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3 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

Agreed. I'd say Interstellar is better but that last hour ruins it.

Yeah that's my issue with Interstellar too. Ironically right around the time Matt Damon shows up (or when Michael Caine gave his death speech - the twist)

The Martian was really entertaining from start to finish. It never lost momentum. 

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As a CBM mark, I'm enjoying their temporary ascendancy. The fact that their success has gone this far is great. 

Inarittu is a good filmmaker. His jabs against a genre I love are a pisser. He diminishes the craft he pontificates about to promote his view. He certainly isn't being hurt on the current scene. 

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3 minutes ago, DarthWalker said:

No I think there is a conspiracy within select elite players to destroy the genre

Think about what's happened since birdman

Irratu made his hateful comments
AOU fails to meet expectations
Antman crumbles
Websites everywhere are flooded with worries of superhero fatigue
Talk begins that they may end uplike westerners soon
A Bourne movie pulls ahead of an MCU move in an anticipation poll

Someone's coming after cbms and they're coming in hard

In honor of the Golden Globes tonight:



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9 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Does anyone really believe that Inarittu hates superhero movies? Like, has he even gone on record for stating such? Because given the number of directors who have come forth saying they enjoy freakin' Michael Bay movies, I'm hard-pressed to believe he doesn't find plenty of pleasure from "junk food cinema" too lol. Besides, Birdman wasn't even really anti-CBM movie (you could argue that it was more anti-New York Critic lol), the Michael Keaton character in it mostly looks back on his superhero past with a wistful "my best days are behind me" glance.


There s an entire interview of him where he bashes current Hollywood & superhero movies.


Inaritu's smugness.


It s true.


All of it.

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4 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

Visually there is zero question guys Gravity is my favorite of the 3 (by far the 2nd best 3D movie of all time), but as far as an overall film my rankings go (& I'm a huge Nolan fan too) The Martian> Gravity>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interstellar.

Yeah as far as which one I'd want to watch again, that's fair. Gravity doesn't have as much power without the 3D. But with it on a 50 foot screen...what an unbelievable experience from the visuals to sound design.

That is the best 3D movie of all time to me (I know many rank this as Avatar).

If I were at home though, I'd want to watch The Martian over it though.

Edited by somebody85
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4 minutes ago, FilmBuff said:

Ahh yes. The so called cbm fatigue. This argument has been proven false numerous time, I wish people would stop talking about it. It ain't happening.

It is & will happen, everyone will see by the time phase 3 is over for Marvel & Justice League flops. 

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2 minutes ago, FilmBuff said:

Ahh yes. The so called cbm fatigue. This argument has been proven false numerous time, I wish people would stop talking about it. It ain't happening.

This year is going to be rough for the cbm fatigue arguments when Civil War and BvS both way underperform the outlandish expectations due to an overcrowded slate for the genre this year. 

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Actually kind of like the film winners for once. (Though I do wish they were not so political anymore at these-I sometimes wish I could skip the hosts even with there endless political parts-though I don't watch the Globes)

I was actually surprised more by Steve Jobs-I was about to take it out of supporting actress and thought it had little chance at a screenplay nod.

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