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BOT User Tracking, 10/2-4 Martian, Sicario

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Do I need to say any more? The fun starts now.

Please provide your 10/2-4 Opening Weekend predictions for:



Deadline is Wednesday 5 PM EST.

You can post responses here, PM them to me, or post them in the Weekend Predict thread (but I'm only taking predictions from the Weekend Predict threat posted on last Saturday or later, up to the deadline). Thank you for participating!

Just as a reminder, the intent of this is produce a forum-wide prediction for each wide-opening movie's opening weekend. Everyone submits their 3-day predicts (even if a movie has a weird release date, we're just doing predicts for Fri-Sun), I note them all, aggregate the results, and put out some numbers of what our collective view point on the movies looks like, as well as how they compare with predicts from a few other well known sites. Then the next week, I'll compare our predicts with the actuals, see how we did, and recognize the most accurate predictor for each movie.

There's no purpose for this other than fun, and once the spreadsheet is big enough (in a few months, perhaps) I'll post it online somewhere so folks can go through it and see if there's anything interesting. Predicts can be posted here, PM'ed to me, and I'll also pull predicts from the Weekend Predict thread (as long as they are posted Saturday or later. Last Saturday, I mean. Posting the Saturday of the weekend we're predicting for would be totally cheating). Also, this in no way is in competition with the Weekend Predict thread. They serve different purposes and can happily co-exist.

Edited by Wrath
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I think Wrath just takes weekend predictions and not 5-day predicts.

Close! 3-day even for Wed openers, 4-day only if the monday is a "major" north american holiday.

How many screens is The Walk getting? Is it 550ish like Everest?

Edited by Wrath
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