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Baumer's Star Wars The Force Awakens Rant

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3 minutes ago, Obi-Wan Telemachos said:



I feel you're missing the forest for the trees here, which is (partially) what baumer's original post was about. But whatever, man.


"You haven't got lost in the woods, have ya?" - Col. Quaritch


All I've said is 150m is an underperformance from the expectations I've seen.

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1 minute ago, IronJimbo said:

I haven't even seen any of these Chinese posters myself but from the expectations I've seen 150m is definitely an underperformance. It doesn't matter wether the expectations are correct, it's still underperforming.


And that is, why you will stay biased.


I wrote to give you examples, a basis for what to look out for too so you can start to look up things for yourself (I am a liiitttle bit fed up by your questions all over the forum for details simply to find out yourself)

The decision for what to write is based on a lot of your questions and posts = where I see a possibility to improve your knowledge. And my frustration with your refuse to learn, at least that is how it looks to me.

I think the most here see me as someone who is willing to give a lot of help, but even me is fed up.


Not only me told you to go and visit the China Forum here within BOT too, so why you didn't see any of those posters...?


If all clicks perfect (including translation,..) more is possible. More is always possible. But not to expect.

You stamping your foot on the ground and saying 'but it would be definitely an underperformance' changes nothing, wrong is wrong. It would still put it on the top 15 list of all time, together with 9 local movies, btw. Only 7 movie made over $200m, 3 locals, 4 foreign movies.

There are some hopes for a bit better result based on the rather exceptional advertising campain Disney actually does, hopes, not more.


So and now I am so fed up, you manged another first for me, I'll go on the search on how to put someone on ignore.

Me! Ignoring someone...


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4 hours ago, IronJimbo said:

P1: I agree that no one expected it to make this much and that it's run suprised me. A counterpoint would be that it was the most hyped and advertised film of all time, so for that reason it should become the #1 grosser. I'm sure the people's predictions from 2012-2013 would be a little higher if they were allowed to see the 2015's hype/advertising. It still suprised me though!


P2: You're saying that Star Wars is it's own run and we should forget other films, however if we forget other films what are we meant to be compare it too? How can it be a good run if we don't compare it too others, there are no records without comparisons.


P3: This is going to be my rant which is sort on a tagent but here we go.

"150 million in China, that doesn't mean it's a shit gross."

I'm sticking to my guns here, this is a shit gross for Star Wars. Americas #1 film making 40% of Fast and Furious 7 in China. Comparatively to the rest of the world, 150m is shit. If it's not shit what is it? If you say it's good then what does that leave 200m as very good, 250m as amazing, 300m as absolutely incredible, 350m as out of the world once in a life time amazing. We can't get much better than that, shame FF7 made more than that, I thought this was Star Wars people.

Imagin if football (soccer) had a happyhouse scaling like yours, as seen as everyone in La Liga are the best of the best probably all in the top 0.000003% of people who play football. Well I guess one of Real Betis's (bottom of league) worst substiute striker is still an absolutely amazing football player. What words do we have left for C.Ronaldo or Messi?


Also if it makes 150m in China it underpeformed, in football (and all sports) it's very common to say that a player that underpeformed "played shit".


P4: Enjoyed the film and haven't been giving it negative reviews! It was alright.


P5: It was a good read!


Stop.  You and Kal are two of the primary reasons this rant had to be said to begin with.

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23 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:


"You haven't got lost in the woods, have ya?" - Col. Quaritch


All I've said is 150m is an underperformance from the expectations I've seen.


Colbert did a bit where he tried to explain Star Wars to China because China doesn't like Star Wars like the rest of the world. Any expectations over 150 million were done by people who seemed to think big grosses in the US = big grosses in China. That's like Trump complaining that American car companies struggle to really get into the Japanese car market. It's a basic misunderstanding that regional markets are different and America is not always number one (of course there's also no real such thing as winners and losers in globalization). People who actually follow Chinese Box Office and people who actually follow foreign grosses, at least on this forum, have been saying $150 million. It can perform more than that but the expectation for performance is $150 million. More than that and it overperformed.

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14 minutes ago, terrestrial said:

Me! Ignoring someone...



What a baby. As I've seen by your posts against gaintcal you have extreme bias yourself against people undermining Star Wars numbers.


150m is still shit for China, that's all I said and you managed to work yourself up into a frenzy.

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1 minute ago, IronJimbo said:


What a baby. As I've seen by your posts against gaintcal you have extreme bias yourself against people undermining Star Wars numbers.


150m is still shit for China, that's all I said and you managed to work yourself up into a frenzy.


How do you put somebody on ignore?


 I've never done it, but this guys new and I've yet to see him post something that doesn't sound like a meaner Kal who can form sentences a little better.


Also, coming into a mod's well-made rant thread and doing the exact thing they're ranting about is rude.  You should at least have the decency to take it to another thread.

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Just now, The Panda Menace said:


How do you put somebody on ignore?


 I've never done it, but this guys new and I've yet to see him post something that doesn't sound like a meaner Kal who can form sentences a little better.


Also, coming into a mod's well-made rant thread and doing the exact thing they're ranting about is rude.  You should at least have the decency to take it to another thread.


I wasn't rude to Baumer at all, just terra who has been harassing me the last couple days.

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12 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:


Could you show me how to do it too?


EDIT: Nevermind it took literally 5 seconds to figure out


glad I read the edit before I started to type anything else :P 

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1 hour ago, IronJimbo said:


I haven't even seen any of these Chinese posters myself but from the expectations I've seen 150m is definitely an underperformance. It doesn't matter wether the expectations are correct, it's still underperforming.


So I think Batman vs Superman should make 623 million in North America.  I base this on a similar property...the Avengers.  So naturally if it comes under that amount, it's a huge disappointment, right?

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1 hour ago, Baumer Fett said:


So I think Batman vs Superman should make 623 million in North America.  I base this on a similar property...the Avengers.  So naturally if it comes under that amount, it's a huge disappointment, right?

To you yes!

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Ok, I did it. I finally did it. I finally registered. Not because I longed for to stop lingering in the shadows. Not because to finally being able to praise Baumer's prosa (or Tele's sprightliness). No, I registered so I finally would not have to deal with effin' trolls like this furthermore while reading:


2 hours ago, IronJimbo said:


What a baby. As I've seen by your posts against gaintcal you have extreme bias yourself against people undermining Star Wars numbers.


150m is still shit for China, that's all I said and you managed to work yourself up into a frenzy.


Thank the gods of ones and zeroes for the ignore function. For sometimes ignorance really IS bliss.


@baumer fett: great posting, never had the Orson Welles gif found a posting where it has been used more appropriate. I, dear Sir, however have another one for you.



Edited by incognitoo
correcting typos
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3 hours ago, IronJimbo said:


I haven't even seen any of these Chinese posters myself but from the expectations I've seen 150m is definitely an underperformance. It doesn't matter wether the expectations are correct, it's still underperforming.

Well then you don't know the definition of underperforming.


Like you realise 150M is 16x bigger than the previous Star Wars movie...


The Force Awakens incredible US performance is largely based on the goodwill, love and nostalgia that many people have for the franchise; and that it's one of, if not THE, biggest known movie franchise.


None of this is true for China - the original trilogy didn't get released in China, most people aren't familiar with the films.


150M in China may be PERSONALLY disappointing to you, but that doesn't make it an underperformance.


I'm not going to make any predictions became honestly I'm not too knowledgeable about China's box office patterns, but 150M would be a good performance for an apparently fairly unknown brand.

Edited by Salacious Tree Crumb
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6 minutes ago, Baumer Fett said:

Welcome aboard incognito...and thanks for the kind words.


4 minutes ago, Telemachos said:


Welcome! :) Glad to have you here in the flesh, so to speak.


3 minutes ago, 75live said:

welcome @incognitoo 


glad to see another new member register :) 


Well, thank you, but indeed, the pleasure's all mine. :) Aaaah... the sweet, sweet silence between the lines and figures now. Now, that the evil witch is dea... ho-hum... now that the ignore function kicked in. BOT never has been more calm and collected since. At least for me, that is... :D

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Saying that SW will underperform in China is basically like saying STAR TREK (and especially STID) were horrible underperformers overseas. It's looking at the basic numbers without much understanding of the context. STID "only" did $467m worldwide ($238m overseas), which doesn't seem like much at all until you realize that the Trek franchise has essentially done nothing overseas for its entire existence. (ST: NEMESIS, the last TNG movie before the reboot, did $24m overseas, for example). So ST09's $128m and STID's $238m are superb, within the context of the franchise.


Same deal with SW and China.

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Nice FYC for yourself in the BOFFYS, Baumer. ;)


But in all seriousness, excellent post. This is a truly exciting run that I don't think we'll find anything similar to for years to come. The constant dick-meansuring of successful runs at the box office is also getting old, IMO.

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