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2 minutes ago, ChipMunky said:


Incorrect. The meme is just Ben Affleck, staring sadly. If you're bringing up a SPECIFIC video, that's not a meme. I clearly said I have seen no meme on facebook that refers to Rotten Tomatoes in any way.




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2 minutes ago, Telemachos said:

Is it worth pointing out that all CBM franchises generally pale compared to others, when it comes to awards?

Henceforth it's good SS won an Oscar.

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2 minutes ago, ChipMunky said:

The deal is, anyone who is anyone knows the Razzies are a joke. They award popular films to drive attention. So taking any "victory" from that is a pretty low form of "proving your point".


Marvel makes arguably decent to great films. Liked by the masses. Yet 13 films in, and no Oscar wins. Their competition isn't "tougher" than any DC film. Because it's the same competition.


DC makes arguably bad to great films. Mostly liked my the masses. Yet 3 films in, 1 Oscar win. 


The awards are facts. Yet y'all are getting super defensive. Sorry.


I'm not getting defensive at all, I've actually said many times now that I'm happy for you, for all of SS's fans, and for the team involved in the making of the movie for this BIG win for the superhero genre (even if the category isn't all that special, after all). Just like I would be happy for any Oscar winner. SS can say it's an Oscar winning movie, MCU movies can't, that's an unquestionable fact.


What I was calling you out on was your trollish like arrogance. One thing is celebrating and throwing in all of the detractors' faces what the movie just accomplished. More than fair, and in your position, I'd totally do that. Another is behaving like an arrogant dick about it. You crossed that line, and I'm just commenting on what I'm seeing. No, you're not the 1st one to do it; yes, there's a lot of Marvelites that do the same and they totally suck for it and should get a life; but bottom line is that you're not helping yourself or SS's win around here. You're just making everyone spite it through your unwarranted dickishness. You didn't ask for my comments, you'll say or at least think, and to that I say I don't need you to ask for them, I'll just say them.


Again, there's no bad feelings for me personally to SS. I didn't really like the movie and I wanted STB to win that award, but no denying that its makeup work was strong and deserving, I guess, and ultimately, I'm happy for DC and I'm happy for SS and its fans. Hell, I love DC and I hope they succeed (no, I'm not a Marvel diehard, I want both of them to rule, what kind of creature am I?!). I'm just saying - you're making it harder for everyone (well, me, I speak for myself, but it looks like I'm not alone) to enjoy that same win. Unless it's on your purpose. In that case, mission accomplished.


Btw, the Razzies may be a joke, and again, I do agree that there's a reason why only high profile movies are nominated (attention goes a long way). That being said, your point was that "Marvel don't win shit", my countering to THAT particular point was, "well DC does win, but it's both good and bad... and they won more bad than good". A much smarter counter to that would've been that the Razzies are ultimately irrelevant next to an Oscar (I'm totally doing your job for ya), but even to that, they still are the "official" equivalent of the "worst" there is to offer from Hollywood. That is, if you believe the Oscars are the same for the "best" stuff, which, when Amy Adams isn't nominated for Best Actress, or Elle for Best Foreign Language Film, it's hard to.

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Sorry for that long rant, btw. I just try hard for the better world that none of our governors care about giving us (except Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa lol).


Suicide Squad's actually my favorite of the three DCEU films :ph34r: SS > BVS Theatrical Cut >>>>>>> MOS (I fucking hate it) - At least the best DCEU movie is the Oscar winner.

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1 hour ago, MCKillswitch123 said:


I'm not getting defensive at all, I've actually said many times now that I'm happy for you, for all of SS's fans, and for the team involved in the making of the movie for this BIG win for the superhero genre (even if the category isn't all that special, after all). Just like I would be happy for any Oscar winner. SS can say it's an Oscar winning movie, MCU movies can't, that's an unquestionable fact.


What I was calling you out on was your trollish like arrogance. One thing is celebrating and throwing in all of the detractors' faces what the movie just accomplished. More than fair, and in your position, I'd totally do that. Another is behaving like an arrogant dick about it. You crossed that line, and I'm just commenting on what I'm seeing. No, you're not the 1st one to do it; yes, there's a lot of Marvelites that do the same and they totally suck for it and should get a life; but bottom line is that you're not helping yourself or SS's win around here. You're just making everyone spite it through your unwarranted dickishness. You didn't ask for my comments, you'll say or at least think, and to that I say I don't need you to ask for them, I'll just say them.


Again, there's no bad feelings for me personally to SS. I didn't really like the movie and I wanted STB to win that award, but no denying that its makeup work was strong and deserving, I guess, and ultimately, I'm happy for DC and I'm happy for SS and its fans. Hell, I love DC and I hope they succeed (no, I'm not a Marvel diehard, I want both of them to rule, what kind of creature am I?!). I'm just saying - you're making it harder for everyone (well, me, I speak for myself, but it looks like I'm not alone) to enjoy that same win. Unless it's on your purpose. In that case, mission accomplished.


Btw, the Razzies may be a joke, and again, I do agree that there's a reason why only high profile movies are nominated (attention goes a long way). That being said, your point was that "Marvel don't win shit", my countering to THAT particular point was, "well DC does win, but it's both good and bad... and they won more bad than good". A much smarter counter to that would've been that the Razzies are ultimately irrelevant next to an Oscar (I'm totally doing your job for ya), but even to that, they still are the "official" equivalent of the "worst" there is to offer from Hollywood. That is, if you believe the Oscars are the same for the "best" stuff, which, when Amy Adams isn't nominated for Best Actress, or Elle for Best Foreign Language Film, it's hard to.



Edited by ChipMunky
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Lots of Movies celebrated by the cinephile elite in the last few years are so lame and cheap and small and with very little cinematic values and no ambition whatsoever, there are just basic social commentaries for the dumb.


There  s a reason the most influential cinephile in the world has stopped giving his Top 10 of the year in the last few years.


For a guy raised on 70's cinema where directors had a super advance cinematic language and vocabulary  and stories that went beyond the kitchen of your neighbors, he must be appalled by what is getting praised to the heavens today and I frankly can't blame him.


Please add VS Basic 3M Indie to the title please.



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1.)  The Warner Bro/DC universe will continue to be a dumpster fire and eventually canceled, I doubt Wonder Woman will be good because they no longer get the benefit of the doubt after 3 turkeys in a row.


2.)  Marvel will continue to make competent but forgettable films.


3.)  FOX will continue down the Deadpool / Logan road with risks and freshness.

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4 hours ago, Arlborn said:

If I hate a movie then I'll call it bad no matter how many people actually liked it. If I love a movie I'll call it good as well no matter how many people hate it.


Yep...that's how it works.


2 hours ago, ChipMunky said:


What does sad affleck have to do with rotten tomatoes?


Everything.   The whole point of the joke is him reacting to the conversation about how the critics hated BvS.


1 hour ago, ChipMunky said:

The deal is, anyone who is anyone knows the Razzies are a joke. They award popular films to drive attention. So taking any "victory" from that is a pretty low form of "proving your point".


Marvel makes arguably decent to great films. Liked by the masses. Yet 13 films in, and no Oscar wins. Their competition isn't "tougher" than any DC film. Because it's the same competition.


DC makes arguably bad to great films. Mostly liked my the masses. Yet 3 films in, 1 Oscar win. 


The awards are facts. Yet y'all are getting super defensive. Sorry.


Awards for art really aren't "facts" at all.   No one agrees with them.   They shouldn't exist.   There has never been a single award for art that people agreed with.   The Oscars are pretty much an excuse for actors and Hollywood execs to get together and get drunk and tell each other how great they are.


There is no way to measure art and determine which is "better".   Two people can have the exact opposite opinions about art and neither one would be wrong.


If you start claiming Oscars prove something, you can't change later when you don't agree with the results.   Your stance here means that SS is a better movie than Batman Begins for instance.    And you certainly can't place great importance on one group of people voting on a movie (Oscars) but dismiss another group of people voting on a a movie (RT).   Make up your mind if you think art can be measured or not.


But of course since no two methods for measuring art ever agree, that's another stab wound to the idea that it can be done.   Ask a different group of people to vote and you get a different result.

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8 minutes ago, Ozymandias said:



1.)  The Warner Bro/DC universe will continue to be a dumpster fire and eventually canceled, I doubt Wonder Woman will be good because they no longer get the benefit of the doubt after 3 turkeys in a row.


2.)  Marvel will continue to make competent but forgettable films.


3.)  FOX will continue down the Deadpool / Logan road with risks and freshness.

4) FOX will make lots of Avatar money

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2 minutes ago, DMan7 said:


No one is talking bout Avatar son

hype is already beginning, 3 adverts for avatar world where aired during the oscars.


you wont be able to stop it, everyone will love the films but you. You'll think "why do I hate these films again?", then realise it's stubbornness against an annoying poster on a box office movie discussion forum. Can't like something he likes right.

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2 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

hype is already beginning, 3 adverts for avatar world where aired during the oscars.


you wont be able to stop it, everyone will love the films but you. You'll think "why do I hate these films again?", then realise it's stubbornness against an annoying poster on a box office movie discussion forum. Can't like something he likes right.


Everyone I've talked to about it were really unsettled by the animatronic Na'vi at the end.


Plus everything like that got way overshadowed by the ending of the ceremony.

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