are less civilized than those who don't. Just my observation.

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Uhm Imelda Marcos and her shoe collection. That Magellan died their after being killed by the native tribes during his circumnavigation of the world and that it is a very catholic country having first been a Spanish colony and then an American Colony.


Anything else? Ha ha.

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I know that it didn't tell a lot of the truth but it was a good movie. Is that too much to ask for these days? To have a movie judged on its merits and not what truth it has?

Also like I know this isn't the most relevant example but at this hour I can't think of anything else. Like Birth of a Nation. It glorifies the KKK and is racist, but it doesn't change the fact that cinematically it is one of the best films from that era and maybe even of all time.

I agree the movie can be good but do see how some people will have a problem with it.
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I'm sorry to butt in but I just want to make clear (since I'm from the other side of the world) that I don't see Middle Americans as less intellectual or critical. I don't know, sometimes people who live in these progressive cities are less civilized than those who don't. Just my observation.

The only state you have to worry about in America is West Virginia. That's where we keep our inbreds and cannibals at.

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Er....why is this happening? $30M OD?


Anyway, I have seen people bringing up Selma and I just don't think mainstream USA wants to deal with that subject. It's the reason why there will be a string of Tamir Rice's and Eric Garner's for a while to come. 


That should not distract from the success of AS which obviously had great marketing and really good reviews. I have never been a fan of wartime movies so I can't see myself seeing this in cinemas but I'll definitely check it out on Netflix. Maybe after the last major terrorist attack the country wants to see a movie about a "hero" who dealt with people who had the same ideology. 

Edited by theultimatebiu
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Have you tried the deadly lechon? I'm making my self hungry now lol. We need another update from rth ha ha.


I haven't, I don't believe. What is it?


(Most of the Filipino food I've had has been when visiting friends.)

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