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Wednesday Numbers | 13.8 M THG: MOCKINGJAY II | 9.8 M THE GOOD DINOSAUR | 6.0 M CREED

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I know, at least, at my theatre, the rules on outside food aren't always set in stone, but there are of course, some rules. It usually depends on the usher, but outside food isn't allowed. There's a little caesar's pizza in the same complex as the theatre, so we don't just let people carry in a box of pizza at first. Alcohol is obviously a no-no, but considering we don't sell coffee at concession, and people usually want coffee, we allow any Tim Hortons drinks (and Booster Juice smoothies). Any nuts (other than nut products we sell at concession are usually not allowed) but for example, if some 5 year old girl comes in with a little kit-kat bar in her hand, we won't take it away from her. If it's an older kid or an adult, we dont always go after candy, but usually with food we ask them to give it to us, and we say we can give it back to them after the movie if they want. But yea, most of the time, outside food is of course advised against.

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2 hours ago, baumer said:

So if Creed only does 7.5 today, if it were to follow Life of Pi (only other adult themed film I can think of to compare it to ) then it would do something like 








56.5 mill for the 5 day.  And with LIP's legs, it would clear 150 mill.  

It will probably be a bit more frontloaded because it's a franchise. So i wouldn't predict legs as good as Life of Pi. 

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FANTASTIC numbers for Creed, in all seriousness, I think it's one of the biggest surprises of the year.  This could have went so, so wrong.


I think the jury's still out on TGD until we see this week's numbers but it seemed to be fighting an uphill battle with the constant delays, good to pretty good reviews (below par for a Pixar) and following what many consider to be Pixar's strongest outing yet.  I'm still super stoked to see it so I hope it does well. 


Surprisingly good for MJ as well, I felt like it really was showing signs of having a huge drop off from Part 1 after the OW.  


Lololol at Victor Frankestein.  If this had to be a movie that came out, it should have come out in January.

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19 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

I'm not sure why I predicted Victor Frankenstein to outgross The Last Witch Hunter in the winter game.


Common sense says Vin is a bigger draw than Radcliffe when it comes to smaller films.

Same, at least I was pretty spot on with Witch Hunter (predicted 25M)

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19 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

I wonder how much Creed needs WW for a sequel.




I assume the budget wasn't that high, think $35m so it probably only needs domestic to break $100m or more and OS is just gravy. It's not released in many places until January but I assume WB and MGM aren't expecting blockbuster numbers.

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Holy crap. Creed is spectacular, the character work is amazing for all characters, the way it is filmed especially the real time fight is awesome and Stallone would be a deserving nominee if he gets it. The use of the musical cues is genius specifically before the finale of the final fight.


Great movie, 9/10 easy.

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28 minutes ago, Daniel Dylan Davis said:

Ugh, those numbers aren't good for TGD at all. That would imply it was heavily frontloaded, unless THR is intentionally underplaying it.


With IO being so good, the Pixar fans were even more excited that usual for this one I guess, inflating the previews. I hope it crosses 10m.

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Creed is phenomenal.  It's such a good story and Stallone and Jordan kill it.  There's a part near the end when the Rocky theme plays and I had to force myself not to get up and cheer.  

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9 minutes ago, a2knet said:


With IO being so good, the Pixar fans were even more excited that usual for this one I guess, inflating the previews. I hope it crosses 10m.


Well, Hollywood Reporter was also being conservative with IO's Friday numbers originally, not that I'm expecting this to blow up like that film did, but still, it's something to note.


Either way if that number sticks than Pixar may be taking their first write-up on a film. Damn!

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5 minutes ago, baumer said:

Creed is phenomenal.  It's such a good story and Stallone and Jordan kill it.  There's a part near the end when the Rocky theme plays and I had to force myself not to get up and cheer.  


Did it make your top 3 Rocky movies?

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2 minutes ago, grey ghost said:


Did it make your top 3 Rocky movies?


That's hard.  I think the best Rocky is the first but Rocky Balboa is a very very close second.  And then to be honest, with the exception of the fifth, every other Rocky is incredible.  So to say this is better than four or two or whatever, is tough.  But I gave it a 9.5/10.  No Rocky outside of 5 is lower than that.

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23 minutes ago, baumer said:

Creed is phenomenal.  It's such a good story and Stallone and Jordan kill it.  There's a part near the end when the Rocky theme plays and I had to force myself not to get up and cheer.  

When that happened, my first thought was "Baumer must be giving this a standing ovation."

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3 minutes ago, grim22 said:

When that happened, my first thought was Baumer must be giving this a standing ovation.


LOL, glad you thought of me.  But you know what I mean, right?  You'rte waiting the entire movie to hear the theme and then when you do, it's just an emotionally galvanizing moment.

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28 minutes ago, baumer said:

Creed is phenomenal.  It's such a good story and Stallone and Jordan kill it.  There's a part near the end when the Rocky theme plays and I had to force myself not to get up and cheer.  

At my screening half the crowd literally stood up and cheered at that moment. The perfect use of an iconic theme. Quite possibly the most engaged crowd I've ever seen a movie with. Glad you enjoyed it so much!

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