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Official Weekend Estimates: Straigth Outta Compton - 56.1M; The Man From UNCLE - 13.5M; MI5 - 17.3M; Fantastic Four - 8M

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Great first post. Welcome aboard!

P.S people regularly on message boards/online don't necessarily have to hate these movies. :P


The only people who can't stand that JW did so well spend too much time online. Critics liked it, audiences loved it and a sequel is on the way. Have a good laugh at the people who go into a rage over a movies success when there are actual things in this world to get pissed about and then forget about them. I know I have a good laugh when an extremely successful movie that general audiences love pisses off the vast minority that are bloggers or those annoying YouTube reviewers. Or those that frequent message boards too.

And to the person bringing up Mad Max, you aren't serious I hope. Paper thin characters and story that are thankfully saved by great action. Then you turn around and criticize JW? Pot meet kettle.

I say the same thing about MINIONS

On IMDB, this looks like it's worse than Norbit!

Real life? Smash success DOM and OS

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I guess all the bad reviews and production controversies all over the net created a curiosity factor for Fant4stic that is allowing it to hold a little better than it should be. Should've been a historic second weekend drop otherwise.


Or the internet took its toll before the first previews started and the OW was already too deflated for an unprecedented loss of interest. 


On the other hand, -70% still really sucks. 

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And to the person bringing up Mad Max, you aren't serious I hope. Paper thin characters and story that are thankfully saved by great action. Then you turn around and criticize JW? Pot meet kettle.


Oh geez. Never mind. Forget I brought any of this up. 

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I can't wait to see the next time a villain plans on ending the world and creates havoc before the same heroes bond like a family and save the earth again. Totally fresh and original never before seen stuff!

You sure you're not describing JW?

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I can't wait to see the next time a villain plans on ending the world and creates havoc before the same heroes bond like a family and save the earth again. Totally fresh and original never before seen stuff! fuckthat.jpg

Every good vs evil story has people trying to save a city, planet or universe but there are countless ways to explore that from Excalibur to Suicide Squad.

How many ways can you explore escaping dinosaurs?

I bet you hear that ticking clock like Captain Hook.

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Nothing ironic about it. :)

To me it is.

MMFR was a masterpiece, it's only weakness was it's weightless & unlikable main characters. However I put it at the top of my list of my favourite movies this year anyway because I'm very forgiving when it comes to characterisation in blockbuster movies. However, I hold every movie to the same standard. You people who've given Mad Max a free pass for it's flaw turned around and spat on JW's every single flaw you could nitpick on. It's as funny and ironic as hearing a Baysformers fan bagging another movie for having too much explosions.

Edited by KATCH 22
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I enjoyed Minions too. Screw what people think, right? It's not like they're paying for our movies

Yea I saw it like 4 times. Here in the UAE, the film is officially the highest grossing animated film of all time in the UAE!

Jurassic World is the second highest of all time after FF7

Universal announced this officially last week.

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We're discussing if a large majority of the movie audience is dumb? I thought that was answered years ago when that audience went to see five Twilight movies.

Watch all five Twilight movies to find out whether the bland girl with no personality ends up with the old pervert with no personality who's emotionally abusing her or the young pervert with no personality who's emotionally abusing her.

It's not that movie audiences are inherently dumb, it's just that they seem to be able to relax more when they're watching movies that don't require them to think about characters or the plot. Given how needlessly complex some of the art house movies and even some blockbusters make their stories, I don't really blame them.

Exactly and since when did "entertainment" have to be "though provoking" to entertain people? People want movies that can put them in another world for two hours to escape the hardships of life and enjoy themselves. Why is that so wrong? People enjoy more mind stimulating films also, but it's about the mood you're in. Sometimes you just want to leave your brain and worries behind and escape into a different world. People here call that dumb, but I call it smart to give your brain a break from all the worries and problems people have.

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Every good vs evil story has people trying to save a city, planet or universe but there are countless ways to explore that from Excalibur to Suicide Squad.

How many ways can you explore escaping dinosaurs?

I bet you hear that ticking clock like Captain Hook.


I'm totally looking forward to Marvel's finest learning the importance of teamwork and hard work in order to defeat another uninteresting stock villain in their next 5 movies.

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