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The Top 100 Film Characters of All Time Countdown Thread - Top 20 incoming!

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86th: Verbal Kint - The Usual Suspects - Kevin Spacey  

24pts - 2 votes




Kevin Spacey is an acting legend and scores 4 places on the master list (even if none of the others scored more than 4 points), The role of Verbal Kint can easily be argued to be his defining role and, without going into spoiler territory, it's fair to say that the whole film hinges on whether Spacey successfully pulls off this role or not.


It's a role and performance that is well worth seeing if you never have, but I can't really say more without risking spoiling the film for some.


For people who have seen the film - Spoiler below is for you:


Just to be clear, this is also Keyser Soze, but it kind of spoils the ending to have that as the character name.

Edited by chasmmi
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85th: Terrence Fletcher - Whiplash - J K Simmons  

24pts - 3 votes




wait, wrong role...




The number one villain performance of 2014 in the eyes of many, we get JK Simmons's Fletcher from the Drummerama-inspired film: Whiplash. As much as I'd personally find it cool if Jonah had made the top 100, it's hard to deny that this was the best Simmons (or most actors for that matter) has ever been.


I personally found the role fascinating for the fact that, the same character tweaked ever so slightly could have become a House-like anti-hero character in another film. He is evil, but you understand his methods. There is reason behind him doing what he does and it does arguably bring out the best in his students and makes them better.


It is a great study of whether ends can justify means in the realms of education and training and one of the best pieces of pure acting in the list so far to date.

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84th: Phil Connors - Groundhog Day - Bill Murray  

24pts - 3 votes




One of the greatest comedies of all time and I still think Murray's best role. It seems that folks here agree as it is Bill's highest placing on the chart (his only other appearence is at 245 for Pete Venkman of Ghostbusters fame). Phil Connors is a man damned to relive the same day over and over again much to his chargrin and our amusement.


For younger members of the forum, think of this as kind of Edge of Tomorrow but with a weird beaver like animal instead of aliens. It's pretty awesome.

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WTF is Mean Girls?




I appreciate you are Hungarian and maybe this film isn't as well known over there.. but still. I don't think I've met anyone who has never even heard of Mean Girls :o




87th: Ferris Bueller - Ferris Bueller's Day Off - 

Matthew Broderick 

24pts - 2 votes


Finally a decent character...

I guess the fact that there are characters with just 2 votes on the list shows how few people sent lists in :( shame. Although I admit I only had like 60 on my list. :P

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Haven't even heard of the last 4 :lol:


To be fair, at least three of them can only really be shown on TV when it's past your bedtime though :P


Now onto the next, and warning, the next two are the one hit wonders that scored a solitary 2nd place. One of them is a decent choice, the other... not so much.

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82nd Tied: Alex Delarge - A Clockwork Orange - Malcolm McDowell  

25pts - 1 vote




One of the crazier characters on the list and to be honest a surprise one to only score the one vote as it is a cult film from a massively revered director with a performance that sticks with you for a long time after viewing.


The first of, I believe two Kubrick characters to make the top 100, this is a film that probably everyone should experience at some point in their life. Even if, like me, they end up not really thinking much of the film at all. :)


Now, onto the other one... :(

Edited by chasmmi
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82nd Tied: Anakin Skywalker - Star Wars Prequels - 

Hayden Panettiere Christensen  

25pts - 1 vote




Yeah, so when nearly 500 different characters get chosen over the course of the vote, the points get pretty spread and allows this to happen.


Happily, there are only 2 more instances of this to go (both solitary 1st place votes, and we'll be getting them out of the way soon.

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81st: Lady Eboshi - Princess Mononoke - Yuko Tanaka

26pts - 2 vote




One of two appearences for studio Ghibli on the list and it is from the epic Princess Mononoke. Played by Minnie Driver in the English dub this is sort of a dual positioning of both portrayals of the same character within the same movie but in different languages.


By this point anyone here who hasn't seen a Miyazaki film has probably just decided they're never going to do so, but if one ever does stray from that conviction, there are worse places to start than Mononoke. I'd certainly recommend introducing yourself to this character before moving onto the other Ghibli character yet to come at least. :)

Edited by chasmmi
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80th: Norman Bates - Psycho - Anthony Perkins 

26pts - 2 vote




The only appearence for Hitchcock in the list and and jump back to the wonderful world of black and white for one of cinemas most famous murderers. Pscho is famous for so many things: A shower scene (although I prefer the one in Cruel intentions 2), a weird obsession with one's mother (ala Principal Skinner) and a really bizarre trailer where Hitchcock himself just spoils the film for you over the course of a few minutes.


But throughout all that, Norman Bates remains lodged in the mind as one of the darkest characters in cinema to date at that time and well worth a place on our countdown.  

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79th: Seita - Grave of the Fireflies - Tsutomu Tatsuma 

26pts - 3 vote




Quite possibly the saddest thing you'll ever watch. This film is evil, pure evil in how much it just rips hope out of your heart and destroys you with the slow destruction of the main characters.


The fact that the film's opening scene is Seita's death should warn you that you are not about to experience talking bears dancing to the beat as they pick fruit in the jungle, but still, this is one of the greatest animations, greatest war films, greatest films ever made and is something that should be watched by everyone. Just make sure it is alone, away from people who won't get to see you cry for about 75 straight minutes even though you don't normally do that sort of thing. Or that could theoretically happen at least.

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We all know who voted for Anakin lol. 


Haven't even heard of the last 4 :lol:

You haven't heard of Ferris Bueller? Keyser Soze? You haven't seen GROUNDHOG DAY? Paid any attention to this forum's obsession with Whiplash at the beginning of this year?

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98th: Dr Ian Malcolm - Jurassic Park - Jeff Goldblum 

20pts - 2 votes



For reference, Sam Neill finished in 112th, the T-Rex 243rd, the Raptors 314th and finally John Hammond was 356th.  



Aw, that's pretty low rankings for them even though they are the main stars of the film. I think I'm the only one who voted for them :unsure:



89th: Maleficent - Maleficent - Angelina Jolie 

23pts - 3 votes




Wait, the animated Maleficent ends up lower than this cheap knockoff? :o



82nd Tied: Anakin Skywalker - Star Wars Prequels - 

Hayden Panettiere Christensen  

25pts - 1 vote



It's not hard to guess who voted this guy that high. :ph34r:

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Wish I would have submitted a whole 100, Anakin Skywalker? :P he is like one of the worst characters ever, and this is coming from someone who likes the prequels.

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I appreciate you are Hungarian and maybe this film isn't as well known over there.. but still. I don't think I've met anyone who has never even heard of Mean Girls :o

I know, I lived under a rock in the last 20 years.  :lol: It's pretty well-known in Hungary too.

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82nd Tied: Anakin Skywalker - Star Wars Prequels - 

Hayden Panettiere Christensen  

25pts - 1 vote




Yeah, so when nearly 500 different characters get chosen over the course of the vote, the points get pretty spread and allows this to happen.


Happily, there are only 2 more instances of this to go (both solitary 1st place votes, and we'll be getting them out of the way soon.


Looks like my no. 2 is pretty low on the list. Too bad. Thankfully, my no. 1 is locked for Top 10 (I think).


We all know who voted for Anakin lol. 


You haven't heard of Ferris Bueller? Keyser Soze? You haven't seen GROUNDHOG DAY? Paid any attention to this forum's obsession with Whiplash at the beginning of this year?

Nope. I don't do artsy movies. This forum had a colective orgasm over The Grand Budapest Hotel and that was a complete piece of trash.


Wish I would have submitted a whole 100, Anakin Skywalker? :P he is like one of the worst characters ever, and this is coming from someone who likes the prequels.

He's actually the ONLY interesting character in the whole SW universe so far.

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