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8M TFA Rth Monday number!!! SW7 has surpassed TA1 & F7 for 4th alltime WW!!!

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2 minutes ago, setna said:

i´ve tried from my computer, cause i made them with my phone.

Thanks for help.

You need to upload to a picture hosting website at first ( like Imgur, photobucket,... no costs)

and copy the link of the picture there directly into the post here and - important - hit enter afterwards

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7 minutes ago, Baumer said:

Star Wars update from qUeensway in Toronto. 15th busiest theater in NA over last week.


AVX has two sell outs today. There is a 2d sell out atv7pm. Early shows look about three quarters full.


Im at Brooklyn sitting in second row from front. 

You weren't kidding about Canadians loving the movies, damn. Where is the closest theater to that one B?

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3 minutes ago, terrestrial said:

You need to upload to a picture hosting website at first ( like Imgur, photobucket,... no costs)

and copy the link of the picture there directly into the post here and - important - hit enter afterwards


Thanks very much!!!



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The U.K. leads overseas with $146.9 million, where it's passed up Spectre ($145.1 million) to score the second-best showing of all time behind Skyfall ($161 million). Next up is Germany ($83.3 million), followed by France ($70.6 million), Japan ($55.7 million), Australia ($51.7 million), Spain ($28.4 million), Italy ($25.4 million),  Mexico ($24.8 million), South Korea ($23.2 million), Russia ($22.8 million) and Brazil ($21.7 million).



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2 hours ago, Telemachos said:

Hey, how about we debate something simpler: who was the better home run hitter, Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, or Barry Bonds? Clearly the numbers must show us a definitive answer, right?



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Babe ruth. He hit 60 when most teams combined couldn't hit 60

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Haha The-Numbers adjusted their chart appearance, but the line is not $800m but $750m (every $250m), it looks (to me) so wrong, I am too used to the $200m lines!


December releases + 2 summer releases

AvatarStar Wars Ep.VII: The ForceAwakensJurassic WorldThe AvengersThe Lord of theRings: TheReturn of theKingThe Hobbit: AnUnexpectedJourneyDaily Cumulative Domestic Box Office255075100125$250.000.000$500.000.000$750.000.000
Day Avatar Star Wars Ep. VII: The Force Awakens Jurassic World The Avengers The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Day: 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Day: 1 $26.752.099 $119.119.282 $81.953.950 $80.813.985 $34.450.834 $37.125.547
Day: 2 $52.281.135 $187.413.486 $151.598.780 $150.371.975 $51.470.821 $64.865.362
Day: 3 $77.025.481 $247.966.675 $208.806.270 $207.438.708 $73.282.370 $84.617.303
Day: 4 $93.411.301 $288.076.417 $234.151.090 $226.337.707 $100.774.423 $92.355.596
Day: 5 $109.497.762 $325.438.146 $258.493.605 $244.014.897 $124.100.534 $100.210.686
Day: 6 $125.943.053 $363.460.329 $278.389.075 $257.627.807 $137.663.742 $106.537.873
Day: 7 $137.094.051 $390.856.054 $296.211.655 $270.019.373 $150.139.984 $113.152.900
Day: 8 $160.189.097 $440.181.717 $325.326.090 $299.242.890 $157.684.384 $123.231.727
Day: 9 $188.463.503 $496.913.249 $364.438.555 $342.148.409 $171.670.604 $137.391.893
Day: 10 $212.711.184 $540.058.914 $402.800.095 $373.071.647 $190.822.800 $150.041.265
Day: 11 $232.129.323 $571.420.943 $414.366.320 $380.995.436 $208.072.067 $156.938.532
Day: 12 $250.419.951 $600.949.526 $427.496.780 $389.473.290 $222.268.708 $168.177.061
Day: 13 $268.886.074 $629.034.583 $436.936.980 $395.813.047 $232.759.000 $179.565.290
Day: 14 $283.624.210 $651.967.269 $445.840.805 $402.021.415 $241.937.000 $189.700.814
Day: 15 $308.898.218 $686.361.421 $460.533.690 $417.257.461 $249.400.000 $200.320.148
Day: 16 $334.733.769 $720.729.671 $483.013.980 $440.844.530 $262.230.583 $211.908.785
Day: 17 $352.114.898 $742.208.942 $500.373.420 $457.665.517 $272.832.713 $221.626.882
Day: 18 $360.209.452 $750.208.942 $506.899.800 $463.353.451 $283.395.934 $228.546.604
Day: 19 $367.536.685   $514.374.155 $468.271.215 $290.410.961 $238.001.325
Day: 20 $374.445.852   $520.362.305 $472.239.621 $292.793.000 $242.450.337
Day: 21 $380.540.297   $527.300.955 $476.684.788 $294.972.000 $246.289.507
Day: 22 $393.820.950   $539.128.560 $486.349.111 $296.894.000 $251.461.852
Day: 23 $415.090.487   $547.667.605 $500.415.495 $298.111.838 $259.090.870
Day: 24 $430.846.514   $556.542.980 $513.371.659 $301.700.000 $263.834.893
Day: 25 $435.957.707   $560.692.030 $523.907.202 $308.228.208 $265.146.005
Day: 26 $441.024.441   $565.531.445 $527.173.955 $312.320.936 $266.717.281
Day: 27 $445.768.203   $569.287.130 $529.688.996 $313.497.000 $267.891.777
Day: 28 $450.467.005   $572.538.320 $532.463.980 $314.716.000 $269.044.187
Day: 29 $460.861.269   $577.957.895 $538.105.622 $315.773.000 $271.393.243
Day: 30 $478.115.377   $585.390.455 $547.123.535 $316.592.632 $275.583.907
Day: 31 $493.252.617   $590.689.595 $552.950.398 $318.968.891 $278.212.618
Day: 32 $504.868.451   $592.840.220 $554.992.773 $323.583.085 $278.869.783
Day: 33 $509.059.398   $595.627.430 $557.214.486 $326.812.102 $279.689.070
Day: 34 $512.852.205   $597.829.670 $559.076.546 $329.040.393 $280.327.393
Day: 35 $516.797.418   $599.773.835 $561.050.725 $329.802.000 $280.989.741
Day: 36 $525.825.912   $603.031.100 $564.387.649 $330.401.000 $282.442.200
Day: 37 $542.151.962   $607.940.375 $568.934.514 $331.032.242 $285.262.419
Day: 38 $551.741.499   $611.228.810 $572.300.463 $332.500.000 $287.166.682
Day: 39 $554.981.691   $612.601.315 $573.685.968 $335.700.055 $288.613.051
Day: 40 $558.179.737   $614.331.250 $575.233.764 $337.817.998 $289.121.058
Day: 41 $561.317.325   $615.640.390 $576.583.182 $338.354.000 $289.530.240
Day: 42 $564.472.387   $616.902.775 $577.888.904 $338.910.000 $289.938.470
Day: 43 $571.911.813   $618.965.875 $580.095.059 $339.500.000 $290.655.265
Day: 44 $585.695.694   $621.941.500 $583.388.044 $340.021.012 $292.303.032
Day: 45 $595.752.416   $624.083.950 $586.794.371 $341.400.000 $293.323.831
Day: 46 $598.453.037   $625.009.700 $587.927.710 $344.131.995 $293.562.965
Day: 47 $601.141.551   $626.094.150 $589.091.616 $345.331.815 $293.831.138
Day: 48 $603.789.348   $626.920.500 $590.193.264 $345.735.000 $294.051.480
Day: 49 $606.493.323   $627.699.630 $591.247.781 $346.151.000 $294.292.520
Day: 50 $612.653.642   $628.770.350 $593.460.187 $346.532.000 $294.791.435
Day: 51 $624.193.440   $630.386.910 $596.501.976 $346.839.672 $295.799.649
Day: 52 $629.344.204   $631.601.030 $598.425.442 $347.700.000 $296.193.684
Day: 53 $631.595.771   $632.193.750 $599.387.534 $349.762.348 $296.348.737
Day: 54 $633.621.035   $632.834.270 $600.377.080 $351.133.343 $296.541.937
Day: 55 $635.470.349   $633.318.770 $601.215.735 $351.441.343 $296.696.970
Day: 56 $637.605.653   $633.726.780 $602.083.073 $351.727.000 $296.865.052
Day: 57 $642.146.324   $634.280.685 $603.388.594 $351.994.000 $297.174.579
Day: 58 $651.346.762   $635.114.340 $605.205.241 $352.277.575 $297.877.452
Day: 59 $661.217.278   $635.673.840 $606.504.744 $353.100.000 $298.333.426
Day: 60 $666.388.502   $635.936.805 $607.219.521 $355.035.095 $298.481.792
Day: 61 $668.224.829   $636.272.505 $607.764.276 $356.464.575 $298.609.930
Day: 62 $669.935.879   $636.513.090 $608.482.552 $357.367.856 $298.722.132
Day: 63 $671.721.154   $636.731.640 $608.959.760 $357.702.000 $298.884.345
Day: 64 $675.615.172   $637.067.430 $609.640.578 $358.001.000 $299.101.408
Day: 65 $683.071.751   $637.613.550 $610.558.801 $358.268.479 $299.527.804
Day: 66 $687.962.011   $637.971.480 $611.127.884 $358.900.000 $299.874.706
Day: 67 $689.237.048   $638.126.505 $611.389.326 $360.222.047 $300.161.285
Day: 68 $690.499.726   $638.322.290 $611.701.097 $361.118.934 $300.249.423
Day: 69 $691.701.910   $638.473.570 $611.973.433 $361.326.000 $300.322.891
Day: 70 $692.904.794   $638.620.980 $612.261.732 $361.541.000 $300.401.896
Day: 71 $695.981.544   $638.887.990 $612.657.166 $361.742.000 $300.532.101
Day: 72 $702.621.374   $639.307.200 $613.244.349 $361.940.947 $300.797.269
Day: 73 $706.560.068   $639.568.530 $613.660.486 $362.400.000 $300.952.379
Day: 74 $707.818.745   $639.663.325 $613.849.210 $363.400.000 $300.997.848
Day: 75 $709.304.322   $639.778.350 $614.070.615 $364.115.612 $301.044.732
Day: 76 $710.842.764   $639.872.800 $614.265.453 $364.392.000 $301.085.807
Day: 77 $712.489.342   $639.967.785 $614.438.014 $364.670.000 $301.134.992
Day: 78 $714.463.378   $640.760.745 $614.628.102 $364.913.000 $301.198.249
Day: 79 $718.126.396   $642.136.035 $614.883.015 $365.172.348 $301.324.866
Day: 80 $720.607.444   $642.978.555 $615.058.425 $366.000.000 $301.402.746
Day: 81 $721.425.412   $643.269.755 $615.156.789 $367.326.659 $301.424.668
Day: 82 $722.207.106   $643.579.580 $615.280.156 $368.210.170 $301.451.679
Day: 83 $722.954.237   $643.839.335 $615.373.694 $368.432.000 $301.473.018
Day: 84 $723.744.022   $644.043.640 $615.483.851 $368.661.000 $301.495.997
Day: 85 $725.429.879   $644.632.765   $368.873.000 $301.592.562
Day: 86 $728.329.714   $645.669.625   $369.126.293 $301.765.469
Day: 87 $730.270.443   $646.737.905 $615.996.809 $369.600.000 $301.874.933
Day: 88 $730.942.185   $647.374.160   $370.521.028 $301.921.098
Day: 89 $731.621.183   $647.516.055   $371.147.794 $301.976.034
Day: 90 $732.229.805   $647.626.080   $371.359.000 $302.023.697
Day: 91 $732.880.952   $647.728.195 $616.351.422 $371.590.000 $302.075.203
Day: 92 $733.938.158   $648.026.290   $371.790.000 $302.162.441
Day: 93 $735.684.163   $648.622.480   $372.008.809 $302.304.675
Day: 94 $736.907.957   $648.908.885 $616.768.487 $372.400.000 $302.393.021
Day: 95 $737.266.471   $648.990.715   $372.968.676 $302.421.626
Day: 96 $737.627.370   $649.084.725   $373.359.557 $302.454.449
Day: 97 $737.976.702   $649.160.275   $373.481.000 $302.485.958
Day: 98 $738.393.054   $649.224.035 $616.768.487 $373.603.000 $302.517.733
Day: 99 $738.919.556   $649.397.365   $373.721.000 $302.567.059
Day: 100 $739.798.846   $649.709.675   $373.850.755 $302.648.445
Day: 101 $740.440.529   $649.860.515 $617.039.310   $302.695.938
Day: 102 $740.684.275   $649.905.695     $302.715.735
Day: 103 $740.916.066   $649.958.405   $374.556.572 $302.738.507
Day: 104 $741.140.003   $650.010.785     $302.757.024
Day: 105 $741.352.439   $650.052.290 $617.446.423   $302.779.925
Day: 106 $741.699.502   $650.163.170     $302.805.622
Day: 107 $742.076.465   $650.359.290   $374.830.647 $302.833.169
Day: 108 $742.332.678   $650.442.740 $617.595.391   $302.849.493
Day: 109 $742.497.942   $650.465.295     $302.860.946
Day: 110 $742.605.267   $650.493.055   $375.204.550 $302.871.198
Day: 111 $742.721.098   $650.518.930     $302.880.835
Day: 112 $742.844.322   $650.539.750 $617.685.111   $302.893.299
Day: 113 $743.083.175   $650.621.115     $302.905.358
Day: 114 $743.448.904   $650.760.850   $375.378.000 $302.922.520
Day: 115 $743.688.973   $650.831.970 $617.800.446   $302.932.624
Day: 116 $743.767.458   $650.852.290     $302.935.557
Day: 117 $743.853.911   $650.875.150   $375.667.233 $302.938.604
Day: 118 $743.935.257   $650.896.740     $302.941.346
Day: 119 $744.020.453   $650.917.060 $617.849.893   $302.944.389
Day: 120 $744.275.947   $650.976.600 $618.233.009   $302.953.301
Day: 121 $744.750.989   $651.072.535 $618.921.193 $375.831.230 $302.966.623
Day: 122 $745.023.267   $651.128.985 $619.760.594   $302.975.075
Day: 123 $745.115.019   $651.157.740 $620.323.837   $302.976.741
Day: 124 $745.219.191   $651.175.845   $376.058.551 $302.978.573
Day: 125 $745.330.634   $651.193.850     $302.980.257


top of all time

AvatarStar Wars Ep.VII: The ForceAwakensTitanicJurassic WorldThe AvengersThe Dark KnightStar Wars Ep. I:The PhantomMenaceThe Avengers:Age of UltronDaily Cumulative Domestic Box Office255075100$250.000.000$500.000.000$750.000.000
Day Avatar Star Wars Ep. VII: The Force Awakens Titanic Jurassic World The Avengers The Dark Knight Star Wars Ep. I: The Phantom Menace The Avengers: Age of Ultron
Day: 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Day: 1 $26.752.099 $119.119.282 $8.658.814 $81.953.950 $80.813.985 $67.165.092 $28.542.349 $84.424.532
Day: 2 $52.281.135 $187.413.486 $19.330.827 $151.598.780 $150.371.975 $114.815.332 $40.850.267 $140.951.167
Day: 3 $77.025.481 $247.966.675 $28.638.131 $208.806.270 $207.438.708 $158.411.483 $59.317.780 $191.271.109
Day: 4 $93.411.301 $288.076.417 $34.216.343 $234.151.090 $226.337.707 $182.904.796 $83.731.903 $204.499.664
Day: 5 $109.497.762 $325.438.146 $40.219.462 $258.493.605 $244.014.897 $203.773.518 $105.661.237 $217.632.476
Day: 6 $125.943.053 $363.460.329 $43.790.807 $278.389.075 $257.627.807 $222.150.806 $116.542.509 $227.042.314
Day: 7 $137.094.051 $390.856.054 $52.969.336 $296.211.655 $270.019.373 $238.615.211 $124.723.784 $235.655.468
Day: 8 $160.189.097 $440.181.717 $65.091.634 $325.326.090 $299.242.890 $261.847.503 $132.475.660 $256.887.830
Day: 9 $188.463.503 $496.913.249 $77.558.089 $364.438.555 $342.148.409 $290.119.997 $140.005.822 $290.723.486
Day: 10 $212.711.184 $540.058.914 $88.425.009 $402.800.095 $373.071.647 $313.781.677 $153.537.561 $313.402.397
Day: 11 $232.129.323 $571.420.943 $96.367.529 $414.366.320 $380.995.436 $324.299.793 $172.868.341 $318.801.176
Day: 12 $250.419.951 $600.949.526 $104.380.438 $427.496.780 $389.473.290 $333.929.159 $191.405.863 $324.791.589
Day: 13 $268.886.074 $629.034.583 $112.594.173 $436.936.980 $395.813.047 $342.684.300 $207.099.058 $329.133.743
Day: 14 $283.624.210 $651.967.269 $124.152.693 $445.840.805 $402.021.415 $351.086.846 $212.558.695 $333.170.808
Day: 15 $308.898.218 $686.361.421 $135.851.554 $460.533.690 $417.257.461 $363.795.881 $217.854.543 $343.189.933
Day: 16 $334.733.769 $720.729.671 $148.578.179 $483.013.980 $440.844.530 $380.987.031 $222.866.471 $360.394.291
Day: 17 $352.114.898 $742.208.942 $157.467.971 $500.373.420 $457.665.517 $393.751.065 $231.211.000 $372.030.708
Day: 18 $360.209.452 $750.208.942 $160.490.242 $506.899.800 $463.353.451 $400.038.494 $245.100.000 $375.466.255
Day: 19 $367.536.685   $163.535.064 $514.374.155 $468.271.215 $405.699.734 $255.758.124 $378.486.835
Day: 20 $374.445.852   $166.376.415 $520.362.305 $472.239.621 $410.777.101 $259.677.495 $380.816.733
Day: 21 $380.540.297   $169.165.503 $527.300.955 $476.684.788 $415.511.467 $263.679.744 $383.170.479
Day: 22 $393.820.950   $176.903.653 $539.128.560 $486.349.111 $423.088.829 $267.491.901 $388.526.903
Day: 23 $415.090.487   $189.661.771 $547.667.605 $500.415.495 $433.591.072 $271.332.050 $396.813.139
Day: 24 $430.846.514   $197.881.813 $556.542.980 $513.371.659 $441.628.497 $278.007.000 $404.862.176
Day: 25 $435.957.707   $200.051.959 $560.692.030 $523.907.202 $445.370.695 $288.532.000 $411.369.385
Day: 26 $441.024.441   $202.438.123 $565.531.445 $527.173.955 $448.886.084 $296.964.911 $413.318.567
Day: 27 $445.768.203   $204.533.905 $569.287.130 $529.688.996 $451.888.386 $299.990.176 $414.747.982
Day: 28 $450.467.005   $206.734.370 $572.538.320 $532.463.980 $454.702.857 $303.061.673 $416.150.025
Day: 29 $460.861.269   $214.152.755 $577.957.895 $538.105.622 $459.640.812 $306.030.682 $419.033.597
Day: 30 $478.115.377   $226.510.099 $585.390.455 $547.123.535 $466.349.645 $309.213.848 $423.951.452
Day: 31 $493.252.617   $236.745.003 $590.689.595 $552.950.398 $471.082.150 $314.019.000 $427.551.427
Day: 32 $504.868.451   $242.748.914 $592.840.220 $554.992.773 $473.194.356 $321.399.000 $428.633.715
Day: 33 $509.059.398   $245.071.248 $595.627.430 $557.214.486 $475.342.688 $328.072.869 $429.894.783
Day: 34 $512.852.205   $247.148.224 $597.829.670 $559.076.546 $477.148.000 $330.443.466 $430.868.667
Day: 35 $516.797.418   $249.361.166 $599.773.835 $561.050.725 $478.874.461 $332.861.798 $431.813.896
Day: 36 $525.825.912   $256.392.349 $603.031.100 $564.387.649 $481.865.527 $335.088.273 $433.656.556
Day: 37 $542.151.962   $268.867.286 $607.940.375 $568.934.514 $486.339.697 $337.557.762 $436.312.967
Day: 38 $551.741.499   $274.599.886 $611.228.810 $572.300.463 $489.416.885 $341.328.000 $438.153.559
Day: 39 $554.981.691   $276.501.108 $612.601.315 $573.685.968 $490.600.141 $347.103.000 $438.901.113
Day: 40 $558.179.737   $278.423.536 $614.331.250 $575.233.764 $491.702.478 $351.669.681 $439.752.678
Day: 41 $561.317.325   $280.231.706 $615.640.390 $576.583.182 $492.688.931 $353.780.085 $440.471.543
Day: 42 $564.472.387   $282.193.031 $616.902.775 $577.888.904 $493.671.047 $356.021.057 $441.102.218
Day: 43 $571.911.813   $288.845.862 $618.965.875 $580.095.059 $495.812.401 $357.760.813 $442.166.874
Day: 44 $585.695.694   $300.809.839 $621.941.500 $583.388.044 $499.058.870 $359.875.311 $443.689.327
Day: 45 $595.752.416   $308.100.203 $624.083.950 $586.794.371 $502.293.926 $362.775.000 $444.777.275
Day: 46 $598.453.037   $309.605.750 $625.009.700 $587.927.710 $504.798.337 $366.595.000 $445.228.711
Day: 47 $601.141.551   $311.342.603 $626.094.150 $589.091.616 $505.417.800 $373.166.970 $445.730.903
Day: 48 $603.789.348   $312.791.354 $626.920.500 $590.193.264 $505.954.123 $373.166.970 $446.173.457
Day: 49 $606.493.323   $314.327.828 $627.699.630 $591.247.781 $506.482.539 $374.889.918 $446.599.953
Day: 50 $612.653.642   $320.040.276 $628.770.350 $593.460.187 $507.947.315 $376.272.871 $447.334.280
Day: 51 $624.193.440   $330.858.806 $630.386.910 $596.501.976 $510.683.335 $377.692.976 $448.375.514
Day: 52 $629.344.204   $337.355.666 $631.601.030 $598.425.442 $511.997.658 $379.718.000 $449.447.357
Day: 53 $631.595.771   $338.710.764 $632.193.750 $599.387.534 $512.374.922 $382.793.000 $449.772.697
Day: 54 $633.621.035   $340.217.288 $632.834.270 $600.377.080 $512.829.031 $385.184.373 $450.162.782
Day: 55 $635.470.349   $341.677.727 $633.318.770 $601.215.735 $513.238.453 $386.249.482 $450.479.161
Day: 56 $637.605.653   $343.394.297 $633.726.780 $602.083.073 $513.664.611 $387.465.405 $450.785.255
Day: 57 $642.146.324   $349.124.777 $634.280.685 $603.388.594 $514.780.719 $388.525.146 $451.267.668
Day: 58 $651.346.762   $362.173.488 $635.114.340 $605.205.241 $516.732.450 $389.553.609 $451.970.769
Day: 59 $661.217.278   $376.270.721 $635.673.840 $606.504.744 $517.792.764 $390.979.000 $452.474.193
Day: 60 $666.388.502   $376.270.721 $635.936.805 $607.219.521 $518.070.111 $393.354.000 $452.722.320
Day: 61 $668.224.829   $378.144.577 $636.272.505 $607.764.276 $518.376.320 $395.201.250 $452.963.254
Day: 62 $669.935.879   $379.772.544 $636.513.090 $608.482.552 $518.668.741 $396.049.197 $453.126.252
Day: 63 $671.721.154   $381.525.538 $636.731.640 $608.959.760 $518.974.853 $396.935.225 $453.345.278
Day: 64 $675.615.172   $386.765.500 $637.067.430 $609.640.578 $519.777.880 $397.748.777 $453.708.861
Day: 65 $683.071.751   $396.691.039 $637.613.550 $610.558.801 $521.169.518 $398.573.626 $453.978.249
Day: 66 $687.962.011   $402.561.881 $637.971.480 $611.127.884 $521.890.027 $399.614.000 $454.231.430
Day: 67 $689.237.048   $403.739.570 $638.126.505 $611.389.326 $522.106.180 $401.344.000 $454.371.768
Day: 68 $690.499.726   $405.030.767 $638.322.290 $611.701.097 $522.341.786 $402.770.726 $454.526.886
Day: 69 $691.701.910   $406.083.994 $638.473.570 $611.973.433 $522.573.036 $403.357.141 $454.662.989
Day: 70 $692.904.794   $407.350.832 $638.620.980 $612.261.732 $522.810.263 $404.005.833 $454.783.083
Day: 71 $695.981.544   $412.090.075 $638.887.990 $612.657.166 $523.237.138 $404.573.895 $454.911.384
Day: 72 $702.621.374   $421.465.040 $639.307.200 $613.244.349 $524.058.474 $405.176.312 $455.097.079
Day: 73 $706.560.068   $426.983.888 $639.568.530 $613.660.486 $524.474.684 $406.086.000 $455.238.847
Day: 74 $707.818.745   $428.046.153 $639.663.325 $613.849.210 $524.599.547 $407.551.000 $455.308.688
Day: 75 $709.304.322   $429.334.497 $639.778.350 $614.070.615 $524.740.642 $408.597.032 $455.392.002
Day: 76 $710.842.764   $430.387.008 $639.872.800 $614.265.453 $524.874.072 $409.084.394 $455.466.547
Day: 77 $712.489.342   $431.551.546 $639.967.785 $614.438.014 $525.003.174 $409.590.536 $455.530.368
Day: 78 $714.463.378   $435.915.654 $640.760.745 $614.628.102 $525.234.268 $410.076.929 $455.998.418
Day: 79 $718.126.396   $444.274.533 $642.136.035 $614.883.015 $525.625.565 $410.551.953  
Day: 80 $720.607.444   $449.157.395 $642.978.555 $615.058.425 $525.831.387 $411.147.000 $455.998.418
Day: 81 $721.425.412   $450.213.078 $643.269.755 $615.156.789 $525.904.670 $412.032.000  
Day: 82 $722.207.106   $451.454.765 $643.579.580 $615.280.156 $525.983.815 $412.775.151  
Day: 83 $722.954.237   $452.570.393 $643.839.335 $615.373.694 $526.068.474 $413.078.199  
Day: 84 $723.744.022   $453.867.325 $644.043.640 $615.483.851 $526.162.586 $413.454.282 $456.282.829
Day: 85 $725.429.879   $458.212.534 $644.632.765   $526.314.081 $413.789.230  
Day: 86 $728.329.714   $466.382.088 $645.669.625   $526.549.462 $414.126.705  
Day: 87 $730.270.443   $471.446.140 $646.737.905 $615.996.809 $526.690.914 $414.542.000 $456.612.713
Day: 88 $730.942.185   $472.768.103 $647.374.160   $526.783.113 $415.182.000  
Day: 89 $731.621.183   $474.244.924 $647.516.055   $526.831.522 $415.645.312  
Day: 90 $732.229.805   $475.716.582 $647.626.080   $526.880.947 $415.859.856  
Day: 91 $732.880.952   $477.349.092 $647.728.195 $616.351.422 $526.944.204 $416.112.048 $456.774.045
Day: 92 $733.938.158   $481.668.037 $648.026.290   $527.074.478 $416.349.911  
Day: 93 $735.684.163   $489.671.898 $648.622.480   $527.259.976 $416.579.492  
Day: 94 $736.907.957   $494.514.331 $648.908.885 $616.768.487 $527.356.352   $456.942.728
Day: 95 $737.266.471   $495.573.044 $648.990.715   $527.394.547    
Day: 96 $737.627.370   $497.178.479 $649.084.725   $527.441.809 $417.800.897  
Day: 97 $737.976.702   $498.610.790 $649.160.275   $527.482.905 $417.969.425  
Day: 98 $738.393.054   $500.049.030 $649.224.035 $616.768.487 $527.526.286 $418.165.536 $457.055.976
Day: 99 $738.919.556   $504.255.040 $649.397.365   $527.615.985 $418.337.535  
Day: 100 $739.798.846   $511.584.597 $649.709.675   $527.750.249 $418.513.721  
Day: 101 $740.440.529   $515.262.530 $649.860.515 $617.039.310 $527.822.235 $418.765.000 $457.177.917
Day: 102 $740.684.275   $516.040.845 $649.905.695   $527.847.433 $419.147.000  
Day: 103 $740.916.066   $517.059.359 $649.958.405   $527.878.017 $419.423.967  
Day: 104 $741.140.003   $517.947.471 $650.010.785   $527.909.624 $419.526.792  
Day: 105 $741.352.439   $518.873.058 $650.052.290 $617.446.423 $527.942.811 $419.647.257 $457.252.317
Day: 106 $741.699.502   $521.904.623 $650.163.170   $527.992.020 $419.746.342  
Day: 107 $742.076.465   $527.679.833 $650.359.290   $528.133.068 $419.846.896  
Day: 108 $742.332.678   $530.406.538 $650.442.740 $617.595.391 $528.213.279 $420.072.000 $457.358.116
Day: 109 $742.497.942   $531.180.656 $650.465.295   $528.241.353    
Day: 110 $742.605.267   $532.113.277 $650.493.055   $528.268.585 $421.381.756  
Day: 111 $742.721.098   $533.002.196 $650.518.930   $528.291.602 $421.381.756  
Day: 112 $742.844.322   $534.295.450 $650.539.750 $617.685.111 $528.315.892 $421.464.015 $457.413.387
Day: 113 $743.083.175   $537.565.583 $650.621.115   $528.376.324 $421.534.777  
Day: 114 $743.448.904   $541.058.281 $650.760.850   $528.476.214 $421.599.674  
Day: 115 $743.688.973   $542.853.691 $650.831.970 $617.800.446 $528.535.317 $421.758.000 $457.494.254
Day: 116 $743.767.458   $543.867.439 $650.852.290   $528.567.824 $422.063.000  
Day: 117 $743.853.911   $544.879.356 $650.875.150   $528.607.482 $422.252.998  
Day: 118 $743.935.257   $545.767.712 $650.896.740   $528.622.949 $422.303.394  
Day: 119 $744.020.453   $546.659.214 $650.917.060 $617.849.893 $528.640.736 $422.363.649 $457.529.323
Day: 120 $744.275.947   $548.811.012 $650.976.600 $618.233.009 $528.781.111 $422.422.693  
Edited by terrestrial
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3 minutes ago, terrestrial said:

The U.K. leads overseas with $146.9 million, where it's passed up Spectre ($145.1 million) to score the second-best showing of all time behind Skyfall ($161 million). Next up is Germany ($83.3 million), followed by France ($70.6 million), Japan ($55.7 million), Australia ($51.7 million), Spain ($28.4 million), Italy ($25.4 million),  Mexico ($24.8 million), South Korea ($23.2 million), Russia ($22.8 million) and Brazil ($21.7 million).



Japan's potentially looking at 3rd biggest territory behind China and UK. 


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3 minutes ago, druv10 Maul said:

Japan's potentially looking at 3rd biggest territory behind China and UK.

they had a 17% increase from weekend to weekend, I am sooo curious how leggy it might end there

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4 hours ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


Jesus, Prep the re-release with footage left on the floor or something, if for anything, to cross the 1B Mark so no other movie will do it EVER..


Honestly, as much as I would like to see this force of nature jumping the 1 Billion mark, I want to see it jumping it "legit" on its first running period. Means no tricks like a special edition, or a Rogue One trailer added or such. Just imagine all the bickering and picking on from... certain people if... one of three certain movies would not make it to TFA's no. 1 spot. Also, just imagine all the bickering and picking on from... certain people if... one of three certain movies would make it to TFA's no. 1 spot, despite TFA resorting to such measures.


No, hit the sweet spot on the first try or don't hit it at all. Just my humble point of view.

Edited by incognitoo
correcting typo
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13 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

Oh you mean @Rth's employer? :D what did they say?


Basically I sent an email regarding Box Office Essentials a few months ago. I did an interview basically that will determine if they give me access to it. I work for The Metropolitan Opera which has Fathom events in theaters or what not and that's also tracked. The guy doing the interview even told me current data for today for Star Wars which I'm supposed to keep to myself for the time being(Not worth posting). I think I will be approved and so does he. However, getting The Metropolitan Opera to pay won't be easy. Also, I'm sure someone at my company already has access to it.

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3 hours ago, Baumer said:


Well, nothing is a lock to get a best picture nod, I get that.  But the last two films that set the all time domestic record got best picture nominations and in 93 when Jurassic Park did as well, it too got a slew of nods, granted no best picture nod but they rewarded Spielberg with Schindler's List, so no need to go for JP.  I know it's not locked, but imo, it will get a nod.


Also Jaws, Star Wars and E.T. got a BP nominations. All the movies that broke the DOM or WW record in the last 4 decades got a BP nom except Jurrasic Park. If Spielberg didn't have Schindler's List that year, I think JP would make it in too.

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