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Not So Fantastic Weekend Thread | MI5 29.4, F4 26.2, Gift 12, Ricki 7, Shaun 4, Vac 9, AM 7.8

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Correct. Paramount was going through a phase where they were trying to limit their financial risk by distributing other studios' films. Marvel was going to finance their own movies. Paramount was only a distributor for Iron Man. Marvel financed the film themselves. TIH was financed by Marvel but distributed through Universal.


Disney bought Marvel at the end of 2009. Marvel became part of the Disney machine at that time. Disney decided to keep Marvel Studios as a separate studio under the Walt Disney Studios segment of the company and Kevin Feige was the man in charge of Marvel Studios. Former Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter joined the Disney Board of Directors.


Disney's first Marvel movie was Iron Man 2. Disney was forced to distribute the movie through Paramount because Paramount had signed a 5 picture distribution deal with Marvel before Disney bought Marvel. Paramount was only the distributor for Iron Man 2. The profits, minus Paramount's distribution fee, went to Disney.


Then, Disney had to distribute Thor and CA:TFA through Paramount. Again, Paramount was only the distributor and only received a distribution fee. Disney was very annoyed with Paramount's marketing for Iron Man 2, Thor, and CA:TFA. They felt that while IM2 made Disney a lot of money, it should have made them even more money. They felt that Thor and CA:TFA didn't make more money because of Paramount's marketing.


Disney decided to pay Paramount to go away for The Avengers and Iron Man 3. They paid Paramount money so that Disney could distribute those 2 films themselves. After The Avengers and Iron Man 3, Disney was free from the Paramount distribution deal.


Yeah its no coincidence that the solo sequels under Disney made more money than the first films under Paramount. Disney fired the entire marketing team for Marvel right around the time that first trailer came out and those cheesey posters and magazine covers. Disney took over marketing for the film after that and thank god cause everything about the marketing was great after that. All of the MCU sequels were marketed better than the originals because Disney knows their shit(notwithstanding a occasional John Carter or Tomorrowland :ph34r: )

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They accidentally left the 4 off of the beginning of AOU's total. Seriously.


Hmmm as they already worked on AoUs numbers, why didn't they alo updated the since Thursday relaes updates for the OS sum? Ant-Man.... slooooowwwww

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I read an article in the Toronto Sun this morning where the director of Fantastic Four said that he had a great original version of the movie and the executives at Fox completely ruined the film. Now I know there's always three sides to a story but I believe him 100%. There had to be a different movie out there somewhere there's no way the director would have wanted that film to be the final product. I don't know if the people at Fox have a vendetta against him or something and were happy to spend a hundred and thirty million dollars on a piece of shit but that's exactly what they did.


No vendetta there. Just a rights grab my friend.



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It 'reached' with the weekend estimates BO.com's final estimate, so I see each $ more as good



contract formulation?


yeah. but they changed the script, removed 3 actions scenes, before the filming and the director can't do anything, not even walk away? maybe cause he is new. that's why they get new guys i guess.

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It just sounds like Trank was in over his head, either promised what he couldn't deliver or wasn't able to work within the constraints of what he was given, either intentionally or unintentionally decided to act like a spoiled brat, and Fox fired his ass and put together what they could from the smoking ruins of the production.

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yeah. but they changed the script, removed 3 actions scenes, before the filming and the director can't do anything, not even walk away? maybe cause he is new. that's why they get new guys i guess.

You guys act like this never happens on any other project. Just ask any feature screenwriter in town.

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You guys act like this never happens on any other project. Just ask any feature screenwriter in town.


I mean to a degree that they were at each other throats before filming began (were assuming that he wanted to walk away but couldn't due to the contract).

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Sony yanked the plug on MONEYBALL a few weeks before shooting... with Brad Pitt and Steven Soderbergh on board. Shit happens. We just don't know the details of why the "action scenes" were cut and why Trank stayed on. (He's not without some basic protection, he had the DGA to back him up).

Edited by Telemachos
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I am dead. Horrific 5 minutes excuse of a final battle. There are more scenes with Kate Mara using a wig than otherwise. Teller acting at the end was horrendous. I guess it is better than Green Lantern, Catwoman and both Ghost Riders. The only thing I liked were a few things after the accident happened.

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Sony yanked the plug on MONEYBALL a few weeks before shooting... with Brad Pitt and Steven Soderbergh on board. Shit happens. We just don't know the details of why the "action scenes" were cut and why Trank stayed on. (He's not without some basic protection, he had the DGA to back him up).


Trank's tweet was defn a very shitty move.

Edited by a2k
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