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I don't think it wins Best Pic at this point. There's definitely a bit of a backlash -- it really is a slight film (nothing wrong with that). And although it's a gimmick film, the gimmick works. It really is precise and concise about how it presents things, all visually -- a model of efficiency that many other movies could learn from.And really, Michael Bay should make a silent movie -- it plays to his strengths. :)

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I don't think it wins Best Pic at this point.

Not sure there's anything out there strong enough to take it out. Unfortunately the five contenders I legitimately loved -- Moneyball, War Horse, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Hugo, and TGWTDT -- either won't make the nomination cut or won't be strong enough to win.What do you think has a shot to win over The Artist? I give a staggeringly huge maybe to War Horse, but that's about it. Existential drama/comedies like The Descendants never win Best Picture. I hope to god The Help doesn't actually have a legit shot. What a shame; that movie is so unbelievably mediocre it's painful. Edited by ravon80
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Not sure there's anything out there strong enough to take it out. Unfortunately the five contenders I legitimately loved -- Moneyball, War Horse, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Hugo, and TGWTDT -- either won't make the nomination cut or won't be strong enough to win.What do you think has a shot to win over The Artist? I give a staggeringly huge maybe to War Horse, but that's about it. Existential drama/comedies like The Descendants never win Best Picture. I hope to god The Help doesn't actually have a legit shot. What a shame; that movie is so unbelievably mediocre it's painful.

At this point, Jack and Jill should be nominated over The Artist. It just doesn't work imo.
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Yeah, because good TV movies have performances like Firth's and Rush's all the time. I also can't remember the last time a TV movie was the same style Hooper brought to it. Everybody has their opinion, but I can't help but feel anybody who shoots it down as an average, boring TV movie is simply bitter about its success.

Edited by RichWS
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It's not an average film but it really didn't do anything particularly interesting (beyond the excellent performances). It was a piece of high-grade Masterpiece Theater -- nothing wrong with that and it was well-done, but it didn't do anything daring or unique or even provocative (when, in fact, it could've: see Christopher Hitchens' article on how Churchill was actually quite anti-Bertie and supported Nazi-sympathizer Edward VIII up until the end). Instead, the rougher edges were smoothed out so everything ended up being painted very black-and-white.Compare that to SOCIAL NETWORK, which went out of its way to portray its protagonist in a more negative light than factual events suggest. The result was a far more compelling character study.

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