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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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Also, it is weird that three of the hottest indie darlings are in this: Adam Driver, Domnhall Gleeson and Oscar Isaac. 


Domnhall was campy perfection and Driver was spectacular, chilling and really sexy (from someone who doesn't find him to be too attractive). Isaac was fantastic as usual, but I need more from him. 

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Yes there are a lot of moments that reminded me of New Hope but this felt like it's own beast. I would hardly say beat by beat.

I loved all of the new characters that by the time Han and Chewie showed up, I was just enjoying their development. And there was actually good acting! Then Han & Chewie make the best entrance ever. And Han totally felt like Han, not grumpy Harrison Ford.


I knew what was going to happen to Han right when he stepped onto that bridge and Rey could see the whole scene.


Was fine with not seeing Luke until that last shot, there is so much more to come.

I saw someone here say that this was just a step above Phantom Menace and I could not disagree more.

The only thing I'll say is the only new memorable theme was Reys. The score in the trailers was stronger but the movie was just awesome.

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5 minutes ago, somebody85 said:

It was honestly such a surreal experience and being a huge Star Wars geek, I had a stupid grin on my face from the moment the credits rolled. So I loved all of the fan service. I thought the story totally worked too.

Erased everything about the prequels. I knew it was going to be very good in those first 10-15 minutes when characters actually felt like people.


Absolutely. My absolute favorite part of the movie came about 10 minutes in when I realized that I'd seen enough of the movie to know that while parts of it might be up and down, it wasn't going to suck. Its floor was RoS or higher, and that made me really, really happy. Overall, I think its my 3rd favorite of the Star Wars movies, but its just barely a hair behind A New Hope and there are now 3 great Star Wars movies (to go with 2 decent ones and 2 bad ones).

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2 minutes ago, TStechnij said:

Also, it is weird that three of the hottest indie darlings are in this: Adam Driver, Domnhall Gleeson and Oscar Isaac. 


Domnhall was campy perfection and Driver was spectacular, chilling and really sexy (from someone who doesn't find him to be too attractive). Isaac was fantastic as usual, but I need more from him. 

I do not find Adam Driver sexy at all. The other two are really hot. 

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1 minute ago, Darth Dexter of Hoth said:

I do not find Adam Driver sexy at all. The other two are really hot. 

Oscar Isaac is one of the hottest men on the earth and in my top two favorite male actors right now. So weird they got him for Star Wars. 

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1 minute ago, Wrath said:


Absolutely. My absolute favorite part of the movie came about 10 minutes in when I realized that I'd seen enough of the movie to know that while parts of it might be up and down, it wasn't going to suck. Its floor was RoS or higher, and that made me really, really happy. Overall, I think its my 3rd favorite of the Star Wars movies, but its just barely a hair behind A New Hope and there are now 3 great Star Wars movies (to go with 2 decent ones and 2 bad ones).

Yeah dude, there's so much that worked for me:

The only thing I sort of disliked was Snokes appearance and that they were able to destroy that planet at the end (it wasn't really needed) and I think the final battle in the snow was enough.

Adam Driver felt frightening and that back story totally worked with me. He wasn't like Anakin (ROTS), Dooku, or Darth Maul. He showed depth and anger and I loved his freakouts. That scene where the storm troopers walk towards the room and then turn around had the audience rolling.

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For sure need to see it again to know my final thoughts. My subjective view (keeping in mind I love all star wars movies, lumps and scars all) :


Its a good movie. Its executed very well. Acting, editing, pacing are all best of the series. Its a modern movie with modern sensibilities. Story is hard to judge because there are so many questions left unanswered and until those are (or are not) answered in ep 8 and 9, it will be hard to have a final judgement on the film.

The movie was probably 20-30 minutes too short. It needed some more time to expand on some of the characters stories as well as address the state of the larger galaxy, like show us what the Republic is and why it is failing so bad that it needs a resistance.

Han's death was anti-climatic. Luke not saying a word was silly. What kind of cliff hanger is that. Let him speak.

There are so many questions left unanswered. What is the political situation of the universe? Why is there a resistance? What are they resisting? Why does the Republic not help the resistance when the First Order uses a weapon that destroys planets?  Why did Kylo turn? Why does Kylp hate his parents? WTF are the knights of Ren? Who is Snoke? Who was Max Van Sydow's character? And on and on...

Some of things are hinted at, but barely. I had hoped for a balance between the prequels and OT. More depth then the OT but more adventure then PT. Hopefully they just had so much to set up character wise that we will get much more depth world building wise moving forward.


Biggest gaff: Why was a sanitation worker sent to a planet and told to kill a village?

The score is by far the weakest of all seven movies. Don't remember a single new moment from the music.

No one got there hand cut off. WTF. And no one said it's a trap. WTF.

Edited by warriormonk
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1 hour ago, tribefan695 said:

Harrison Ford looked the most alive I'd seen him in years. A real shame they killed him off and in such an unceremonious fashion

I'm not buying it yet.    Seemed too "off screen death" to me.   The camera angle was careful to not let us see his wound (Glen from Walking Dead anyone?) and he just falls out of sight.  (Gandalf anyone?)   He never gets a final moment with Leia or even meets Luke again?   Sounds fishy.

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Grr, I had a big long post written out with my reactions, and then the forum crashed when I went to post and I lost all of it. :rant: 

Will try to get most of it back down again. First thing's first:



Seeing the movie tonight made me realize just how much I missed this franchise. My initial reactions are all pretty positive, although I am weary it may end up seeming like too much of an ANH nostalgia trip once the hype wears off. I think what ultimately saves it from just being "A Newer Hope" though is how fantastic the new characters are. Rey, BB-8, Finn, Maz, and Kylo are all very much their own characters and they all work wonderfully. So glad I hopped on the BB-8 train way back when the teaser came out. Following up R2 as the staple lovable droid is no easy feat, but I think BB was the best possible outcome we could've hoped for there. And how much perfection is Rey/Ridley? Easily my favorite main protagonist already of the three trilogies. Finn was shockingly likable too, since I wasn't a fan from the marketing.


I literally may have to burn the Kylo Ren shirt I wore to the premiere now though. Seriously, I hate that little Han killing prick! But that's kind of a good thing, since they managed to throw a curve-ball with an SW villain for once. Instead of a "cool" bad guy like Maul or Vader, or a fun campy one like The Emperor or Jabba, this time we get a baddie to genuinely loath. In fact it's the first time I've hated an SW character for the right reasons, and not just because they're an awfully written character in the prequel! 


Ford really didn't miss a beat, and it's like he never stopped playing Han. A far more successful return to an icon than with Indy (not that i'm blaming Ford for the latter, didn't have much to work with there). I came to grips with Han dying in the one a few months ago. I just knew it was coming. Still, my heart sank when Han walked out on that bridge though. I;m sure we all knew in my audience what was coming, but the tension was definitely palpable and everyone in the theater had baited breath. Speaking of knowing, I actually wasn't surprised much at all despite avoiding all spoilers. Had a lot of it figured out, especially that Luke wasn't showing until the last scene. Still, it had nice turns without being convoluted, which certainly wouldn't be befitting of the franchise. 


Overall I think this functioned very nicely as the start to a new trilogy while being an homage to the OT.  I am excited to see where they go with the sequels, there is all kinds of potential and I get the feeling that's when this trilogy will really come into its own. Mostly nothing but fond reactions thinking of the film now. I do only hope that it holds up as well once the "SW high" has worn off more.

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49 minutes ago, somebody85 said:

That was fucking amazing. Everything I wanted it to be and more. JJ did it!!

Sold out IMAX theater applauded 3 times for Lucasfilm, A long time ago, and when Star Wars finally hit the screen. They applauded so much during the movie and at the end.

Last time I've seen anything get that good a crowd response was the original Avengers. It was like if the finale of Jurassic World was the whole movie. 

I had to piss so badly but barely anyone got up during the entire thing because they didn't want to miss a single shot.

Disney did such an amazing job marketing it. I hope it breaks every record

Yeah, I literally lost track of all the  thunderous round of applause at mine. It was absolutely unprecedented compared to any other screening I've been to. And I've been to some pretty raucous ones. 

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1 hour ago, Travod said:

Okay I think I'm tripping hard. I'm watching all the trailers to find the shot I was looking for, and I don't see it. Anybody want to find it? It's Adam Driver, mask off, in snow. I think there are Storm Troopers behind him.



That was a still photo from a magazine (maybe EW) about 8-10 months ago.

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11 minutes ago, Ozymandias said:

If Rey could do Jedi Mind Tricks and beat a Sith in a lightsabre duel with zero knowledge of the force or training, don't see why she needs Luke for training in the next movie since she is such a fast self learner.

Because she has lot to learn and he was injured plus kylo has not  completed  his training. Same reason how Luke use the force to blow the death star, 

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4 minutes ago, Darth Dexter of Hoth said:

Because she has lot to learn and he was injured plus kylo has not  completed  his training. Same reason how Luke use the force to blow the death star, 


Lol I couldn't buy it and still can't.  Its whatevs

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2 hours ago, tribefan695 said:

Harrison Ford looked the most alive I'd seen him in years. A real shame they killed him off and in such an unceremonious fashion


Unceremonious?  Man, they gave him a real, proper meaningful death.  It worked.  


Youre talking like he landed on a fucking bridge and the. Malcolm McDowell phaser shot it.


Nope, it's hard to see Solo die...but JJ sold it.  Ford...well, his face wasn't 100% Oscar worthy, but no sir, I don't agree.  


This is was a good death.

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