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2012 Best Picture Thread

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I would not be surprised by a pic/director split. It has been a while.Considering outside of The Master, it seems like all of the major contenders this year are directed by a Oscar winner.

Should add-Unless Argo becomes a major contender also.Though if Argo wins pic I would not expect it to win director.
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Argo doesn't really look like a genre film. It looks like standard Oscar bait (i.e. intriguing true story from a past decade with well-respected talent in front of and behind the camera) with a somewhat more comedic edge.

I have a feeling that Ben Affleck could win a directing Oscar someday. His first two films were very strong, he shows a huge amount of confidence for someone who has worked in directing for as short a time as he has, he has pulled the double duty of directing and starring in 2 of his 3 films to date, and there's always the sentiment that he has turned out to be a far better director than anyone anticipated.

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Silver Linings is going to be Harvey's horse. I'm as big a PTA fan you'll ever meet but if There Will Be Blood couldn't take Picture or Director, I don't see why The Master would.

Which would be interesting since romantic dramadys rarely win the big prize. We've had only 2 winners of those type in the past 35 years (Shakepeare in Love and Annie Hall).
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Jeff Wells has seen To the Wonder and as expected some comments are absolutely gold:

The Olympian indifference and almost comical current of fuck-you nothingness that runs through Terrence Malick's To The Wonder, which I saw last night at the Princess of Wales theatre, carries a certain fascination.

To The Wonder doesn't precisely fart in your face. It leads you rather to wonder what the air might be like if you've just cut one in a shopping mall and there's someone right behind you, downwind.

But Malick is a hider, a coward, a wuss. He used to be the guy who was up to something mystical and probing and mysterious. Now he tosses lettuce leaves in the air and leaves you to put them all into a bowl as you chop the celery and the carrots and the tomatoes and decide upon the dressing.

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No clue where my last post for my predicts are...so here as fo today:The Hobbit Part 1Flight (Just a hunch here)Les MiserbelesLife of PiLincolnThe MasterMoonrise Kingdom (at least one pre Fall release, picking this film for now)Trouble with the CurveThat is 8...possibly Django. No TDKR and Avengers wont make it. (Wish they could, but whatever)

I now think Argo will be here. And that it could win.
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Argo's a potential spoiler, but there's still way too many unknowns to say that it or any middleweight contender will sneak into the winner's circle.Until the heavyweights have all been seen and dissected, it's only safe to assume one of that bunch will win.

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