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Not So Fantastic Weekend Thread | MI5 29.4, F4 26.2, Gift 12, Ricki 7, Shaun 4, Vac 9, AM 7.8

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It's a symptom of a disease called "shit-on-the-fans-who-kept-it popular and relevant-itis".


It's also called Joel Schumacher disease.


Every major comic book film has at least one huge deviation. The Jordan casting is small potatoes, atom-sized potatoes, in comparison to some of the huge ones successful films have gotten away with.

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1. Why is it "the role of a white man"?


It's a white man in the comics. Why is Black Panther the role of a black man? This is pretty clear-cut here, I'm disappointed in you Telemachos.

Edited by Null
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And that experiment failed miserably..

Casting actors you believe in is an "experiment"? Anyway, it's not like Jordan is terrible in the film, is it? The movie's problems have zilch to do with him.

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Let's all please spare a thought for the countless people who are sickened at the lack of adherence to comics which they read a Wikipedia overview on once when they heard a movie was being made. What a slap in the face for those people.


And of course the 50,000 people who bought Fantastic Four comics and kept the series truly relevant. 

Edited by ddddeeee
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Every major comic book film has at least one huge deviation. The Jordan casting is small potatoes, atom-sized potatoes, in comparison to some of the huge ones successful films have gotten away with.

I always say this but I have nothing to compare it to because I've never read comic books :(

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Peter Parker and Miles Morales are two individual characters.


They can co-exist as two different Spider-mans and the fans are fine with it.

People flipped the fuck out when that character was announced. Spider-Man has flopped ever since. Coincidence?

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When Ethan is one of the people making the most sense in a thread, you know how horribly wrong it's become.


If only we had your blessing to steer the thread in a completely different direction...

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If wanting the F4 movie to be faithful to the comics, both in story and casting makes me an expert in fanboyism, I'll take it..

the only way to make it 100% faithful to the character according to your logic, is to hire the original artist and get him to do draw and animate an immaculately copied 2D version of the character. i think that would fit very well.

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Let's all please spare a thought for the countless people who are sickened at the lack of adherence to comics which they read a Wikipedia overview on once when they heard a movie was being made. What a slap in the face for those people.


And of course the 50,000 people who bought Fantastic Four comics and kept the series truly relevant. 

those 50k people could have saved this 122m investiment, silly.

Edited by Goffe
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1.) Just as illogical as then casting a black man to play the role of a white man, who also has a white sister. The sister and father were not made black, which would have at least made a bit more story sense. Instead the sister was kept white, and the father made black.

2.) No different than point number 1.), as casting a white man as Black Panther, according to your reasoning, would be only a little detail.

3.) So why would it be important if a white man was cast as Black Panther, according to your logic? What if they still made the white actor try and fit the story?

There is the little detail I already mentioned: the country excludes foreigners = not logical to cast it with an actor of another color.

If they changed that detail too (but than they would have to change a lot of other special situation details also about that country and the reason for why character xy does when what, why what kind of family can be the next king....) then it wouldn't matter, as there are foreign rooted leaders in another country possible.


The difference is:

in nearly all cases it's not important, what kind of color someone has (arrgh, something feels wrong with that, grammar?), but if a story conditions certain details, than it matters or you have to cahnge the conditions in a logical and continious way.


Bio-pics are also an exception IMHO, but if the story is told like ' based on ...' even that can change if the story still tells, what is important.

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I wish MARVEL would hire me to make an F4 movie.. I'd pour my heart into it from everything I knew reading that comic as a kid and make it as good as The AVENGERS and my version would have an eventual crossover with a THING vs HULK fight.. The Casting would be spot on to and I still consider the 2005 movie with Evans in the role of Johnny Storm very faithful and he showed enthusiasm in the role to...

A 48 year old man dreaming of making a comic book movie, ladies and gentlemen.

You better go back and make Nick Fury white, like he's SUPPOSED to be.

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Let's all please spare a thought for the countless people who are sickened at the lack of adherence to comics which they read a Wikipedia overview on once when they heard a movie was being made. What a slap in the face for those people.


And of course the 50,000 people who bought Fantastic Four comics and kept the series truly relevant. 



So the most of people who like Fantastic Four only know about them from wiki and FF fandom had nothing to do with them being relevant beyond the sixties?




There are literally thousands of comic characters nobody cares about who don't survive 5 years let alone 5 decades.


Fantastic Four is not one of them. 

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I wish MARVEL would hire me to make an F4 movie.. I'd pour my heart into it from everything I knew reading that comic as a kid and make it as good as The AVENGERS and my version would have an eventual crossover with a THING vs HULK fight.. The Casting would be spot on to and I still consider the 2005 movie with Evans in the role of Johnny Storm very faithful and he showed enthusiasm in the role to...


BKB I know you can come across as a little full of yourself sometimes, but are you saying you're as talented a film director as Joss Whedon?

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