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WEEKEND ESTIMATES | 05.08.15 - 05.10.15

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Here comes the "we, members of the overseas audience are dumb" talk again. #sigh

I'm part of that international audience and I made the comment. It's simply an observation of box office numbers relating to reviews/audience reaction of major blockbuster movies. What this forum is about. Making observation of box office trends.

Edited by MonstersandRoy
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Here comes the "we, members of the overseas audience are dumb" talk again. #sigh



People may not realize it, but this line of thinking is a bit too present on this board, if you read between the lines.


Like yeah, americans made 12 YAS, Her and Boyhood  300m dom hits ...

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People may not realize it, but this line of thinking is a bit too present on this board, if you read between the lines.


Like yeah, americans made 12 YAS, Her and Boyhood  300m dom hits ...


Don't need to read between the lines, can just read the lines


My dumb splosiony movie is smarter than your dumb splosiony movie

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US audience getting smarter at recognising when they are getting cashed in on with a poorer product, but the studios are lucky the international audience (more specifically China) havn't caught on. Just look at the drops in the Transformers movies stateside. If you want to keep making astronomical money stateside, you gotta keep the quality up or improve the film's. I think the majority of audiences thought Avenger 2 was a reasonable step down from Avengers 1 + many other Marvel movies. I know some don't.

Be at $300/$310m by end of the weekend. Impossible that it finishes below $430m? Seems to be dropping faster than IM3.

Guess Chinese and SK audience weren't so bright when they made Interstellar a hit when it underperformed DOM then....

Plus it's the dumb OS audiences that saved HTTYD2 and EOT from being total flops.

Edited by KATCH 22
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I'm part of that international audience and I made the comment. It's simply an observation of box office numbers relating to reviews/audience reaction of major blockbuster movies.


US audience getting smarter at recognising when they are getting cashed in on with a poorer product, but the studios are lucky the international audience (more specifically China) havn't caught on.


That's not what you said.


And you spoke as if AOU was garbage.

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I'm part of that international audience and I made the comment. It's simply an observation of box office numbers relating to reviews/audience reaction of major blockbuster movies. What this forum is about. Making observation of box office trends.

It is not nice to insult international audiences like that. They have every right to enjoy a movie like Americans. Studios certainly love making money off them. :ph34r:

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lol. Been typing that exact thought for months. People don't listen, people won't listen. There's no lesson to learn here, this is a recurring thing. People will always assume that sequels to huge hits will hold up, and point to the exceptions instead of the (overwhelming) majority


I, and many others, expected it to drop. History teaches us that sequels to huge hits drop, as you say, but it's the steepness of the drop that a lot of people are "melting down" over. Either we were all wrong with our expectations, or it's underperforming, or it's somewhere in between.

Edited by The Stingray
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Guess Guess Chinese and SK audience weren't so bright when they made Interstellar a hit when it underperformed DOM then....

Interstellar underperformed in the US? Seemed in line with projections, near $200m.


I'm saying special effect blockbuster movies in China seem to be critic proof still (that's hard to deny surely?), where as that is not entirely the case in the US & a few other markets. Just an observation. It's not a critism, as American blockbuster's so widespread is still quite new to the masses in China with a huge rise in theaters.

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US audience getting smarter at recognising when they are getting cashed in on with a poorer product, but the studios are lucky the international audience (more specifically China) havn't caught on.


That's not what you said.


And you spoke as if AOU was garbage.

"I think the majority of audience thought Avengers 2 was a reasonable step down from Avengers 1."


Does that mean it's garbage, just means the perseption overall is that it is not as good.  I have no personal agenda against any film. I preferred Avengers 1, but that's my opinion, thought it was much more enjoyable. It's hard to make a comment or observation about box office numbers or market trends without being acused of being some kind of troll or have an agenda against a specific movie, especially when it's a series of film's that people are invested in.

Edited by MonstersandRoy
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Shows that $500M is never a lock. Even with todays higher inflation, $500 is still a staggering number. While SW7 will likely pass it, we cant call it a lock either. Even $400 s a stretch. Already seeing BvS and "Cap" 3 are locks for $400...no theyre not. Gotta keep in check and stop speaking with such certainty. Like, forreal.

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I'm actually pretty offended by that international audience comment.

Really embarrassing thing to say. Have a think before you make such a sweeping comment.

Especially considering Ultron is anything but a cash-in. The film I saw had masses of strong character writing and plenty of invention.

Ultron's performance in most international markets is roughly the same in relativity to domestic anyway.

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US audience getting smarter at recognising when they are getting cashed in on with a poorer product, but the studios are lucky the international audience (more specifically China) havn't caught on. Just look at the drops in the Transformers movies stateside. If you want to keep making astronomical money stateside, you gotta keep the quality up or improve the film's. I think the majority of audiences thought Avenger 2 was a reasonable step down from Avengers 1 + many other Marvel movies. I know some don't.

Be at $300/$310m by end of the weekend. Impossible that it finishes below $430m? Seems to be dropping faster than IM3.


A robot is not as dramatic a threat as Loki as brilliantly played by Hiddleston. 

AoU has that darker passages that got the GA spooked & uncomfortable. 

They don;t like to see their heroes in weakened state, whereas TA is more

like a "F*** yea, superheroes kick ass" type of movie. Plus, there is the

novelty factor wearing off quickly further compounded by the incessant bombardment 

of comic book movies & TV shows (Arrow, Flash, SHIELD etc).

The studios should look at this AoU number and start worrying

about "peak superhero", just like Wall Street analysts worrying about

peak oil.

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